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Different Table Manners in China and the WestFood is so fundamental to our life so that all the other aspects of our living are influenced by and built on it. Healthy daily meals ensures physical fitness for us to work and play. The diet has become part of the culture. As culture various from country to country, so do table manners. It is helpful for us to learn table manners in different countries, because there are more and more international exchanges in the globalized world and banquet is an important part in such communication.Diet plays an important role in both China and Western countries, but table manners vary from country to country. In China, banquet ceremony has become an indispensable part of peoples lives. When a child is born, parents will invite friends and relatives to host a cerebration, Later on, when the child is one month old and one hundred days old, similar celebrations will be held. During the process of growing up, parents will hold a birthday party for their children every year. Even when one passes away, funeral dinners will be offered by descendants to the deceased. On occasions such as settlement of an issue and promotion, Chinese people will invite friends to dinner for celebration and exchange. In short, banquet performs many social functions for Chinese people. Unlike Chinese, people in western countries do not attach much importance to social functions of diet. They think that diet ensures normal function of human body. They care more about the benefits of food than its socialization roles.Table manners are closely associated with the characteristics of Chinese and western banquets. There are some similarities in table manners of China and the West. These rules show the consensus between Chinese and Westerners on the proper way of eating. For example, it is impolite for diners to smoke at table. Smoking is harmful to peoples health and considered rude at banquet, unless permitted. It is advisable for people to sit straight up at the table to make a good impression on others. Dinners should not talk with each other when their mouth is full. It is politealthough there are some similarities in table manners, more obvious differences exist between Chinese and Western table manners. Chinese people pay much attention to the content and arrangement of dinner. They usually provide ten or more main courses at a formal banquet. The more pompous the dishes are prepared, the more the hosts hospitality and the higher the hosts status. In western countries, a banquet consists of no more than six dishes, and it is similar to common dinner. In the U.S., friends may contribute to a dinner. They take their dishes to share with each other amidst joyful exchange of ideas. What really counts is the relaxed and cheerful atmosphere at dinner. Clearly, western banquet symbolizes freedom and relaxation.In China, any banquet, no matter for what purpose, is held in the same way .That is, people sit around a round table eating, drinking and chatting. This creates an atmosphere of unity, happiness and politeness. Delicious dishes are put in the center of the people and naturally become the media by which people exchange their feelings and emotions. They toast to each other and drink to their hearts content. It is a symbol of great union among Chinese people. In the west, people have their dinner in a completely different way. They never eat food which is put in the same plate or bowl .Each of them has his/her own share of the food placed in his/her own plate .This displays individualism in Western culture. Westerners encourage individual freedom and independence. Though they also sit around a table, each of them has his/her own set of tableware and own share of dish. In this way they do not interfere each other. It seems somewhat cheerless and cold, though it is healthy and clean. The individual has more say on the dish they choose. For example, when you go to a western restaurant and ask for a share of steak, the cook may probably ask you questions like: would you like roasted steak or fried steak. how long do you want your steak cooked etc. The cook will prepare the steak strictly according to your request. Besides, seasons are usually put on the table for guests to choose.Before dinner, seat should be arranged by some rules. The seating order is different between China and the West. In China, senior people or people of higher social status are often assigned the seat of honor, for it is customary to arrange seat according to social rank and seniority. In feudal society, Chinese women had not a single right and were not respected at all. They were, of course, not allowed to attend a banquet. But this situation has changed a lot, as women have been paid due respect now. Today, Chinese women do go to a banquet, they, however, often, play a minor role at table, especially when going along with their husbands. Unlike Chinese, Westerners follow different rules. They adopt the code of “ladies firs
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