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Unit 7 SeasonsWelcome to the unitTeaching Aims:. 1. To learn the new words and phrases 2. Talk about some natural disasters.Step 1. Presentation1. Show some pictures to learn some words .2. Then read aloud the new words. foggy, rainy, snowyStep 2.Do some exercises.1. Do Part A on page 81.2. Check the answers.Step 3. Listen and answer 1. Listen to the tape and answer the follow questions.1) What does Eddie ask hobo to do?2) Is it cold today?3) Does hobo think Eddie look cool?2. Read the dialogue after the recorder. 3. Read the dialogue in pairs.4. Act it out.Step 4. Listening.1. Listen to part B and answer the following question. 1) Which season does Simon like best?2) Whats the weather like in Autumn?3) What can Amy do in summer?2. Read after the recorder.3. Pratice in pairs.4. Act it out.Step 5. Explanation1. Bring me my clothes, Hobo.bring 带来take 带走 e.g. Please bring me my coat.Take your book home after school 2. Youll look cool and feel cool with nothing on!look cool 看起来酷3. Which season do you like best, Simon?Which is your favourite season?like best / favourite 最喜欢e.g. I like spring best My favourite season is spring.Step 6. Exercises根据汉语提示或所给词的正确形式填空。1.There are four _ (季节) in a year.2.There is a lot of _ (雪) in summer here.3.-What was the weather like yesterday?-It was_ (fog) and _(wind). 4.Its _ (rain) outside. You should take an umbrella.翻译下列句子。1. 外面太冷了,把我的外套拿来。2. 你穿这件外套看起来很酷。3. 你最喜欢哪个季节?Homework:1. Remember the new words and phrases in the lesson.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.Reading Teaching Aims:1. Learn some new words.2. According to the pictures, keywords and context speculate the main ideas.3. Practise reading skills by learning “Seasons of the year”.4. Learn the language points in this article.Step 1. PresentationPresent the new words with pictures and read them aloud.butterfly n. 蝴蝶shower n. 阵雨,阵雪memory n. 记忆,回忆 stream n. 小河,溪流shade n. 阴凉处,树荫处harvest vt. / vi. 收割,收获crop n. 庄稼temperature n. 温度drop vt . / vi. 下降,落下rise vi. 升起,上升Step 2. Listening1. Listen to text and answer the questions.1) Why do the birds fly away in winter?2) Which season is the perfect time to fly kites?3) How does the weather change when autumn comes?2. Check the answers.Step 3. Reading1. Read the poem and finish part B1.1) Snow rhymes with _2) Away rhymes with _3) Bright rhymes with _4) Flowers rhymes with _5) Days rhymes with _6) Pool rhymes with _7) Brown rhymes with _8) Crops rhymes with _9) Begin rhymes with _2. Read again and finish part B2 on page 83 and B3、B4 on page 84.3. Check the answers Step 4. Explanation1. Winter days are full of snow.be full of = be filled with 充满e.g. The library are full of students .= The library are filled with students.图书馆里学生满满的。2. When trees and flowers forget to grow.forget to do sth. 忘记做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事e.g. Dont forget to turn off the light. 别忘了关灯。I forgot reading the book. 我忘记了以前读过这本书。 3. The days of spring are windy and bright.the days of spring/summer/autumn/winter春天/夏天/秋天/冬天的日子e.g. The days of spring are windy and bright.4. Those sweet memories of summer days,sweet memories of 的甜蜜的记忆e.g. She has many sweet memories from her childhood.她的童年有许多美好的回忆。 5. Fall in piles upon the ground. 一堆堆的掉在地面上。pile n. 堆e.g. We put the books in piles on the floor. 我们把书在地板上堆起来。 6. harvest crops 收获庄稼e.g. Farmers work to harvest crops .农民工作是为了收获庄稼。Step 5. Exercises根据句意和首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。1. There are many bees and b_ playing among flowers. 2. In summer, there are a lot of s_ . 3. Those sweet m_ of summer days, are all about quiet s_ and trees and shade.4. The autumn leaves fall in p_ upon the ground . 5. The days are shorter and the t_ drops in autumn. Step 6. DiscussionWhich season do you like best? Why?Step 7. Homework 1. Recite this poem.2. Remember the new words and expressions in this lesson.GrammarTeaching aims:1. To recognize verbs and sentence structures.2. To become familiar with the verbs and sentence structure.Step 1. PresentationEnjoy the picture and present the new words.Step 2. Explanation句子结构1.Subject (S) + verb (V) 主语 动词 The temperature drops.The birds are flying.2.Subject + linking verb + PredicativeS + V + P主语 系动词 表语3.Subject + verb + Direct Object (sth.)S + V + DO主语 动词 直接宾语(物)4.Subject + verb +Indirect Object +Direct Object S + V + IO + DO 主语 +动词 +间接宾语(人) + 直接宾语(物) 5.Subject + verb +Direct Object +Object complementS + V + DO + OC主语 +动词 +直接宾语( 物) +宾语补足语Step 3. Exercises1. Do part A on page85. 2. Check the answers. Step 4.Do more exercises写出下列句子的句子结构1. She laughed.2. He bought a T-shirt. 3. Jay named his dog Bobby.4. She
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