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1Book 5- Module 1 1. havein common 2. linguist 3. make a difference 4. accent5. obvious 6. motorway7. underground 8. subway9. get around 10. flashlight11. queue 12. confusing 13. preposition 14. compare 15. omit 16. variety17. differ 18. settler19. be similar to 20. remark21. variation 22. have difficulty (in) doing sth. 23. steadily 24. satellite25. flick 26. switch27. lead to 28. Structure 29. rapidly 30. announcement31. linguistics 32. edition33. cute 34. add 35. in favor of 36. present37. refer to .as . 38. attempt39. simplify 40. combination41. thanks to 42. distinctive43. look 44. criticize45. standard 46. reference Book 5- Module 2 1. Intellectual 2. 2. satisfying3. Stressful 4. accountant5. barber 6. biochemist7. electrician 8. miner9. volunteer 10. offer11. signal 12. in particular13. sheer 14. on average15. in theory 16.in practice17. respect 18. toll19. bend 20. circular21. direct 22. pass by23. take for granted 24. encounter25. profound 26. have an effect on 27. mission 28. qualified29. take up 30. vertical231. take notice of 32.temporary33. freezer 34. freeze35. contract 36. earn37. permanent 38. salary39. staff 40. sign41. agent 42. agent43. analyst 44. apply45. deduction 46. organization47. post 48. chef49. require 50. renewable51. essential 52. model53. shot 54. in response to 55. grateful 56. available57. database 58. demand59. bioinformatician 59. traditional60. youngster 61. suffer62. pathologist 63. double 64. leisure 65. individual66. fitness 67. outgoing 68. personality Book5Module31biography 2. fantasy3. have connection with 4. detective 5. solve 6. murderer7. account 8. run away9.companion 10. raft11. pour 12. shelter13. paddle 14. lie15. panic 16. curious17. tie 18. rope19. beard 20. fright21. crawl 22. terrified23. trunk 24. play a trick on sb.25. make up 26. outline27. disturb 28. comedy29. romantic 30. fiction31. review 32. be/feel in the mood for sth.33. set in 34. resemble35. create 36. exception37. warn 38. shallow339. adolescent 40. determined41. make ones fortune 42. set off43. penny 44. force45. pilot 46. vivid47. establish 48. reputation Book5Module41. carnival 2. 2. Christian4. ghost 5. 4. costume5. hide 6. 6. confusion7. extend 8. 8. pretend9. come to an end 10. 10. dress up11. firearm 12. 12. empire13. memory 14. 14. memory15. revive 16. council17. book 18. wander19. elegant 20. magic21. era 22. calendar23. dove 24. bean25. flour 26. garlic27. onion 28. pea29. pork 30. pork31. sausage 32. consist of33. herb 34.ingredient35. relaxing 36. whistle37. tasty 38. parade39. multicultural 40. plantation41. mark
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