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1必修一英语 Unit 1 friendship 导学案Warming up (2015-9-5)Aims 1.识记: Vocabulary and structure: Survey/ upset / ignore / loose/ be good to/for/ add up/ finish cleaning / get it repaired /calm down/ have got to / Be concerned about/ while walking the dog / cheat in the exam by looking at your paper/ should have done/ someone elses paper /2. Talk about friendship:1).A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳。 2).A man who has friends must show himself friendly. 要有朋友,必须以友谊待人。3).No road is long with good company. 与良友为伴,路遥不觉远。 4).Faith will move mountain. 精诚所至,金石为开。 5).It is better to be alone than in bad company. 与恶友交不如独处。 6).Without confidence there is no friendship. 没有信任就没有友谊。 7).A good friend is my nearest relation. 好友即至亲。 8).Without a friend, the world is a wilderness. 没有朋友,世界成了荒野。 9).The best mirror is a friends eye. 朋友的眼睛是最好的镜子。 10).A man is known by his friends. 视其友可知其人。 11).Books and friends should be few but good. 书籍和朋友,在好不在多。 12).Friendship cannot stand always on one side. 单方面的友谊不久长。 13).A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 两人分担,困难减半。 14).A friend is easier lost than found. 朋友易失不易得。 15).True friendship lasts forever. 真正的友谊地久天长。 16).Many hands make light work. 人多好办事。 17).When a friend asks, there is no “tomorrow”.朋友之求不可怠。 3.用法归纳:1. survey a. n. 纵览,视察,测量 make/do a surveyb. vt. 审视 ,视察,通盘考虑 ,调查 We stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside. 我们站在山顶上,眺望乡村。 A quick survey of the street showed that no one was about. 扫视街道, 空无一人。2Of the five hundred householders surveyed, 40% had dishwashers. 在接受调查的五百家住户中, 40% 有洗碗机。2. Add 1)Vt. If you add one thing to another, you put it in or on the other thing, to increase, complete, or improve it. 添加 例:Add the grated cheese to the sauce.把磨碎的奶酪加进那种酱中。 例:Since 1908, chlorine has been added to drinking water.自从1908 年起,氯就被添加到饮用水当中了。 2)Vt. If you add numbers or amounts together, you calculate their total. 加 例:Banks add all the interest and other charges together.银行把所有利息和其他费用加在一起。3)Vi. If one thing adds to another, it makes the other thing greater in degree or amount. 增加 例:This latest incident will add to the pressure on the White House.最近的这起事件会给白宫增加更多的压力。4.) Vt. To add a particular quality to something means to cause it to have that quality.增添 (某种特性) 例:The generous amount of garlic adds flavour.大量的蒜会增添滋味。5)Vt. If you add something when you are speaking, you say something more.补充说(讲话) 例You can tell that he is extremely embarrassed, Mr. Montoya added.“你可以看出他是非常尴尬的,”蒙托亚先生补充道。Mother added that we must get back as soon as possible. 妈妈接着又说我们必须尽早回来。6).Vt. If you can add, you are able to calculate the total of numbers or amounts. 做加法 例:More than a quarter of seven-year-olds cannot add properly. 超过 1/4 的 7岁儿童不会正确地做加法。7)扩充:词性的变化 n. 加法,加法运算_; adj. 附加的,额外的_附加的;数 加法的 _;3可增加的_; adv. 此外;又,加_;短语集锦:例子:.If you add 4 to 6, you get 10. 4 加 6 等于 10。. Each girl present at the party was wearing a flower in the hair, which added to their beauty.参加晚会的姑娘人人头上都戴有一朵花,使得她们显得愈加漂亮。.Can you add these ten figures up? 你能把这十个数字加起来吗? .All these figures add up to 5,050. 所有这些数字加起来总和为 5,050。.His remarks added up to a condemnation of my plan. 他的意见总之就是谴责我的计划。 8)操练:合计 _;添加;把包括在内_;增加价值;附加价值;添加值_;插入;另外加上去_添加杂色;添加噪声_3. upset :的基本含义1)vt.弄翻,打翻,倾覆:例句:Ive upset a cup of coffee on my shirt. 我打翻了一杯咖啡,洒在我的衬衫上了。2)使不安;烦扰:例句:Losing the ring upset her very much.指环的遗失使她很心烦意乱。3)打乱,搅乱:例句:All my plans were upset by the sudden change in weather. 天气的骤变打乱了我的全部计划。4)使不舒服;使难过:例句:The news upset them.这个消息使他们很难过。5)推翻;击败:例句:to upset a will 推翻遗嘱Our school team upset the local champions.我们的校队把当地的冠军打败了。6)adj.翻倒的,倾覆的/混乱的,紊乱的 /心烦意乱的,不舒服的/ 被推翻的;被击败的/近义词:overturn, capsize/变形:upset, upsetting./ be upset about /over _她为她的病而忧心忡忡 He was horribly _ _ her illness. 4) Your friend comes to school very upset (upset 什么词性_) a. He got married _ (young ) b. He stood there _(silent) c. They spent seven days in the wind and snow ,_(又冷又饿) 4. calm : adj.镇定的;平静的;(海洋,天气等)安静的,平静的;(人)从容不迫的 例句:a. She is usually a calm and diplomatic woman.她通常是个冷静而圆滑的女人。4Try to keep calm and just tell me what happened.试着保持冷静,告诉我发生了什么。. She sighed, then continued in a soft, calm voice. 她叹了口气,然后继续用温柔、平静的声音说下去。They may feel tired and though outwardly calm, can be irritable 他们或许会感到疲惫,虽然外表看似没事,但可能很容易发火。Shes calm and strong, and she is just not going to crack. 她镇定而且坚强,绝不会垮掉。b. vt.使安静;使冷静;使镇定;使(疼痛等)减轻Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation. 官员们希望通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。How do I control myself? I cant calm down.我怎能控制我自己?我无法冷静下来。c. n.平静;镇定;安定;无风He felt a sudden sense of calm, of contentment. 他突然感到一种安宁和满足.The house projects an atmosphere of calm and order. 这栋房子透着一种宁静和整齐感。We had the whole gamut of wind from a dead calm to a force 10 gale. 我们这里什么风都有,从风平浪静到十级大风。quiet still silent 1) Cant you keep the children _? Im trying to co
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