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新世纪英语 364 个词burger b4:g4 n.(非正式用语)汉堡包ethnic e7nik adj.种族的,民族的immigrant imigr4nt n.移民preservative priz4:v4tiv n.防腐剂rush r85 v.匆忙地做 n.冲进;忙乱solid s3lid adj.固体的,结实的 n.固体unprocessed .8npr4usest; -pr3- adj.未加工的vast v2:st adj.广大的;巨大的vegetarian .ved9itA4ri4n n.素食者well-being welbii6 n.健康,幸福even if 即使health food 健康食品lonch break 午餐休息physical well-being 身体健康rush through 匆匆完成accidentally .1ksident4li adv.偶然地,意外地appetizer 1pitaiz4 n.(正餐前的 )开胃菜curry k8ri n.咖啡调制的肉或蔬菜custom k8st4m n.风俗,传统flavour fleiv4 n.风味,滋味flavourful fleiv4ful adj.美味的,可口的fry frai v.油炸,油煎horizon h4raizn n.(知识,思想等的) 范围,视野;地平线mold m4uld v.模制,铸造 n.模子,铸型pasta p2:st4 n.意大利面食peel pi:l v.录 的皮;削 皮 n.(某些蔬菜或水果的)皮preservation .prez4(:)vei54n n.保护,储藏roast r4ust adj.烤制的 v.烤sauce s3:s n.酱汁,调味汁spice spais n.(电视)特别节目steak steik n.香料,调味品stir st4: v.搅拌,搅动 n.搅拌,搅动tortilla t3:til4 n.(尤指墨西哥人食用的 )玉米薄饼all the year round 一年到头expand ones horizons 开阔视野for sure 确实in secson 当令,旺季peeloff 剥的皮;削的皮absorption 4bs3:p54n n.吸收;全神贯注cancer k1ns4 n.癌,肿瘤claim kleim v.声称,宣称 n.声称,主张consume k4nsju:m v.吃,喝;消耗deadly dedli adj.致命的digestion did9est54n, daid9est54n n.消化effective ifektiv adj.有效的,有作用的favour feiv4 n.喜爱;支持;赞同 v.喜欢;支持interfere .int4fi4 v.妨碍,干预iron ai4n n.铁;熨斗 v.(熨斗)慰平jasmine d91smin n.茉莉(花)mug m8g n.(有柄的)大杯originate 4rid9ineit v.起源于powdered paud4d adj.粉末状的scientific sai4ntifik adj 科学的serving s4:vi6 n.(供一人享用的 )一客;一份socialize s4u54laiz v.交际teabag n.袋泡茶teahouse ti:haus n.(中国或日本的 )茶馆teapot ti:p3t n.茶壶time-honoured adj.因为古老而受敬仰的along with 同一起be aware of 意识到,觉察black tea 红茶date back to 追溯到interfere with 干扰loose tea (松散状的)茶叶set up 设立,建立tea ceremony 茶道caffeine k1fi:n n.咖啡因controversy k3ntr4v4:si n.争论;争吵draught dr2:ft adj.从容器中汲出的(啤酒)forbid f4bid v.禁止,不许furthermore f:04m3:(r) adv.此外,而且hook huk v.钩住 n.钩,吊imagination i.m1d9inei54n n.想象力menu menju: n.菜单moderately m3d4ritli adv.适量地,适度地poisson n.毒药 v.使中毒;毒杀poisonous p3izn4s adj.有毒的pulse p8ls n.脉搏pump p8mp n.泵,抽水机 v.(用泵)抽( 水)stimlate v.(供煎,烤等的) 厚片的肉( 尤指牛肉)或鱼stimulating adj.刺激的,鼓舞的vessel vesl n.血管,脉管worthwhile w4:0(h)wail adj.值得(做) 的act on 对起作用,按行动be with somebody 赞成某人by no means 决不,一点也不draught beer 生啤,鲜啤get hooked on 沉溺于bend bend v.弯腰;曲身clinch klint5 n.扭成一团 v.(摔跤等时)用臂钳住对手count kaunt v.计数,数数 n.计数,得数determined dit4:mind adj.