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1:The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own1.adapt 2.bring 3. receive 4.adopt 2:By careful study it was found out that this church was _ in the 18th century.1.equipped 2.defined 3.represented 4.established 3:The age of the students in our on-line school _ from 20 to 40.1.ranges 2.rage 3.shifts 4.keep 4:She was, _ her fame and fortune, basically an unhappy woman.1.in spite 2.however 3.in spite of 4.even though 5:The representative of the company seemed very _ to the conditions of the workers.1.indifferent 2. ignorant 3.disinterested 4.careless 6:They were arguing but broke _ when someone came into the room.1.out 2.off 3.down 4.up 7:One of my _ sentences is: There is no smoke without fire.1. likely 2.like 3.favor 4.favorite 8:She had a habit of reading the text _ every morning to practise her oral English.1.loudly 2.loud 3.aloud 4.aloudly 9:With the coming of the Internet, young people have _ to the most recent events that happen in the world.1.recess 2.excess 3.assess 4.access 10:Well-mannered children have usually been properly _ by their parents.1.raised up 2.brought to 3.brought up 4.brought about 11:In this experiment we tried using a kind of new material _ plastics.1.in the place of 2.in place of 3.in place 4.out of place 12:Scientists say that many things bring _ changes in the weather.1.out 2.in 3.up 4.about 13:Mary was _ with her boy friend because he was late for the date.1.bothered 2.annoyed 3. interfered 4.interrupted 14:Im not sure whether I can gain any profit from the investment, so I cant make a(n) _ promise to help you.1.exact 2. defined 3.definite 4.sure 15:He is the best basketball player in the school, but no one has ever heard him _ about it.1.coast 2.roast 3.ghost 4.boast 16:She was unable to express her _ fear of the witch toy in the box.1.intense 2.intensive 3.extend 4.extensive 17:The old lady had a firm _ that her husband would come back someday.1.conviction 2.statement 3.punishment 4.imagination 18:Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _ to the health service.1.assessment 2.assignment 3.exception 4.access 19:A well-written composition _ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.1.calls on 2. calls for 3.calls up 4. calls off 20:Be _ when holding those glasses; they are easy to break.1. cautious2.conscious 3.conscience 4. caution 21:Before I pay Id like to know what I pay _.1.off 2.for 3.up 4.over 22:The rent is reasonable and _, the location is perfect.1.moreover 2.though 3.therefore 4. however 23:Look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to give _.1.up 2. in 3.away 4.out 24:They lit a fire to keep wild animals _ the grounds.1.out 2.away 3.up 4.off 25:The climbers tried to find a new _ to the top of the mountain.1.round 2.rage 3.clue 4. route 1:he spread of city areas has _ wild animals. Many different types are facing extinction.1.danger 2.dangerously 3.dangerous 4.endangered 2:It is critical that we _ our concept of lifestyle nowadays.1.are changing 2.will change 3.have changed 4.should change 3:Now the _ between the rich and the poor countries has become even wider.1.bridge 2.gap 3.difference 4.comparison 4:The little chair _ when my uncle sat down on it.1.ruined 2.squeezed 3.extended 4.collapsed 5:He translated not only from the English, but also, on _, from the French.1.time 2.occasion 3.moment 4.case 6:Why didnt you ask for help, _ trying to do it on your own?1.other than 2.rather than 3.more than 4.less than 8:_ the rainy day, they still went to visit their teacher in the hospital.1. Although 2.Though 3.In spite 4.Despite 9:Only the students of this collage have _ to the rare books in the library.1.way 2.entrance 3.access 4.admission 10:Railroad tunnels, however, _ the construction engineer with some unique problems.1.comfort 2.meet 3. confront 4.have 11:Job suitability may also need to be regularly monitored in order to _ worker health and ability.1.assure 2.sure 3.reassure 4.insure 12:We insisted that nations should be treated equal in international affairs _ the size and stage of the economic development.1.on account of 2.regardless of 3.in relation to 4.apart from 14:Scientists have recently turned their attention to natural _ of energy: the sun, the sea, the wind and hot springs.1.image 2.appearance 3.sources 4.cause 15:European dress has been _ by people in many parts of the world.1.adapted 2.adopted 3.adjusted 4.accounted 16:See _ it that you are not late again.1.at 2.on 3.to 4.out 17:She made a great show of _, but finally accepted our offer.1. reluctance 2.relation 3.will 4.pride 19:He is now focusing on a _ as a specialist in computers.1. work2. career3. duty4
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