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1Unit 10( Book II )I. Vocabulary.1. property n.(u)财产 2. strap n.表带 3. false adj.假的 4. claim v. 认领5. purse n. 钱包(女) 6. wallet n. 钱包(男) 7. registration n. 注册 8. handcuffs n. 手铐9. sword n. 剑 10. equip v. 装备 11. orchestra n.管弦乐队 12. stuff v. 填充13. eagle n.鹰 14. material n. 材(原)料 15. rectangular adj.长方形的 16. rectangle n.长方形17. square n./ adj. 正方形 18. triangle n. 三角形 19. triangular adj. 20. oval n. / adj.椭圆21. diameter n. 直径 22. frame n. 镜框 23. leather n.皮革 24. used adj. 用过的25. blanket n.毛毯 26. frying pan n.煎锅 27. wrapper n. 包装纸 28. frisbee n.飞盘29. case n. 手提箱 30. remote adj. 遥远的 31. portable adj. 便携的 32. stereo n.立体声33. headphones n. 耳机 34. possessions n. (pl)所有物 35. woollen adj.羊毛的 36. hood n.风帽37. checked adj. 格子的 38. collar n. 衣领 39. clothing n. (u) 衣物 40. emblem n.徽章41. baggage n. 行李 42. enquiry n.询问 43. importance n.重要性 44. earnest adj.诚挚的45. elaborate adj. 详尽的 46. investigation n.调查 47. manuscript n.手稿 48. volume n. 书卷49. novel n.小说 50. admit v. 承认 51. shame n. 羞耻 52. brand v. 商标53. memory n. 记忆 54. somewhat adv. 有点 55. capacious adj.容量大的 56. fiction n.小说57. unoccupied adj.空闲的 58. mental adj. 精神的 59. distraction n. 分心 60. forgive v. 原谅61. skeleton 骨骼62. wooden adj. 木制的 63. holdall n.手提旅行包 64. suitcase n. 行李65. sex n. 性别 66. perambulator n.婴儿车 67. bassinette n. 摇篮 68. discover v.发现69. sentimentality n.多愁善感 70. deposit v. 定金存款 71. forgive (forgave, forgiven ) v. 原谅72. theatrical adj. 戏剧性的 73. accordion c.手风琴 74. anatomy n. 解剖学 75. item n.条款76. emblem n. 标记 77. mint. un. 薄荷II. Word transformation: 1. lose (lost, lost) v. - lost adj. 2. registration n. -register v. registered adj. 3. equip ( -pp- ) v. -equipment n. ( u ) 4. rectangular adj. - rectangle n.5. triangular adj. - triangle n. 6. square n. / adj. 7. oval n. / adj. 8. wrapper n. ( c ) - wrap (-pp-) v.9. woollen adj. - wool n. 10. enquiry / inquiry n. - enquire / inquire v.11.importance n. - important adj. 12. investigation n. - investigate v.13.novel n. - novelist n. 14. admit v. - admission n.15.shame n.- shameful adj. -shameless adj.-ashamed 16. (un)occupied adj. - occupy v. 17. visit v. & n. - visitor n. 18. memory n.- memorize v.III. Language focus:1. every, some, any, no + one / body 动词用单数, 形容词后置修饰eg. Everyone is here. Is there anyone in the classroom?2. every, some, any, no + thing 动词用单数, 形容词后置修饰eg. Have you got anything to say? Theres something wrong with the computer. 3. every, some, any, no + where 前不用介词 eg. Ill go everywhere in the future.4. the difference between none and no one 回答 how many 提问用 none 回答有没有或谁用 no one none of none 代替不可数名词时, 动词用单数; 代替可数名词时, 动词可用单数可用复数.2no one 动词永远用单数. how many 提问,只能用 none 回答,不能用 no one5. everyone , someone , anyone, no one , everything , something , anything, nothing 主语, 谓语动词用单数.6. 在反意疑问句中, 代替 everyone 的代词用 they or he; 代替 everything 的代词用 it.7. What happens to the item if theres no name on it?8. the reason for sth / ones doing sth9. on a normal day / on a rainy day10. pay a visit ( n )to sp = visit ( v ) sp a visitor to sp.11. while / when doing 与复合句的转换12. be surprised to see, hear, etc. be surprised at/by sth be surprised that clause13. in fact = actually= as a matter of fact14. in the end = at last = finally15. a book on anatomy16. borrow from / lend to 17. by oneself = alone / on ones own e.g. The little girl stood in the rain by herself ( alone ). I solved the problem by myself ( on my own, without others help ) at last. 18. The ruler is about 5 inches by 3 inches.19. Its a large blue woolen sweater. 名词前形容词的排序规则: 限,观,形,龄,色,国,材+名词20. This is a warm woolen jacket with buttons down the front.21. 物主代词: my / mine our / ours your / yours his / his her / hers its / its their / theirs 22. in charge of 掌管, 负责, 看守 in the charge of 在的控制之下23. as usual 作状语 usually24. Did you see my handbag in which ( = where )I put my newly-bought dictionary? 是定语从句25. How + adj.( 第一排的单词) + be + subject? = What + n. (第二排的单词)+ be + subject?adj. long, big, deep, high/tall, heavy wide n. length, size, depth, height, weight width26. How long is the rope? = What length is the rope?27. What colour is it? What shape is it? Whats it made of?28. hand in / hand out 29. equip sth with sth equipped 30. leave sth. + place 把。 。 。留在(掉在) 。 。 。Unit 11 You and your body ( Book II)I. Vocabulary.1. build up 增强 2. elbow n.手肘 3. bend (bent, bent) v. 弯曲 4. shoulder n. 肩5. support v. & n.支持
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