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高中英语 必修 2 词汇表(新课标人教版)英语 必修 2Book 2 Unit 1 cultural /kltrl/ relic /relik/ rare /r/ valuable /vljubl/ survive /svaiv/ vase /v:z/ dynasty /dinsti, dai-/ Taj Mahal /ta:d mha:l/ ivory /aivri/ dragon /drn/ amber /mb/ in search of Frederick William I /fredrik wiljm f:st/Prussia /pr/ amaze /meiz/ amazing /meizi/ select /silekt/ honey /hni/ design /dizain/ fancy /fnsi/ style /stail/ decorate /dekreit/ jewel /du:l/ artist /:tist/ belong /bil/ belong to Peter the Greatin return Czar /za:/ troop /tru:p/ St Petersburg /snt pi:tzb:g/ reception /risepn/ Catherine /krin seknd/at war remove /rimu:v/ less than wooden /wudn/ doubt /daut/ Knigsberg /k:nisb:g/ the Baltic Sea /b:ltik si:/ mystery /mistri ;US mistri/ former /f:m/ worth /w:/ rebuild / ri:bild/ local /lukl/ . apart /p:t/ take apart Leningrad /leningrd/ painting /peinti/ castle /k:sl/ Windsor /winz/ Castle trial /trail/ eyewitness / ai witnis/ evidence /evidns/ Jan Hasek /jn hzk/ Czech Republic /tek ripblik/ explode /iksplud/ entrance /entrns/ Hans Braun /hnz br:n/sailor /seil/ sink /sik/ 过去式、过去分词Anna Petrov /n petrv/ maid /meid/ Berlin /b: lin/ think highly of Johann Webber /juhn veib/ informal /inf:ml/debate /dibeit/ Book 2 Unit 2ancient /einnt/ compete /kmpi:t/ competitor /kmpetit/ take part in medal /medl/ stand for mascot /mskt; mskt/ Pausanias /p: seinis/ Greece /gri:s/ Greek /gri:k/ magical /mdikl/ volunteer /vlnti/ homeland /humlnd/ regular /rejul/ basis /beisis/ (复数形式)athlete /li:t/ admit /dmit/ slave /sleiv/ nowadays /naudeiz/ gymnastics /dimnstiks/ (复数形式) athletics /letiks/ (复数形式)stadium /steidim/ (复数形式)gymnasium (gym) /dimneizim/ (/dim/) as well host /hust/ responsibility /rispnsbilti/ olive /liv/ wreath /ri:/ replace /ripleis/ motto /mtu/ swift /swift/ similarity /simlrti/ Athens /nz/ charge /t:d/ in charge physical /fizikl/ fine /fain/ poster /pust/ advertise /dvtaiz/ Atlanta /tlnt/ princess /prinses/ glory /l:ri/ bargain /b:in/ prince /prins/ hopeless /huplis/ Hippomenes /hipmni:z/ foolish /fu:li/ goddess /dis/ pain /pein/ one after another deserve /diz:v/ striker /straik/ Book 2 Unit 3 abacus /bks/ calculator /klkjuleit/ PC (=personal computer) laptop /lptp/ PDA (personal digital assistant) analytical /nlitikl/ calculate /klkjuleit/ universal /ju:niv:sl/ simplify /simplifai/ sum /sm/ Charles Babbage /ta:lz bbid/operator /preit/ logical /ldikl/ logically /ldikli/ technology /teknldi/ technological /teknldikl/ revolution /revlu: n/ artificial /:tifil/ intelligence /intelidns/ intelligent /intelident/ Alan Turing /ln tjuri/ solve /slv/ mathematical /mmtikl/ from on reality /rilti/ designer /dizain/ personal /p:snl/ personally /p:snli/ tube /tju:b/ transistor /trnzist/ chip /tip/ as a result total /tutl/ totally /tutli/ so that network /netw:k/ web /web/ application /plikein/ finance /fainns/ mobile /mubail/ rocket /rkit/ explore /ikspl:/ Mars /ma:z/ anyhow /enihau/ goal /ul/ happiness /hpinis/ human rare supporting /sp:ti/ download /daunlud/ programmer /prugrm/ virus /vairs/ android /ndrid/ signal /sinl/ teammate /ti:mmeit/ Nagoya /na: g:ja:/ Seattle /sitl/ type /taip/ in a way coach /kut/ arise /raiz/ (过去式、过去分词)with the help of electronic /elektrnik/ appearance /pirns/ character /krkt/ mop /mp/ deal with watch over naughty /n:ti/ niece /ni:s/ spoil /spil/ Book 2 Unit 4wildlife /waildlaif/ protection /prtekn/ wild /waild/ habitat /hbitt/ threaten /retn/ decrease /dikri:s/ endanger /indeind/ die out loss /ls/ reserve /riz:v/ hunt /hnt/ zone /zun/ in peace in danger (of) Daisy /deizi/ species /spi:i:z/ carpet /k:pit/ respond
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