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International Business Correspondence甘妙编写 第 1 页外贸函电课程教案课题:Insurances 课时: 周次: 授课日期: 地点:授课方式及手段:Lecturing, Task-based approach, Questioning, Discussion, Practicing教学目标:After studying this part, the students are able to:1、To learn the different kinds of risks of insurance. 2、To learn useful expressions on insurance. 3、To practice writing letters of insurance. 教学重难点:1、To learn some knowledge related to insurance. 2、To learn useful expressions on insurance.3、To learn how to write letters of insurance. 教学过程与内容:Part I Step One warm-up Questions: 1.Is insurance important? 2.How much do you know about insurance? Step Two Presentation The importance of insurance: Insurance is very closely related to foreign trade. People in the international trade should have a thorough knowledge of it and the ability to handle its problems. Insurance was originally applied to losses at sea, where risks were always great, but it is not provided to cover(投保) almost any kind of occurrence (不幸事件) that may result in loss. As a large percentage of our trade in and out of this country goes by ship, what mainly concerns us is still the Marine Insurance. (海运险,水险)International Business Correspondence甘妙编写 第 2 页Knowledge related to insurance (p234, p236-238,254) Risks for marine insurance 海上运输货物保险的风险(一)perils of the sea 海上风险 1. natural calamity (natural disasters) 自然灾害2. fortuitous accidents 意外事故(二)extraneous risks 外来风险1. general extraneous risks 一般外来风险:雨淋、短量、偷窃、玷污、渗漏等2. special extraneous risks 特殊外来风险:战争、罢工等Losses and Expenses 损失和费用(一)Losses and expenses of the sea 海上损失和费用1.total loss (全部损失): a. actual total loss 实际全损b. constructive total loss 推定全损2.partial loss (部分损失) a. general average (G.A) 共同海损b. particular average 单独海损3.expenses (费用) a. sue and labor expenses 施救费用,损害防止费用b. salvage charges 救助费用(二)Losses of extraneous risks 外来风险的损失China Insurance Clauses (C. I. C.) 中国保险条款1. According to Ocean Marine Cargo Clause 海洋运输货物保险条款, three basic perils coverage are as follows: FPA, WA, and All Risks. Free from Particular Average (FPA) 平安险With Particular Average (WPA) 水渍险 (principle risks) 基本险 All Risks (AR) 一切险2. Additional Risks (extraneous risks )附加险general additional risks: (外来风险造成的全部或部分损失,有 11 种) a. clash and breakage 碰损、破碎险 b. taint of odor 串位险c. fresh water and / or rain damage 淡水雨淋险d. theft, pilferage and non-delivery (T. P. N. D )偷窃,提货不着险e. shortage 短量险 f. leakage 渗漏险g. intermixture and contamination 混杂、玷污险h. hook damage 钩损险 i. rust 锈损险j. sweat and heating 受潮受热险 k. breakage of packing 包装破裂险special additional risks 特殊附加险,有 8 种a. war risk b. strike risk 罢工险 strike, riots and civil commotions 罢工暴动民变险 (SRCC) c. on deck 舱面险 d. aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险 e. rejection 拒收险f. failure to delivery 交货不到险 g. import duty 进口关税险h. fire risk extension clause, F. R.E.C. for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao. 货物出口到香港(包括九龙)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款Institute Cargo Clause (I.C.C) 由英国伦敦保险业协会所制定的 协会货物条款I.C.C (A) (B) (C) C.I.C All Risks WA FPA International Business Correspondence甘妙编写 第 3 页I.C.C 协会其他的条款4) Institute War Clauses 协会战争险条款5) Institute Strike Clauses 协会罢工险条款6)Malicious Damage Clause 恶意损害险Some terms used on insurance: parties: insurer/ underwriter: insurance companies (保险人,承保人) the insured: 被保险人(是否是投保人) exclusions: 除外责任(即不保的方面/ 范围):not cover losses ,damages and expenses caused by delay or inherent vice. (不保因延误或货物内部缺陷所造成的损失、损坏和费用)W/W Clause: warehouse to warehouse clause 仓至仓条款(保险责任起讫期限)franchise: 免赔率 the Peoples Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司 (PICC)insurance value/amount 保险金额insurance premium 保险费insurance rate 保险费率double insurance 双保险insurance policy/ certificate 保险单/凭证open policy 预约保险单insurance agent 保险代理to cover/effect/arrange/take out insurance 办理保险,投保surveyor 鉴定人,检验员,公证人Step Three RevisionAsk the students to say something about the terms related to insurance. Part IIStep One Warm up for Lesson 33Questions: 1.Who writes the letter? The seller. 2.What question does the buyer ask? Insurance. 3.How does the seller reply to? All Risks: can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium. Breakage; charge an extra premium. Franchise is 5%. Value to be insured: for 10% above invoice value. Step Two Presentation for Lesson 33 About the letter: The seller receives a letter from the buyer, asking for insurance. The seller gives him a reply. In his International Business Correspondence甘妙编写 第 4 页letter, he states clearly about insurance from the following aspects: all risks, breakage, value to be insured. 1. insurance: 句式:cover (arrange/ effect/ provide/take out) + insurance + on goods(order/contract) + against risks + for (at) insurance amount + at premium or rate of premium + with inan insurer 就(货物)向( 保险商)按%的保险费率投保(险别)a. Have you taken out insurance for us on the goods? b. We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 110%
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