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The man who conquers / dominates vocabulary is unconquerable / indomitable.Word StudyStems and Affixes(prefix; suffix)One way to discover the meaning of an unfamiliar word is word analysis, that is, looking at the meanings of parts of words. Many English words have been formed by combining parts of older English, Greek, and Latin words. If you know the meanings of some of these word parts, you can often guess the meaning of an unfamiliar English word, particularly in context. For example, report is formed from re, which means back, and port, which means carry. Scientist is derived from sci, which means know, and ist, which means one who. Port and sci are called stems. A stem is the basic part on which groups of related words are built. Re and ist are called affixes, that is, word parts that are attached to stems. Affixes like re, which are attached to the beginning of stems, are called prefixes. Affixes attached to the end, like ist, are called suffixes. Generally, prefixes change the meaning of a word and suffixes change its part of speech. Here is an example: Stem pay (verb) honest (adjective)Prefix repay (verb) dishonest (adjective)Suffix repayment (noun) dishonestly (adverb)Word analysis is not always enough to give you the precise definition of a word you encounter in a reading passage, but often along with context it will help you to understand the general meaning of the word so that you can continue reading without stopping to use a dictionary. Prefixes: in, il, im, ir, un: noteg.: impossible, impatient, immobile, immortal, impolite, immature, inactive, invisible, inflexible, illegal, illiberal, illegible, illogical, illiterate, illegitimate, irregular, irreconcilable, inflammable, invaluable, unconcerned, unclean, unconditional, unconfirmed, unconsciousmicro: smalleg. : microscope, microcomputer, microfilm, microphone, microbe, microbiology, microchip, microcosmpre: beforeeg.: prepare, prehistoric, prerecord, preset, preview, previous, preventfore: beforeeg.: forearm, forebear, forecast, forefront, foresight, foreword, foreshadow, foregoing, foremostante: before eg.: anterior, antecedents(前因;经历;祖先), antedate, ante meridian(a.m.)post: after eg.: postmortem, postscript(p.s.), postdate, post meridian, postgraduateretro: back, againeg.: retrospect, retrocede(后退;交还), retrogress(倒退;退化), retrograde(倒退的;退化的)inter: betweeneg.: international, interweave, intersect, interrupt, interplay, interpose(干预;插入), interlude(插曲;穿插), intermediary, intervene(干涉;调停), interviewcontra, contro, anti: againsteg.: contrary, contrast, contradiction, controversy, contravene(抵触;违反;反驳;否认) , anti-war, antifreeze, antibody, antibiotics, antidote, antisocial, antiaircraft, anticancerbi: two eg.: bicycle, binary, bilateral , biennial, bicentennial, bimonthly, bilingual, bifacial, bigamya, an: without, lacking, noteg.: atypical, apolitical, atheist, asymmetric, anarchysemi: halfeg.: semicircle, semiannual, semimonthly, semiconscious, semiskilled, semi-centennial, semisweet, semifinal, semi-diameteruni: oneeg.: unicycle, uniform, universe, unify, unique, unitymono: one, aloneeg.: monarch, monopoly, monorail, monosyllable,monotonoustri: threeeg.: triangle, tricar, trio, trinitymulti: manyeg.: multiple, multiply, multiangular, multidimensional, multiindustry, multiform, multicolored, multilingualpoly: manyeg.: polygamy, polycrystal, polymolecular, polytheism, polyunsaturated(多重不饱和脂肪酸), polymathextra : outsideeg.: extracurricular, extraneous, extravagant, extraordinary, extraterrestrialde: down; away fromeg.: depress, decline, decrease, demean, debase, debauch, degrade, detrain, depart, decompose, decode, deconstruct, decontrol, defrost, decompress, deconcentrate,decontaminate, deflower, defoam, dehumidify, demist, degas, e, ex: out; formereg.: emigrate, evoke, exhibit, expel, eminent, exclusive, elite, ex-wife, ex-presidentintro: withineg.: introduce, introspect, introvertsuper: above, greater, bettereg.: supermarket, superior, superpower, supersonic, supervisorbene: goodeg.: benefit, benefactor, benefaction, beneficent, beneficence, benevolent, beneficiary(n. 受益人)mal: evil;pooreg.: malediction, malefactor, malice, malicious, malign(v. 诽谤,中伤), malnutrition, maladjusted, malevolent, malformation, malfunction, maltreatmis: bad(ly), wrong(ly) eg.: misbelief, misdeed, mishandle, misstep, misfire, mislay, mislead, misspellby: aside, apart from the common, secondaryeg.: byroad, byproduct, by-effect, bymotive, byword, bylaw, bynameout: beyond, more than eg.: outrage, outreach, outgoing(超过;优于;外向的), outgrow, outguess(看透;智胜), outwit(以智取胜), outrun, outspoken, outlawover: too eg.: overdose, oversupply, overburden, overestimate, overshadow, overwhelm, overconfident, overgenerousunder: beneath, insufficient(ly) eg.: undergraduate, underpayment, undersign, understatement, underline, undersell(抛售), underprice(将定价调低;削价抢生意), underdeveloped, underproduce,
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