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1牙体牙髓病学 英文试题一、选择题1.对牙髓最具有破坏性的是 CA.Nd 激光 B.CO2 激光C.红激光 D.光固化灯E.牙髓活力电测定仪2.感染根管常见的优势菌不包括 CA.普氏菌 B.放线菌C.G 细菌 D.真杆菌E.梭形杆菌3.备洞时易损伤牙髓的因素不包括 BA.施力大 B.用冷却剂C.持续常时间钻磨 D.制备深的窝洞E.不用冷却剂4.与顽固性根尖周病变和窦道经久不愈可能有关的细菌为 BA.普氏菌 B.放线菌C.G细菌 D.真杆菌E.梭形杆菌5.判断牙髓活力最可靠的检查方法是 DA.热诊 B.冷诊C.牙髓活力电测定 D.试验性备洞E.X 线检查6诊断残髓炎最准确的依据是 EA.叩诊 B.牙髓活力测试C.病史 D.症状E.探查治疗后根管有痛觉7急性根尖周脓肿最佳的排脓途径 CA.从牙周间隙排脓 B.从颊、舌侧粘膜或皮肤排出C.经根管从龋洞排脓 D.从上颌窦或鼻腔排脓E.以上都不对8感染侵入牙髓组织的途径 EA.深龋 B.深牙隐裂C.深牙周袋 D.重度磨耗E.以上都有可能9根尖周炎疼痛最剧烈的阶段是 BA.粘膜下脓肿期 B.骨膜下脓肿期C.浆液期 D.根尖脓肿期E.瘘管形成期10上颌第一磨牙的根管形态特点是: CA.多数是 2 根管,即 1 个颊根管和 1 个腭根管B.多数是 3 根管,即 1 个近颊、1 个远颊和 1 个腭根管C.多数是 4 根管,即 2 个近颊、1 个远颊和 1 个腭根管D.多数是 4 根管,即 1 个近颊、2 个远颊和 1 个腭根管E.多数是 4 根管,即 1 个近颊、1 个远颊和 2 个腭根管21115 号标准根管锉的锉尖直径和刃部末端直径分别是: DA.0.10mm 和 0.47mm B.0.10mm 和 0.45mmC.0.15mm 和 0.45mm D.0.15mm 和 0.47mmE.以上都不对12弯曲根管预备的常见并发症是: AA.根管台阶 B.药物性根尖周炎C.牙周组织坏死 D.皮下气肿E.误戏和误咽13根管预备的工作长度是指: DA.牙的实际长度 B.从牙冠参照点到牙本质牙釉质界C.从牙冠参照点到解剖根尖孔 D.从牙冠参照点到生理根尖孔E.从牙冠参照点到距生理根尖孔 0.51mm14根管成形的标准是: AA.根管比原来直径至少扩大 3 个器械号B.根尖预备到 20 号标准器械C.根管内无大量渗出D.根管冲洗无混浊液体E.根管内无严重气味15下列哪一项不是牙髓切断术的潜在并发症: EA.根髓感染 B.根管钙化C.内吸收 D.牙髓坏死E.髓室穿孔16下列哪一项描述不是玻璃离子粘固剂修复术窝洞预备的特点() CA.玻璃离子粘固剂与牙体组织有化学粘接,对固位形的要求可放宽B.不必作倒凹、鸠尾等固位形C.去除龋坏牙本质,必须作预防性扩展D.窝洞的点、线角圆钝E.洞缘釉质不作斜面17深龋患者激发痛较重,洞底软龋能够彻底去净,治疗方法应选择() CA.双层垫底,一次完成充填治疗B.局麻下开髓失活,行牙髓治疗C.先做安抚治疗,待 12 周复诊时症状消除后,再以双层垫底充填治疗D.实行活髓切断术E.间接盖髓、双层垫底,一次完成充填治疗18临床上不易查出的继发龋可用下列哪些方法帮助诊断() CA.探诊 B.温度测验C.X 线 D.染色法E.麻醉法19深龋备洞时,下列哪项措施是错误的() AA.洞底平、侧壁直,两相垂直 B.去尽腐质C.保护牙髓 D.洞缘线圆钝E.尽量保留健康牙体组织20复合树脂充填后脱落的原因如下,除了() AA.制备了固位形 B.牙齿表面未注意清洁3C.酸蚀后的牙面接触唾液 D.未制备洞斜面E.充填体过薄21下列哪项不是窝洞的基本固位形( ) BA.侧壁固位 B.钉道固位C.倒凹固位 D.鸠尾固位E.梯形固位22制备倒凹是为了:( ) BA.获得良好的抗力形 B.获得良好的固位形C.便于垫底 D.便于充填E.便于放置盖髓剂23V 类洞充填备洞时,要求:( ) AA.适当的固位形 B.严格的抗力形C.必须做鸠尾 D.口小底大E.底平壁直24右下颌第一恒磨牙颊面龋洞破坏越过边缘嵴至咬合面窝沟是:( ) AA.I 类洞 B.II 类洞C.III 类洞 D.IV 类洞E.V 类洞25垫底的部位为:( ) DA.仅在髓壁 B.仅在轴壁C.仅在侧壁 D.仅在髓壁和轴壁E.任何壁均可垫26下列说法正确的是 BA.男性患龋率略高于女性B.龋病流行率主要随社会经济模式而变化C.龋病流行模式依靠地理环境而改变D.遗传因素对龋病的发生和发展产生重要的影响E.环境因素对龋病的发生和发展无影响27釉质龋损害的 4 个区不包括 AA.坏死区 B.透明带C.暗带 D.损害体部E.釉质表面层28牙本质龋损在光镜下可看到微生物渗透至牙本质小管的区域是 BA.坏死区 B.感染层C.牙本质脱矿区 D.硬化区E.修复性牙本质层29静止龋属于 BA.急性龋 B.慢性龋C.继发龋 D.牙釉质龋E.牙骨质龋30病程进展快,多数牙在短期内同时患龋的急性龋称为 EA.湿性龋 B.慢性龋C.干性龋 D.继发龋E.猛性龋431. Which is the best way of pain control for endodontic treatmentA Local anesthetics B DevitalizationC Analgesics D Occlusal reductionE Incising and drainage32. Which one is not the reason for use of rubber damA Protect aspiration or swallowing of instruments or irrigantsB Eliminate the dental fear of patientsC Improve visibilityD Reduced risk of cross-contaminationE Legal