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Unit 6 download 1Unit 6 Intercultural CommunicationWords and Expressions1. transplant:(1) vt. to move from one place and settle elsewhere*We start the flowers indoors and then transplant them to the garden.*His kidney was transplanted in his daughter.(2) n. the operation of transplanting an organ, piece of skin etc *Kellys only hope of survival was a heart and lung transplant.Collocations:heart transplant surgery 心脏移植手术a bone marrow transplant 骨髓移植2. ailment: n. an illness that is not very serious It was still unclear what caused the victims ailments.*The medicine was supposed to cure all kinds of ailments, ranging from colds to back pains.CF: ailment, illness, disease & complaint这些名词均有“疾病” 之意。ailment 指身体或精神不适 ,尤其指小毛病。例如:*His ailment was only a slight headache. 他身体不舒服,有点轻微的头痛。illness 泛指一切疾病,强调生病的时间或状态 。例如:*Her mother was just recovering from an illness. 他妈妈生了一场病,刚刚复。disease 指具体的疾病,且通常较严重,发病时间也较长。例如:*She suffers from a rare disease of the brain. 她得了罕见的脑病。complaint 指具体部位的疾病,尤其指不是很严重的那种。例如:*He is having treatment for a chest complaint. 他正在接受胸部疾病的治疗。3. cure: (1) n. treatment or substance that cures; remedy*There is still no cure for AIDS.预防比任何一种治疗都要好得多。(=Prevention is far better than any cure.)(2) vt. to make an illness or medical condition go away*Many types of cancer can now be cured.(Ninety percent of patients can be cured of the disease.)Unit 6 download 2Pattern: cure sb. of sth. 把某人的 病治愈*She had some acupuncture treatment which seems to have cured her.针灸几次后她的病似乎痊愈了。4. precipitate:(1) vt. to make (an unwanted event) happen sooner *An attack on the country could precipitate a world war.(=The 1929 stock market crash precipitated the collapse of the American banking system.)(2) vi. to separate a solid substance from a liquid by chemical action, or to be separated in this way*This material causes most of the alumina in the solution to precipitate quickly.(3) n. a solid substance that has been chemically separated from a liquid老师让他在沉淀物溶解后再加热混合物。(=The teacher asked him to warm the mixture after the precipitate dissolved.)(4) adj. happening or done too quickly, and not thought about carefully*A precipitate decision leads to his failure.一阵冷风造成气温急剧下降。(=A cool breeze caused a precipitate drop in the temperature.)NB :该词作动词用时,近义词为 hasten;作形容词用时,近义词为 hasty。5. orient: v. to arrange or direct with a particular purpose*She looked at the street names, trying to orient herself.登山者停下来以便辨别自己的方位。(=The climber stopped to orient himself.)*The meeting decided that the magazine had to orient to the busisness community. Collocation:orient oneself to sth. 使自己熟悉某事*It takes new students a while to orientate themselves to college life.新同学要花一定的时间来熟悉校园生活。be oriented to/towards/around sth/sb 迎合某人的需要 , 围绕某事*The course is oriented towards the needs of businessmen. 这一课程是为迎合商人的需要而设立的。*A lot of the training is orientated around communications skills. 很多培训都是围绕交际技能展开的。NB:该词还可以用作名词,意为“东方” ,但通常以 the Orient 的形式出现。例如:The traveler made a fame for himself by a book about the Orient. 这个旅行家凭了一本描写东方的书一举成名。Unit 6 download 36. purchase: (1) n. sth. you buy, or the act of buying it*Other customers arrived, made their purchases and left.那顶帽子买得不错。(=That hat was a good purchase.)Collocations:date of purchase 购买日期proof of purchase 购买凭证hire purchase 分期付款make purchases 购物(2) vt. to buy sth.*You can purchase insurance online.(=Foreign investors are not permitted to purchase land.)7. a fish out of water: sb. who is uncomfortable; sb. who is at a disadvantage*I felt like a fish out of water in my new school.Pattern: be/feel like a fish out of water 感觉格格不入8. tremendous: adj. very great in size, amount, or degree*She was making a tremendous effort to appear calm.这个计划能省我们一大笔钱。(=This plan could save us a tremendous amount of money.)CF: tremendous, huge, vast & giant这些形容词均有“巨大的,庞大的”之意。tremendous 指某物非常大,大得惊人。强调尺寸大小、数量以及程度方面的大。huge 含义广,强调体积或容积的庞大。也可用于引申意义。vast 多指空间、面积、范围的巨大,不涉及重量。giant 非常大,强调比同类中的其他事务大得多。(Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form wherenecessary.(1) Be careful. The forest is full of _snakes and spiders. (= giant)(2) Kings new novel will undoubtedly be a _ success. (= huge)(3) She praised her husband for the _support he had given her.(=tremendous)(4) _ areas of the Amazon rainforest have been destroyed. (=Vast)9. glorify: vt. to cause to appear more important or better than they really areUnit 6 download 4*Movies that glorify violence may be responsible for some of the rise in crime.(=The emperors achievements were glorified in numerous poems.)10. get over: (1) to find a way to deal with*Once weve got over the first few months, we should be making a reasonable profit.我不知道我们应该怎样解决这个问题。(=I dont know how were going to get over this problem.)(2) to become well again after an illness or a very upsetting experienceIts taken me ages to get over the flu.她从没有从儿子去世的悲伤中恢复过来。(=She never got over the d
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