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Unit 21) Jack is a student who thrives on activity.杰克是一个学生活动蓬勃发展。2) She was thinking of a strategy before her next move.她想的战略之前,她的下一步行动。3) Companies publish their annual report to inform the public about the previous years activities. 公司发布的年度报告,告知公众有关前一年的活动。4) Weve done a lot of work and we deserve a break.我们已经做了很多工作,我们应该有一个突破。5) Louisa made a spontaneous decision to board a train for London to visit her aunt.路易莎做了一个自发的决定,登上了开往伦敦的火车来参观她的姨妈。6) I want to express my sincere apologies for what I said. 我想表达我真诚的道歉,我说什么。 7) Stocks are regarded as good long-term investments 股票被视为良好的长期投资8) The new enterprise will hire additional staff. 新的企业将雇用更多员工。9) You should follow up your letter with a phone call.你应该跟进你的打个电话的信 10) The hero of the book is characterized as a person of very strong principles.书中的主人公的特点是作为一个很强的原则的人。11) Smoke lingered long after the fire was put out . 烟徘徊后,大火被扑灭。12) In his speech he acknowledged the help his parents gave him at the start of his career. 他在讲话中承认,他的父母给他的职业生涯开始于他的帮助。Unit 31)New genetic tests for other dread diseases are appearing almost every day.其他重大疾病的新的基因测试,几乎每天都出现。2) When teachers assign homework ,students usually feel an obligation to do it.当老师指定的功课,学生通常觉得有义务这样做。3) After her illness ,she had become noticeably thinner. 她的病情后,她已成为明显变薄。4) I cannot support a policy of which I have never approved . 我可以不支持,我从来没有批准的政策。5) Bias against girls is not something new:it has existed for a long time in our history.she argued. “对女孩的偏见是不是新的东西:它已经在我们的历史很长一段时间存在的, ”她认为。6) No one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep.没有人能正常工作,如果他们得不到充足的睡眠.7) The local authority decided that the present housing conditions constituted a risk for the mother and baby. 地方当局的决定,目前的住房构成了对母亲和婴儿的风险。8) The presidents participation in the economic summit (首脑会议)is seen as vital to its success. 在经济首脑会议的布什总统的参与被看作是其成功的关键。9) Perhaps he had slightly misled them ,but it was quite unintentional.或许他稍微误导,但它是很无意的。10) Funding a course is one of the most challenging things people face when considering postgraduate study. 资金当然是人们考虑研究生学习时所面临的最具挑战性的事情之一。Unit 4 1) we should not dismiss these ideas just because they are unfamiliar.我们不应该排除这些想法,只是因为他们是陌生的。2) Pain and illness are sometimes thought to be the unavoidable consequences of growing old.有时觉得疼痛和疾病的老去是不可避免的后果。3) The government is committed to promoting the development and use of public transportation. 政府正在致力于促进公共交通的发展和使用。4) The restriction no longer applies to him because hes over eighteen. 限制不再适用于他,因为他超过 18 5) Skillful employees are vital to the success of any company.熟练的员工到任何一家公司的成功是至关重要。6) Skinners ideas were scorned by many American psychologists. 许多美国心理学家斯金纳的想法是蔑视。7) Internet connections through conventional phone lines are fairly slow. 通过传统的电话线上网连接是相当缓慢的。8) I have to buy a wedding present and I want to find something really original. 我买的结婚礼物,我想找到真正原始的东西。Unit 5 1) Dont lie to him .He is bound to find out about it. 不要骗他,他一定要找到它。2) The mine-workers went on strike ,and the railroad unions threatened to follow their lead. 该矿工人开始罢工,铁路工会扬言要跟着他们走。3) It is all very well to be frugal(节约) ,but he goes too far 这是非常节俭(节约) ,但他走得太远4) He told us that he would take the place of his father in the company for a while. 他告诉我们,他会采取一段时间他的父亲在公司的地方。5) I havent seen that student of mine for some time ,do you think shes dropped out 我还没有见过一段时间,我的学生,你觉得她辍学6) Your mother would have a fit if she knew you were here. 你的母亲有一个合适的,如果她知道你在这里。7) These products measure up to the national standards.这些产品达到国家标准。8) When we were young we were taught to look up to the police. 当我们年轻的时候,我们被教导,仰望警方。9) Lets face it we wont win whatever we do.让我们面对它,我们不会赢,无论我们做什么。10) My father can make anything : chairs ,tables ,cupboards you name it我的父亲可以做什么:椅子,桌子,柜子,你的名字Unit 71) No one can function properly if he or she is deprived of adequate sleep.如果他或她是充足的睡眠剥夺,任何人都不能正常工作。2) John and Mary stayed together only for the sake of the children.约翰和玛丽住在一起只为孩子着想。3) If I thought I could get away with it I wouldnt pay any taxes at all.如果我以为我可以逃脱它,我不会支付任何税费。4) Bill dropped out of high school at the age of 16 when his parents died in a car accident.条例草案在 16 岁以下的辍学高中时,他的父母在一场车祸中去世。5) I should warn you, Miss Gray. This is by no means the first time you have been late.我要提醒你,格雷小姐。这绝不是你已经晚了第一次。6) Dont you think its time we got down to business?难道你不觉得它的时候我们有正事吗?7) The light is so dim that I cannot distinguish one speaker from another.光线昏暗,我不能区分从另一位发言者。8) I like to look back on my high school days, which were among the happiest in my life. 我想看看我的高中时代,这是在我生命中最快乐的。9) We could tell that Robert had gone through a very difficult time.我们可以告诉罗伯特已通过了一个非常困难的时间10) She shouldnt be working so hard? She is 70, after all .她不应该这么难?她是 70 岁,毕竟。11) I didnt enjoy marking these papers and I was glad to be rid of them.我不喜欢标记这些文件,我很高兴成为他们摆脱。12) Id rather not go to the dance on my own ; I do wish youd come with me。我宁愿不要去自己的舞蹈,我希望你跟我来。翻译Unit 11) Lively behavior is normal for a four-year-old child. 一个 4 岁的
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