considerations33. The following statements are correct exceptA Nearly all canals exhibit a certain degree of curvature.B There may be more than one canals within one root.C The apical foramen usually opens at the anatomical apex.D Apical constriction occurs at 0.51mm from the apical foramen.E Lateral and accessory canals might be the cause of treatment failure.34. Which one is wrong regarding the principle of access cavityA Straight-line accessB Conservation of tooth structureC Unroofing of the chamber and exposure of pulp hornsD .Facial surface of anterior teethE Occlusal surface of posterior teeth35. The advantages of gutta-percha as a filling material areA It is compactible and adapts excellently to the irregularities and contour of the canalB It is radiopaqueC It can be easily removed from the canal when necessaryD It can be softened and made plastic by heat or by organic solventsE All of the above36. Which one is incorrect about the criteria of the root canal is ready to be filled after the completion of root canal cleaning and shaping?A The tooth is asymptomatic. B The canal is wet.C There is no sinus tract. D There is no foul odor.E The temporary filling is intact37. Which one is not the pathways of pulpal and periapical infections?A Dentinal tubules B Pulp exposureC Gingival D Periodontal ligamentE Anachoresis38. Tug-back is achieved and the canal is ready for fillingA When the gutta-percha has extended beyond the apexB When the gutta-percha is easily removed from the root canalC When the gutta-percha placed to apical constriction exhibits resistance on removalD After cementationE None of above39. Most root canal infections involve5A a single obligate anaerobic speciesB multiple anaerobic species onlyC mixed aerobic and anaerobic microorganismsD multiple aerobic species onlyE none of above40. An abnormally shaped tooth that may appear as an extra wide crown,a normal crown with an extra root,or other combinations resulting from the union of two adjacent tooth germs by dentin during development is calledA fused teeth B concresence of teethC geminated teeth D dilacerations of toothE taurodontism41. Which isnt the non-operative treatment of dental caries in the following?A application of fluoride B application of APF gelC remineralizative therapy D enameloplastyE pit and fissure sealing42. Which is not the aim of operative therapy on the dental caries management?A To remove infected dentine and prohibit cariesB To prote
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