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1实用翻译期末复习翻译练习一(英译汉): 一、将下列句子译成汉语:1. Its more a poem than a picture.1. 与其说那是一幅画,不如说那是一首诗。2. He drank himself out of the best lines.2. 他借酒写得好诗句。3. He pretends to be as modest as anything.4. Fire goes wherever it can, but it prefers to follow a draft.5. The room was easily traced by the noise that was coming from it.6. Taking care to pitch my voice to politeness, I asked about the next busto Hattiesburg.7. If you feel depressed at a social gathering, keep it a secret.8. The bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at both extremes ofage.9. He wants a lawyer who understands his case, who sympathizes with him and who has been there himself.10. World-famous for his works he was never personally well known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity.11. She couldnt have come at a better time.12. She has been a widow only six months.13. I believe the speech was needlessly stubborn.14. The Macedonian argument has a Greek dimension too.15. The Englishman feels no less deeply than any other nationality.216. From a physical standpoint, there ought to be as many colours asthere are different wave lengths.17. But the next century well be able to alter our DNA radically, encoding our visions and vanities while concocting new life-forms.18. As a human being, we should demonstrate our intellectual and moral superiority by respecting others for who they are - instead of rejecting them for who/what they are not. 19. He who idles away the time is nothing but a living death.20. No greater misfortune befalls a country than to be governed by a tyrant.21. He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession.22. The expectation of collision informed British frontier policy in this period.23. Every day now, the suppression of truth and the organizing of public ignorance shame journalism.24. I walked to the ticket counter. When the ticket-seller saw me, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so.25. Accident may put a decisive blunderer in the right, but eternal defeat and miscarriage must attend the man of the best parts, if cursed with indecision.26. In their rush, these companies have neglected the hardest part of doing business in China: the people part. The result is that many have jeopardized their performance in the long run. 327. Let it deceive them, then, a little longer; it cannot deceive them too much.28. We shall never get anywhere with all the criticism and fault finding. I believe in the principle Live and let live.29. He said that no one could beat him at tennis, but he had to eat his word after losing several games. 30. I had read too many novels and had learned too much at school not to know a good deal about love. 31. In fact, one office-system expert recently said that he had yet to encounter a business work place that was functioning at more than 60 percent efficiency.32. Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and serious faults. 33. There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman) to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it. 34. We are human and human beings are far from perfect. To be human implies that we will make mistakes. But its more than that we feel human. We now feel entitled. 35. She showered us with telegrams. 36. Your comment is more bravely made than correct.37. The man, more dead than alive, was brought in and locked in the cellar.38. Civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to 4proof.39. There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.40. It was a dry, cold hand, and the grip was severe, with more a feeling of bones in it than friendliness. (翻译练习一 英译汉)参考答案:一、将下列句子译成汉语: 1. 与其说那是一幅画,不如说那是一首诗。2. 他借酒写得好诗句。3. 他装得极为谦虚。4. 火是无孔不入的,可是它更爱窜入通风的地方。5. 循声而去,便轻而易举地找到了那间屋子。6. 我陪着小心,用温和的口吻询问开往哈蒂斯堡下一斑车的情况。7. 在社交场合,你就是感到情绪压抑,也不要表露出来。8. 患有流感的幼儿和老人可能并发细菌性肺炎。9. 他要找一位了解他的案情,同情他的处境,并有过亲身经历的人当他的律师。10.他的著作举世闻名,而他个人却一直默默无闻,因为他一生始5终避免抛头露面。 11. 她来得正是时候。12. 她的丈夫去世至今不过半年。13. 我认为那篇讲话口气强硬,大可不必。14. 马其顿之争同希腊也有关系。15. 英国人同其他民族一样,也有丰富的感情。16. 从物理学的观点来看,不同的波长有多少种,颜色就有多少种。17. 但下个世纪我们将能根本改变 DNA,能在构建新的生命时把我们的种种想象、种种出于虚荣的要求,都编入遗传密码。18. 作为人,我们应该不问他人的身份如何都尊重他们,从而显示出自己高超的智慧和道德,而不要因为他们没有某种身份或地位而去卑视他们。 19. 虚度年华者,虽生犹死。20. 国之大难莫过于暴君当道。21. 他有一种习惯让人受不了,意见反复不定,一会儿一个变化。22. 英国预计到了将会发生冲突,并据此对这一时期的边境政策作了调整。23. 现在,天天都在隐瞒真相,愚弄公众,这种做法是新闻界的耻辱。24. 我走到售票台。女售票员一看见我,她那原本颇为动人的脸刷地一沉,变得怒气冲冲。25. 出错者若处事果断,仍可意外取得成功;才干出众者若优柔寡断,必然屡屡失误。 626这些公司在一拥而入之中忽略了在中国经营最艰巨的问题,即人的问题,结果许多公司严重损害了他们的远期经营业绩。27. 那就让这事再骗他们一会儿吧,无论怎样骗他们都不算过分。28. 这一套批评挑剔的做法是行不通的。我相信“ 互相容忍”的原则。29. 他说打网球没人打得过他,但输了几场之后,他只好承认自己说错了。30. 我读过很多小说,在学校里所见所闻也不少,对于爱情自然就知道得很多。31. 事实上,有位办公制度专家最近说过,他还没见到过有哪个办公场所的工作效率高于百分之六十。32. 有头脑的人谁也不会指望求职者说出自己的缺点和严重过错,同样,也不会指望广告里说的全是真话。33. 对于外国人(甚至包括英国人)来说,要欣赏丰富多采的英语,最好的办法也许就是学习莎士比亚使用英语的各种方法。34. 我们是凡人,而凡人远非十全十美。作为凡人就是说
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