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1按实际情况回答问题:1. Did you get up early yesterday morning ?2. What time did you have breakfast yesterday morning?3. How did you go to school yesterday morning?4. How did you go to school yesterday morning ?5. Where did you have lunch yesterday ?6. Did you have sports yesterday?7. What did you do after dinner yesterday evening ?8. When did you go to bed last night ?9. Is your classroom the largest one in your school ?10. Is your bedroom larger than the living room /11. Is your classroom the most comfortable in your school ?12. Did you claean your classroom yesterday ?13. Is there a library in your school ?14. Wheres your hero and whos your heroine ?15. Did you read a book about Robin Hood ?16. Did you see a film about Sun Yatsen ?17. Do you want to be a great leader when you grow up ?18. Do you want to be famous ?19. Can you name (列举) some famous leaders in the world ?20. When were you born ?21. Where were you born ?22. Are you the only child in your family ?23. Who is the oldest in your family ?24. Did your father live in another city before ?When did he move to Guanzhou ?25. What is your fathers job ?26. Do you love Guangzhou ?27. Will the Asian Games be held in Guangzhou in 2010?28. When were the Olympic Games held in Beijing ?29. Is your house /apartment new or old ?30. Is there a study in your house /apartment ?31. Hwo many rooms are there in your house /apartment ?32. Are the windows large or small in your classroom ?33. How do you get to school ?34. Who gets to school the earliest in your class ?35. Is your house comfortable ?36. How old were you in 2000?37. When did you become a student ?38. Is you school far away from your home ?39. Do your like playing with your friends in your bedroom ?40. Are you heavier than before ?41. How did you get to school yesterday morning ?42. Did you lpant trees last year ?243. Was the Pearl River dirtier than before ?44. Are you the shortest in your family ?45. When was your birthday ?46. Who is your hero ?47. Do you like reading about historical books ?48. How often do you keep a diary ?49. When do you usually lplant trees ,at night or in the morning /50. Do you like reading books ?51. How many ancient fables did you read ?52. How often do you borrow books from the library ?53. Do your parents like reading ?54. Have you got a dictionary ?55. Which is the biggest city in China /56. Which is the coldest ,the sun ,the moon ro the earth /57. Do you have history lessons at school /58. What day will it be tomorrow ?59. When did kyou finish your school yesterday ?60. When were you born ?61. Is your English teacher a man or a woman ?62. Can you ride a bike ?63. How many people are there in your family ?64. Is Christmas the most improtant festival in Britain ?65. Where did kyou have breakfast yesterday ?66. Were you a naughty child five years ago ?67. Who is older ,your father or your mother ?68. Is your classroom tidy or messy ?69. Who was your English teacher four years ago ?70. Whose bedroom is bigger ,yours or your parents?71. Do you clean your room every day ?72. Where were you born ?73. What day was yesterday /74. What did you do last night ?75. When is Tree Planting Day in China ?76. Did you try to plant any trees last year /77. Can we plant trees on Baiyun Mountain ?78. Whats your favourite flower ?79. Are there any trees at your home ?80. Who was Sun Yatsen ?81. When were you born ?82. Did you visit the Sun Yatsen Memorian Hall last Saturday ?83. Where were you born ?84. Whos your hero ?85. Are there any story-books and fables in your school library ?86. Do you often borrow books from the library ?387. Must you use a library card to borrow books from your school library ?88. Do you read a lot ?89. What books do you like to read ?90. What doyou want to be when you grow up ?91. Did you do your homework last night ?92. Can you borrow any books from the library of your school?93. How long does your father work in a week /94. Are you a Young Pioneer /95. Were you in Guangzhou last year ?96. What do you want to be when you grow up ?97. Which month is the coldest in Guangzhou ?98. What animals only live in Guangzhou ?99. What city is the capital fo China ?100. Was Sun Yatsen the fathe of modern China ?101. Who was the first premier of PRC?102. Its the winter holiday soon .What are you going to do ?103. I want to buy some new clothes in Guangzhou .Where can I go /104. What did you do yesterday evening ?105. What day was yesterday ?106. Whats your favourite festival ?107. Which floor do you live on ?108. Which is the most important festival in England ?109. Do you often get lucky money at the Spring Festival ?110. Did the girls make a telephone call ?111. Did you wash the dishes yesterday ?112. How did you get home from school yesterday ?113. What did the boys do yesterday evening ?114. What did you do yesterday evening ?115. What day was the day before yesterday ?116. What time did you go to school this morning ?117. What is the most popular festival in China ?1
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