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江苏省四星级高中 2015 届高三英语一轮复习资料一Module 1 Unit 1I. 词汇梳理enjoyable (adj.) v. enjoy 欣赏,喜欢enjoyment 愉快,快乐experience (n. &vt.) adj. experienced 有经验的respect (n. &vt) adj. respective 各自的,各个的respectable 可敬的devote (vt.) adj. devoted 献身的;忠诚的;挚爱的n. devotion献身,热诚,专心literature (n.) adj. literary 文学的challenging (adj.) vt. challenge 挑战encouragement (n.) vt. encourage 反义词 discouragement n. 使人泄气的事物;阻止;劝阻cooking(n.) v. & n. cook 烹调,厨师cooker n. 餐具free (adj. &vt.) adv. freely 自由地,随意地 n. freedom 自由satisfaction (adj.) adj. satisfactory= satisfying 令人满意的,令人满足的adj. satisfied 满意的,满足的 v. satisfy 满意, 使满意academic(adj.) n. academy 专科学校;学会,学院former (adj.) 反义词 latter adj. 后者的;较后的graduate(vi. &n.) n. graduation 毕业fluent(adj.) adv. fluently 流利地,流畅地painting (n.) n. 色于, 绘画;donate (vt.) n. donation 捐赠independent(adj.) adv. independently 独立地,自立地 n. independence. 独立,自主 反义词 n. dependence 依靠;依赖 adj. dependent 依靠的;依赖的 adv. dependently 依靠地;依赖地 v. depend 依靠,依赖somehow adv. 不知为什么;不知怎么地 , 设法,想办法 辨析: anyhow= anyway adv. 总之;无论如何;不管怎样recent(adj.) adv. recently 最近,近来inform(vt.) n. information 信息approve(v.) n. approval 赞同,同意poet n. 诗人 poem n. 诗歌poetry n. 诗歌(总称) literary(adj.) n. literature 文学select(vt.) n. selection 选择,选拔composition(n.) v. compose 创作(乐曲、诗歌等) ;为谱曲 n. composer 作曲家exciting(adj.) 令人兴奋的adj. excited 感到兴奋的 n. excitement兴奋,激动vt. excite 使兴奋,使激动happy(adj.) adv. happily 幸福地n. happiness 幸福achieve(vt.) n. achievement 完成,成就adj. achievable 可以获得的help(n. &v.) adj. helpful 有帮助的different(adj.) n. difference 不同vi. differ 相异,有区别lucky(adj.) adv. luckily 幸运地n. luck 运气反义词 adj. unlucky 不幸地 同义词 adj. fortunate 幸运的adv. unfortunately 不幸地improve (v.) n. improvement 改善,改进,提高prepare(v.) n. preparation 准备beautiful(adj.) adv. beautifully 美丽地n. beauty 美丽,美人vt. beautify 美化relax(v.) n. relaxation 放松;缓和;消遣discuss(vt.) n. discussion 讨论require(vt.) n. requirement 要求,需要nature(n.) adj. natural 自然的develop(v.) n. development 发展 adj. developing 发展中的 developed 发达的II. 词汇应用1. 用所给词的正确形式填空1) satisfactionMiss Li nodded her head while I was answering her question. Everyone could see she was _ with my answer. The girl gave a wonderful concert. Their parents watched with great_. 2) excitingFrom the _look on the face I can tell she has something wonderful to tell us. The professors lecture on Shakespeare _our interest and we were all lost in his speech. Her days in Australia were filled with _ experiences. 3) devoteThe Australians _ to sport, however, does not mean that most of them actually do much sport. _ to his mother, he has been taking good care of his sick mother for ages. 4) challengeHow amazing it is that astronauts are exploring other space!Its a _, I guess, of man against nature. Teaching is a job where you are doing something serious but interesting. I find it fun and _. 5) approveYoud better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt _ of students wearing long hair. In 1854, the British government gave _ to the construction by the Metropolitan Railway Company of an underground railway. 6) independentShe works very hard and she is completely _ of her parents. On 4 July 1776, the Americans declared that they would no longer submit to British rule, which led to war, and to America gaining its _. The way you choose to advertise should _ mainly on your target audience and which kinds of ads reach that particular group best. 7) encouragementHe owed his success to his wifes _. Kids should be _ to get involved in activities where they meet other kids. The sudden storm _ us from going out, so we had to stay at home. 8) graduateMary _ from Oxford in the 1990s. They attended the _ ceremony in the conference hall. Much to her surprise, the president is also a _ from the same school. 9) informWe will be happy to give you up-to-date _ on bus and train times. All of his friends were _ of his safe arrival in America. 10) requireIt is _ that every citizen, whoever he is, obey the laws of the country. There are many _ that must be met before a sport can be considered by the IOC. 2. 单项选择1) Stop _so much noise! Father is working at the desk. A. to make B. making C. to hear D. hearing2) For the young, _ should be showed to their parents, teachers and old people. A. respect B. seriousness C. laugh D. laziness3) We will keep you_ of our progress and look forward to hearing from you. A. heard B. informed C. realized D. recognized4) Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt _ long hair. A. approve of students wearing B. approve students to wearC. approve students wearing D. approve of students to wear5) Students used to_ information from newspapers or magazines, but now they are used to _ for it on the Internet directly. A. get; search B. getting; search
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