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1. The United States of America, also called America, the States, the U(nited)S(tates), or Uncle Sam.2. Hawaiian islands, composed of eight large islands and many small islands, lies far out in the Pacific.3. The population of the United States is a bit more than 272 million.4. Today more than 80% of Americans live in urban areas.5. The framers relied on four political principles that finally gave birth to a new political order. these principles were republicanism, federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances.(美国制定宪法的原则)6. The American Constitution itself is just 4,300 words, but these words are the basic of American national government.7. Divided the government into three bunches: Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Judicial branch.8. Today, the presidents exercise their powers chiefly throw The White House Office.9. In 1801, Thomas Jefferson became the first President to be inaugurated in Washington D.C.10. Education is engine that drives the American dream of success.11. 4 features of elementary and secondary education: universality, decentralization, comprehensiveness, professionalism.12. Political parties are organizations that seek to achieve power by owning public.13. Homeownership is an integral part of the American dream.14. There are more 2600 regular magazines in America.15. All judges are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, with a simple majority of senators present required for confirmation.16. 1.What is the primary reason most Americans live in fear?The primary reason most Americans live in fear is not crime itself but violence.17. Historians agree it is sensible to divide American society into upper, middle, and working classes.18. U.S government plays an important role in the economic.19. The most populous states in 1999 were California, Texas, New York, Florida, and Illinois. 20. According to the U.S government, a family is those people who live with others to whom they are related by blood, marriage, and adoption.21. More than thirty thousand people serve as judges in the United States.22. The primary reason most Americans live in fear is not crime itself but violence.23. Violent crime is a major problem in localized arrears of inner cities.24. Although the constitution declares the separation of Church and State, religion has always pervaded American political life.25. 86% of Americans say they believed in God.26. When the ship enters New York Harbor, visitors can see the Statue of Liberty, which is regarded as symbol of America.27. Conservative is believed to be the typical character of the British.28. The British state is made up of England, Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland.29. The total population of the United Kingdom is around 60 million.30. The teenager years in Britain are characterized as a time of questioning attitudes, beliefs and values.31. Faithfulness is seen by many to be the most important aspect of a good marriage.32. In Britain the academic year is divided into three terms of about 12 week each.33. About 70% of 16 year old pupils choose to continue in full-time education.34. Work generally refers to regular paid employment.35. Trade Unions negotiate with management to try to get better pay and conditions for their members.36. The “rule of law”, ”natural law” and “natural justice” are basic principle of English law.37. Crimes are activities determined by the state to be criminal, and state can punish those who offend against the law.38. Christianity is the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ.39. The church of England was established in 1534. King Henry VIII wanted to obtain permission from the pope divorce his queen.40. The British Parliament consists of the two chambers. The House of Loads and the House of commons.41. There are now three main parties in Britain, though only two of these have a real chance of forming a government.42.The police provide a service to the community and considered as a force with a primary function of enforcing the criminal law. That is the role of the British police.43. Citizens are allowed to complain about the conduct of any police officer and any wrongful treatment they may have had from the action of the police.44. Shakespeare added more phrases and sayings to the English Language than anyone else. ”To be or not to be: that is question.” Is quoted from Hamlet.45. Many of the great iconic buildings of London were built in the Victorian Period.46. The Jewish community in British is the second largest in Europe and has about 350 congregations.47. The successful applicant will then be offered a contract which will specify pay, conditions of work and the responsibilities of both the employer and employee.48. Young people often have a part-time job while they are still at school.49. The Ten Commandments are found in the Bible and central to both the Jewish and Christian faiths.50. An immoral rule can never be made into a real law simply by being passed through a national legisla
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