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高中英语 必修五 Unit 4 Making the news 1仁爱之心对学生 敬畏之心做教育 1知识梳理 1. occupation n工作,职业;占有,拥有,占领。动词为 occupy.词组拓展Lose ones occupation 失业Have no fixed occupation 无固定职业be occupied within 从事专心于;忙于辨析:occupation, employment, profession, job , work n. C引指有报酬的某种 工作,比 job 文雅。它还 Please fill your occupation 可用来表示不一定有固 occupation here请把 定收入的工作,经常用在 您的职业填在这里。 填写表格上。 He is looking around for n.u) 是庄重的公文用 employment他正在四 employment词,指有报酬的工作。 处找工作。 n.C原指需要受过较 Shes a lawyer by 高教育和专门训练才能 profession她的职业是 profession 从事的职业,但现在也指 律师。 可以谋生的任何职业。 He is hunting for a n.C)指任何有报酬的 summer job他正在寻 job 工作,长期的或临时的。 找暑假工作。 work n.U) 指任何工作或劳动。 He is out of work 2assist v. 帮助;协助;援助 搭配用法 assist 十 n.pron帮助 assist sbto do sth帮助某人做某事 assist sbin(doing)sth帮助某人做某事 assist sb. with sth帮助某人做某事 高中英语 必修五 Unit 4 Making the news 1仁爱之心对学生 敬畏之心做教育 2Who will assist us to finish the job?谁将帮助我们完成这项工作?We will assist you in finding somewhere tO lave我们将帮你找个住的地方She employed awoman tO assist her with the housework她雇了一个妇女帮助她做家务注:assist 与 help 同义,但 assist 着重指“协助” ,受协助的人自己也做一部分工作,help可指具体或抽象意义上的“帮助” 。3. assess vt.评估,评定(性质,质量等) ;估算,核定(数量,价值等)搭配用法assess sth./sb. (as sth. ) 评价,评定(性质,质量)assess sth. (at sth.)估算,估计(数量,价值)assess that .评定 (估算)The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have.这种方法正在课堂上试用,以评定其效果。4. involve v. 使卷入,牵涉;拖累;包含,含有,必有 结果Don t involve other people in your mad schemes.不要把他人卷入你的疯狂计划中。involve sb. in sth. 使某人卷入be/get involved in. 卷入 中involve doing. 需要做involve sth. 牵涉某事5. event n. 事情,事件,比赛项目It was quite an event when a woman first became Prime Minister.首次由女人担任首相倒是件大事。思维拓展at all events = in any event 不管发生什么事,在任何情况下,无论如何in that event 结果,到头来in the event of 假若,假如in either event (两件事中) 无论发生哪件事be wise after the event 事后聪明eventful adj. 有许多大事的eventual adj. 最后的,最终的eventually adv. 最后的,最终的 辨析 event, affair, matter 与 accident(1)event 指事情,尤指大事,事件,还可以指体育运动的比赛项目。(2)affair 指“事物,事” ,其复数形式多表示公共的事物,如:current/foreign affairs 时事/ 外交事物(3)matter 指“ 问题,情况,事情” ,还可以指“物质” ,作动词时意为“关系重大,要紧”(4) accident 指“事故” ,尤指交通意外发生的事故。6curious adj.好奇的,很想知道的,好管闲事的,好打听的词组拓展be curious about 对感到好奇be carious to do很想做 高中英语 必修五 Unit 4 Making the news 1仁爱之心对学生 敬畏之心做教育 3arouse sb.s curiosity about sth激发某人对某事物的好奇心Children are usually curious about the things around them孩子们常常对周围的事物感到好奇。7on onesown 独自地,单独地;独立地;出色的;非凡的知识链接by oneself 独立地,单独地 of ones own 属于某人自己的8inform vt.告知,通知;了解,熟悉搭配用法inform sbof about sth通知某人某事inform sbthat 告知某人inform oneselofabout sth了解熟悉某事物inform on sb告发、检举某人单词积累 information n.消息,情报;资料9concentrate(1)vi. & vt全神贯注,集中精神,专心致志I cant concentrate on my studies with all that noise going吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法集中精神学习。(2) v. 集合,集中Birds concentrate in places where food is rich鸟聚集在食物丰盛的地方。搭配拓展concentrate ones attention on 把注意力集中在上concentrate on(doing) sth专心于(做)某事,全神贯注于(做)某事We should concentrate our attention on our study我们应该集中注意力学习。集中注意力于某事物的多种表达方法:Concentrate ones attention on sth.Fix/focus ones attention on sthFix/focus ones mind on sthBe devoted to sthPut ones mind in sthPut ones heart into sthBe absorbed in sth10. have a good nose for sth常用语口语表达,表示探查或发现某事物的能力As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good study.作为一名记者,她总是能够捕捉到好新闻。Cannot see beyond (the length of) ones nose 鼠目寸光Follow ones nose 笔直走;凭本能行事Nose to nose 面对面地Turn up ones nose at 对嗤之以鼻,瞧不起Under sb.s nose 就在某人眼前,当着某人的面He turned up his nose at classical music.他对古典音乐不屑一顾。 高中英语 必修五 Unit 4 Making the news 1仁爱之心对学生 敬畏之心做教育 4典题精析 (XX.WHX)1. He _ himself in collecting telephone cards.A. occupies B. takes C. teaches D. finds2.-What does your father do, Xiaowang?-He is a lawyer by _.A. job B. occupation C. work D. profession3.What_ you have done, Xiao ming! You are great. A. a good work B. a good jobC. a good profession D. a good occupation 4.She made up her mind to go into the nursing _ to attend as many patients as possible.A. occupation B. job C. profession D. work5.We ll do everything we can to assist you _ out who has stolen your new watch.A. to finding B. i
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