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本文以多体系统动力学为基础,应用机械系统仿真分析软件 ADAMS,以 CA7220 轿车悬架为主要研究对象, 建立了 3 种 CA7220 轿车悬架多体系统动力学模型. 进行了独立悬架和转向系统动力学性能仿真研究.本课题为一汽集团重点项目“汽车高速性能研究”的子项目“汽车独立悬架高速性能研究”,课题以一汽集团生产的 CA7220 型轿车的麦弗逊式前独立悬架为主要研究对象,并兼顾其它型式的独立悬架.在总结国内外汽车多体系统动力学研究的基础上,本文建立了用于CA7220 型轿车整车悬架运动学与动力学分析的多体力学模型.结合台架试验与道路试验结果,本文重点研究了汽车悬架中柔性杆件和橡胶元件对汽车悬架特性的影响及汽车高速行驶时的转向轮摆振(简称转向轮高速摆振)特性.全文共分七章:第一章简要介绍了多体系统动力学理论的发展及其在汽车领域的应用,并对目前应用广泛的典型多体动力学分析软件 ADAMS 作了全面的介绍.通过回顾与总结国内外研究成果可以看出,对汽车独立悬架的动力学研究将从刚性体研究发展到柔性体研究,而且多体系统动力学与有限元分析的集成, 也已成为 CAE 技术的发展趋势及 CADCAMCAE 技术一体化的关键. 因此,本文着重对弹性元件以及多体与有限元的结合等方面做了探索性的研究.第二章较为系统地介绍了多体系统动力学理论.主要介绍了以机械系统仿真软件ADAMS 为代表的多刚体系统动力学理论;在多柔体系统动力学理论的介绍中,重点讨论了ADAMS 采用的柔性体离散化方法与集成柔性体模态分析的方法,以及美国学者 A.A.Shabana提出的形函数法.本章还对多体理论与有限元理论的结合作了初步的探索.第三章建立了 CA7220 型轿车悬架多体系统动力学仿真模型.针对悬架中一些零部件之间复杂的运动关系,提出了以虚拟物体简化悬架结构, 建立悬架运动学模型的思想,从而真实地反映悬架的实际工作情况.由于应用多体系统动力学建立机械系统仿真模型参数需要量大,精度要求高 ,本文将参数类型划分为运动学(几何定位)参数、质量特性参数(质量、质心与转动惯量等) 、力学特性参数(刚度、阻尼等特性)及外界参数(道路谱、风力等等) ;探索并总结了获得模型参数的数种方法,包括图纸查阅法、实验法、计算法、CAD 建模法等,并进行了这些方法的实施.结合建立模型时的实际情况,本文在第四章进行了以下方面的研究:在国内悬架动力学研究中首次实现了有限元计算与多体仿真模型分析的成功结合;用能量分析的方法合理地处理了汽车悬架中橡胶元件的非线性动态特性;将具有动态侧偏特性的轮胎模型与ADAMS 软件中已有的 Fiala 轮胎模型相结合,建立了新的 ADAMS 轮胎模型.编制了有关橡胶元件的非线性动态特性和轮胎的用户子程序,成功地对 ADAMS 软件进行了二次开发.第五章的内容为 CA7220 型轿车的整车与前悬架动力学模型的仿真分析.主要包括不同悬架模型(刚性模型、离散模型与柔性模型)的弹性跳动特性、高速行驶时的悬架固有特性与悬架振动特性分析等工作.对悬架中柔性体与橡胶元件的不同简化方法分别进行了计算及结果对比, 并分析了橡胶元件的动态特性对汽车悬架高速行驶性能的影响.第六章分析比较了 CA7220 整车悬架多柔体模型的高速摆振仿真结果与高速道路试验结果, 并对转向轮高速摆振机理作了相应的研究.分析结果表明,激发 CA7220 转向轮高速摆振的主要因素是其转向轮的动态不平衡,而悬架系统跳动过程中与转向系的不协调(前轮前后运动)是激发转向轮高速摆振的次要因素.其改进方法包括:1、控制车轮的动态不平衡量;2、改进悬架系统设计以改变悬架乃至整车的固有频率; 3、改进转向系统的结构、空间布置以改变系统的固有特性;4 、协调悬架系统与转向系统的运动等 .实际中采用了减小悬架下控制臂和横向稳定杆连接处橡胶衬套的轴向刚度的方案,较好地满足了上述方法中的第2、 3、4 项要求 .研究中发现,在特定车速下,轮胎的转动频率接近该车前麦弗逊式独立悬架系统与转向系统的固有频率,在车轮不平衡质量的周期激励下,激发悬架系统与转向系统的共振,因此出现了转向轮高速摆振的现象. 第七章为本文的总结以及今后的研究方向.总之,多体系统动力学理论是进行汽车悬架动力学研究的有效方法,其相关软件更为汽车悬架动力学研究提供了功能强大、效率颇高的研究工具.汽车悬架动力学研究将从多刚体系统动力学迈向多柔体系统动力学,这也是今后汽车悬架动力学研究的发展方向.多体系统动力学研究与有限元研究的高度结合,为更好地解决汽车悬架动力学研究中的一些难点提供了有力的工具.ABSTRACTBased on the theory of Multi-Body System Dynamics and the Mechanical System Simulation software ADAMS, different types of multi-body system dynamics models are built for independent suspension study. The simulation works focus on the kinematic and the dynamic characteristics of the independent suspension and the full vehicle. The effects of the flexible bodies and the rubber components of the suspension and full vehicle dynamics performance are analyzed. The project, Research on Vehicle Independent Suspension Performance at High Speed is subordinated to First Automobile Works (FAW) key projectResearch on Vehicle Performance at High Speed. The front McPherson suspension of FAW CA7220 is mainly studied, however the other types of suspensions are also concerned in the dissertation. Based on literature review and summarizing previous relevant works, the 3 dimension suspension and full vehicle multi-body models of FAW CA7220 were established and implemented in ADAMS environment for static, kinematics and dynamics analysis. According to the test rig experiments, road test and simulation results, the influences of flexible bodies and rubber components on suspension dynamic performances and steering wheel shimmy at high speed are investigated. In chapter one, the development of Multi-Body System Dynamics and its applications in vehicle design are introduced. The introduction of ADAMS, one of the most popular multi-body system dynamics softwares, is also presented. Recent researches show that the vehicle independent suspension dynamics is developing from multi-rigid body study to multi-flexible body study. And the combination of Multi-Body System Dynamics with the Finite Element Analysis is the key task of CAD/CAM/CAE integration techniques. Therefore, the above two problems are particularly concerned throughout the whole dissertation. Chapter two systematically introduces the theory of Multi-Body System Dynamics. Multi-rigid body system dynamics, typically used by ADAMS software, are mainly described. And for multi-flexible body system dynamics, discretion method and modal analysis employed by ADAMS are mainly presented. The Shape Function method proposed by A. A. Shabana is also introduced. The primitive investigation of combining the multi-body dynamics with the FEA is carried out in this chapter. The FAW CA7220 full car suspension model are established and described in Chapter three for multi-body dynamics simulation. Because of the complex motions of suspension components, a concept is proposed for visual bodies without geometry and mass consideration, which can reflect more practical case. Since many parameters are needed in establishing the multi-body simulation model for a practical mechanical system, four groups of parameters are specified respectively for kinematics (geometry location and orientation) , mass (mass, center of gravity, moment of inertia, etc. ) , mechanics property (stiffness, damping, etc. ) and the external input from road surface spectrum, wind etc. The parameters preparing method can be summ
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