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打呼噜的 10 大主要原因There is snoring and there is snoring. If you are towards the gentle end of the heavy breathing spectrum the chances are that you annoy people only infrequently.这儿有鼾声,那儿也有鼾声!如果你能轻柔地完成呼吸,没有沉重的呼吸声,那么你很少会打扰到别人。If, however, you are a heavy snorer the likelihood is that the members of your family will become so stressed and tired that they almost want to kill you.然而,如果你是一个重度鼾症患者,你的家人很可能十分焦虑不安、心力交瘁,乃至于几乎想要杀了你!Face it life with a snorer in the house is just downright unpleasant. It is not unknown for heavy snorers to be heard half the house away, their heavy, gasping breathing preventing anyone else from getting a good nights sleep.直面打鼾吧与打鼾的人生活在一起确实相当令人讨厌。对于打鼾的人来说,半个房子里都能听见他那沉重的喘气声,干扰了所有人的睡眠。If you snore like this you are probably making life miserable for everyone around you. The more they suffer from interrupted sleep the more likely they are to get annoyed with you. You are also not immune from damage through snoring.如果你也打鼾,那你就可能让周围的人都过着悲惨的生活。他们所承受的睡眠中断的痛苦越大,就越气恼。当然,你也不可避免地要面临打鼾的危害。Although you may not wake yourself up through your snoring (although it is not unknown) your sleep will be disturbed and you will not be getting enough rest to recuperate from the strains of the day.即使你不会被自己吵醒(尽管你知道自己打鼾) ,你的睡眠质量也会受到干扰,得不到充分的休息,也就难以平复白日的焦虑与紧张。If this continues for a long time you will be less healthy, prone to viruses and colds and more prone to the effects of work stress.如果这种情况持续很长一段时间,你的健康就会受损,容易感染病毒、患上感冒,也更有可能受到工作压力的影响。If you or your loved one spend the night gasping and groaning away to the detriment of your family and each other you may be tempted to try any number of over the counter remedies. It is quite common for the poor snorer to be subjected to all sorts of indignities throat sprays, nasal strips, silver rings on acupressure points.如果你或者你的爱人一整个晚上都在打鼾和呻吟,对彼此和家人造成了伤害,那么你也许愿意尝试以下一些非处方药的治疗方法。对于可怜的打鼾者来说,遭受各种“折磨”咽喉喷雾剂、鼻带和按压穴位的银戒指等都十分普遍。Some of these remedies will work for some people but there is no one size fits all fix. Snoring happens when air is prevented or blocked from getting easily into the lungs and the excess air causes the soft palette to vibrate.这些疗法对于一些人来说会有成效,但并不能解决所有人的问题。当进入肺部的空气受到阻碍时,多余的气体就会使软组织产生振动。The only way to cure your snoring is to work out what is causing the impediment and then learn how best to manage that problem.唯一能治好打鼾的方法就是找出症结所在,然后对症下药。With that in mind here are the top 10 reasons you might be snoring and what you can do to make it better.将这些建议铭记在心后,你就可以看看榜单上这十个导致打鼾的理由了,当然你也可以从中学会如何更好地解决打鼾这个难题。10.You breathe through your mouth10.口腔呼吸口腔呼吸We are capable of breathing through both our nose and our mouth. Indeed when we are doing strenuous work such as heavy exercise we will often use our mouth to breathe in order to bring more oxygen into our lungs than we can through using our nose alone. This is fine.我们可以通过口腔和鼻子呼吸。实际上当我们正在做高强度工作,如剧烈运动时,我们就会借助口腔而非单独使用鼻子进行呼吸,这样可以为肺部带入更多的氧气。这一点无可厚非。If, however, a person uses their mouth to breath as a matter of course it can lead to problems.然而,如果一个人习惯用口腔呼吸,就会带来一些问题。Children who breathe through their mouth are likely to get crooked teeth and a receding chin.用口腔进行呼吸的孩子可能会牙齿歪斜、下巴后缩。与用口腔呼吸的成年人一样,They are also likely to suffer from a host of health problems which they share with adult mouth breathers. These include getting bad headaches, sore throats, digestive problems and sleep disturbances.他们也有可能患上许多健康问题:头疼、喉咙疼、消化问题和睡眠紊乱。Nasal breathing is vitally important to good, snoreless sleep. When you take air in through your nose it will add nitric oxide to the air that passes into your lungs. This actually helps the lungs to absorb more oxygen.鼻腔呼吸对于拥有一个高质量的安静睡眠至关重要。当你用鼻子呼吸时,会为进入肺部的空气增加一氧化氮,这有利于肺部吸收氧气。If your nose gets congested and stuffed up easily you are going to compensate by breathing through your mouth which can aggravate snoring.如果出现鼻塞的问题,你就会借助口腔呼吸,这可能会加剧打鼾的情况。It might be tempting to think that there is nothing to be done to change your breathing habits. It is certainly not an easy thing to do but it is possible.你可能觉得无法改变自己的呼吸习惯。这确实不是一件容易的事情,但也并非不可能。If you are a mouth breather you will need to retrain your facial muscles to learn to breathe through your nose.如果你已经习惯了口腔呼吸,那么你需要反复训练面部肌肉,使之学会通过鼻子进行呼吸。This takes time but can be done and your doctor will be able to help you locate a suitable therapist to assist you. There are also devices available which help to position the mouth to prevent excess mouth breathing.只需要花费一定的时间来练习,就能实现这个目标。你的医生可以帮你找一位合适的治疗专家来帮助你。他们也会提供相关的设备来帮助你固定嘴巴,阻止额外的口腔呼吸。9.Your facial structures are the wrong shape9.面部结构畸形面部结构畸形Because snoring is caused by vibration in the soft tissues of your mouth deformities in these structures can make you more prone to snoring.口腔内的软组织振动导致打鼾,所以如果那些部位畸形,自然就会提高打鼾的可能性。Risk indicators include a long soft palate (more tissue equals more vibration), an excess of tissue in the throat and a long uvula (the bit that hangs down between your tonsils.“风险”的标志包括过长的软上颚(软组织越多振动就越多) 、喉咙里多余的组织和过长的小舌(悬挂在扁桃体之间的部分) 。Because of the importance of nasal breathing to health and wellbeing nasal pr
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