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Unit 6, Book I1Language Study#Para 1intelligence: n. ability to learn and understand 智力e.g. artificial intelligence 智能模拟, 人工智能 intelligence quotient 智商John showed high / low intelligence from an early age.Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence. Second marriage is the triumph of hope over experience. 结婚是想象战胜了理智,再婚是希望战胜了经验。 (by Oscar Wilde) information about the secret activities of foreign governments, the military plans of an enemy etc 情报e.g. intelligence agent / agency commercial intelligence 商业情报controversy : n. a lot of discussion and argument about sth., often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval (followed by over or about) 争论,争议e.g. be engage in a controversy with against sb. on about sth. 和某人就某事进行争论This is a question that has given rise to much controversy (引起许多争论). (cause / provoke / arouse controversy)beyond / without controversy 无可争议 ,无疑,不消说A new mother with an eye for a business opportunity amid the poison milk scandal (毒奶粉事件) has stirred controversy by offering to breast-feed other children - at a price.adj. controversiale.g. a controversial question 引起争论的问题surround: vt. be or go all around (sth. or sb.)围绕;包围e.g. 他的身边总是被崇拜者围绕着。Hes s always been surrounded by people who adore him. 这种新药引起了不少争议。A great deal of controversy has surrounded the new drug.surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的surroundings n. 周围的事物, 环境 e.g. social surroundings 社会环境consciousness: n. 意识,知觉e.g. consciousness of responsibility 责任感Mans social being determines his consciousness. 人的社会存在决定其意识。lose / recover ones consciousness 失去 / 恢复知觉explore: vt.1) examine thoroughly; learn about 探索;研究e.g. We must explore all the possibilities for the solution of the problem. 我们必须探讨解决这个问题的所有可能性。2) travel over (a region, area, etc.) for the purpose of discovery 勘探;探险e.g. explore the Antarctic regions 南极地区考察探险explore for oil / minerals / gold etc 勘探石油 / 矿物 / 黄金Unit 6, Book I2n. exploration e.g. geological exploration 地质勘探Wondering whether there might be better ways to explore animal intelligence than experiments designed to teach human signs, I realized what now seems obvious: if animals can think, they will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to. (para1)Structure subject: I object: What now seems obviouswondering: 伴随状语 ifthey: 宾语同位语serve the sb.s purpose: to be useful or helpful for a particular purpose or reason 符合需要; 解决问题; 适用Translation 在考虑是否会有比设计教动物人类手势语的试验更好的方式探索动物智能时,我悟出了现在看来是显而易见的一点:如果动物能思维,他们会在能为自己所用的时候,而不是在科学家让它们思维的时候做出最佳思维。#Para 2encounter: vt. to experience something, especially problems or opposition 遭遇;遇到encounter problems / difficulties / opposition / resistancee.g. The government has encountered strong opposition to its plans to raise income tax.There is no one major influence in a persons life. Instead, the traits we inherit from our parents and the situation and experiences that we encounter in life are constantly interacting. It is the interaction of the two that shapes a persons personality and dictates how that personality develops.Regardless of how much success one has had in school or at work, there are bound to be times when he or she will encounter difficulties and problems. 无论一个人在学校或工作中曾经如何成功,终有一天他会遭遇困难和问题。 to meet someone without planning to 偶然遇见(尤指陌生人)e.g. It was rare that she encountered interesting people through her work.CF: meet with, bump into / run into (指熟人) n. an unexpected encounter 不期而遇e.g. My first encounter with real racism came as a shock.Taiwans vice president-elect said Friday he hoped to melt the ice with China in an historic encounter with Chinese President Hu Jintao expected here following decades of animosity. 台湾新选副总统周五说,在多年的不合后,希望通过他与中国主席胡锦涛的历史性会晤缓和与中国大陆的关系。convince: vt. to make someone feel certain that something is true 使确信, 使信服e.g. How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly?The government is trying to convince the public that its getting tough on corruption.Another passenger convinced her to leave the plane, which was quickly filling with a choking smoke. Unit 6, Book I3(convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人 )convince sb. by sound arguments 以理服人Hillary Clinton expected to rally support for Obama Senator Hillary Clinton will seek to convince her ardent primary supporters to fall in line behind presumptive nominee Barack Obama on the second day of the Democratic National Convention in the western US city of Denver. 希拉里克林顿希望拉拢人们支持奥巴马民主党全国代表大会在美国西部城市丹佛举行,会议的第二天,参议员希拉里克林顿将发表讲话,呼吁她的铁杆支持者们转而支持该党提名候选人巴拉克奥巴马。adj. convinced 确信的,深信的;convincing 令人信服的;能说服人的e.g. 陪审团最终相信她是清白的。In the end the jury was convinced of her innocence. 调查人员还没有找到有说服力的犯罪动机。Investigators have not found a convincing motive for the crime.feat: n. something that is an impressive achievement, because it needs a lot of skill, strength etc to do技艺,功绩e.g. remarkable / considerable / incredible etc featsperform / accomplish / achieve a featcaptivity: n
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