决意的,坚决的experienced ikspi4ri4nst adj.有经验的;经验丰富的,熟练的frightening frait4ni6 adj.令人恐惧的,可怕的glove gl8v n.手套 v.戴手套helplessly helplisli adv.无助地;无保护地jaw d93: n.下巴 v.说教,教训mercy m4:si n.仁慈;宽恕referee .ref4ri: n.(足球,拳击的)裁判ring ri6 n.拳击场round raund n.(比赛等的)回合,轮,场stubbornly st8b4nli adv.顽固地;执拗地trick trik n.诡计;欺诈手段 v.欺诈unattended 8n4tendid adj.无人管的,无人照料的unwillingly 8nwili6li adv.不情愿地,勉强地at somebodys mercy 听任摆布at the cost of 以为代价by the dozen 大批(地) 、大量 (地)catch somebody off his guard 攻其不备throw all caution to the winds 不顾一切all-round adj.全能的,全面的Brazilian br4zilj4n adj.巴西的 n.巴西人coach k4ut5 n.教练 v.教,训练fan f1n n.狂热的爱好者,迷final fain4l adj.最后的,最终的 n.决赛foul faul v.犯规 n.(体育方面 )犯规junior d9u:nj4 adj.青少年的;地位低的league li:g n.(竞赛)联合会neighbourhood neib4hud n.邻近地区rent rent n.租金 v.租(借)score sk3:, sk34 v.得分,进球sound saund adj.鞋底storm st3:m v.拥进tournament tu4n4m4nt n.锦标赛for good 永远in a row 连续lose heart 灰心odd jobs (通常指为别人做的) 零活amaze 4meiz v.使大为惊讶,使惊愕continuous k4ntinju4s adj.连续的,持续的determination di.t:minei54n n.决心,坚决dive daiv v.跳水;潜水gymnastics d9imn1stiks n.体操Olympic 4ulimpik adj.奥林匹克运动会的peak pi:k n.顶峰,最高点Roman r3m4 adj.&n 罗马的;罗马人scale skeil n.规模;等级separate sep4reit a.不同的,分开的 v.分开,使分离touch t8t5 n.润色;触摸 v.接触understandable 8nd4st1nd4b(4)l adj.可理解的,可谅解的weakling wi:kli6 n.虚弱的人weight weit n.重量,分量at the turn of 在之交时bringto an end 结束in terms of 就来说;依据stand for 代表Summer Games 夏季奥运会the Olympics 奥林匹克运动会track and field 田径,田径运动weght lifting 举重will power 意志力Winter Games 冬季奥运会cricket krikit n.板球criminal kriminl n.犯人,罪犯equal i:kw4l v.与相等,抵得上 n.(在某一方面) 平等的人hockey h3ki n.曲棍球rugby r8gbi n.橄榄球soccer s3k4 n.平稳的,安稳的willing wili6 adj.愿意帮忙的,不反对的as a result 因此ice hockey 冰上曲棍球indoor sports 室内运动per head p4:hed 每人the medals table 奖牌榜to help somebody out 帮助某人解决困难beauty bju:ti n.美,美景bush bu5 n.灌木丛filter filt4 v.渗透,透过fresh fre5 adj.新的horn h3:n n.(动物的)角pack p1k v.打包裹 n.包裹poke p4uk v.不断地拨弄practically pr1ktik4li adv.几乎puppy p8pi n.小狗,小动物rifle raifl n.步枪shadwich n.三明治scratch skr1t5 v.轻搔( 以止痒)slam sl1m n.砰的声音thermos 74:m3s n.保湿瓶,热水瓶thrill 7ril n.一阵激动;使人欢快的事物 v.使感到激动,使紧张、震颤trail treil n.痕迹;踪迹tremble trembl v.战栗,发抖wrapping r1pi6 n.包装纸,包装材料be crazy about 热衷于;痴迷于head for 朝进发in ones prime 正在壮年,风华正茂时late in the fall 深秋settle down 安顿下来ant 1nt n.蚂蚁anthropol
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