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一、Place a “T” before sentences that are true and an “F” before those that are false( T )1、A worm gear is sometimes used in machines, it has low friction that can save considerable power. 蜗轮有时用在机器上,具有低的摩擦,可节省相当大的力。 ( T )2、In a cam mechanism, when the cam turns through one motion cycle, the follower executes a series of event consisting of rises, dwells and returns. 在一个凸轮机构中,当凸轮转过一个运动周期时,从动件执行一系列由上升、停留和返回的动作。( T )3、Integrated circuit is built on a semiconductor substrate, usually one of multi-crystal silicon.集成电路是建立在一个半导体衬底,通常是多晶硅。( T )4、Krichhoffs voltage law states that the sum of the potential drops around a loop in a circuit must be zero.Krichhoff 电压定律指出,在电路中的回路的电位下降的总和必须为零。( F )5、Electrons and protons are said to have the same positive charges.电子和质子具有相反的电荷。( T )6、If a sinusoidally varying voltage source is connected across the capacitor, it can be shown that the voltage across the capacitor lags the current by in phase, meaning that the voltage peaks occur 1/4 of an oscillation period later in time relative to the current peaks.如果一个以正弦波形式随时间正负变化的电压源加在电容上,将会使电 容电压在相位上滞后于电流,即该电压的峰值会比电流的峰值晚出现四分之一个周期的时间。( T )7、The advance of water as a pressure medium took a double hits near the turn of 20th century: one is the electric power control and the other is the oil hydraulic control systemHowever, the advance of water as a pressure medium took a double hits near the turn of the 20th century: electrical power offered a means of accurate control and a large power supply over long distances and in 1906,the first oil hydraulic system was introd.( F )8、An ON-delay timer is enabled when its rung is false.通电延迟定时器响应时,其梯级为真。( T )9、Water hydraulics is a wholly new technology.纯水液压传动技术是一种全新的技术。( F )10、Acceleration is the rate of change of displacement.加速度是位移变化率。( F )11、Gears can change the rate of rotation of a machinery shaft but can not change rotary motion to linear motion. 齿轮的机械轴的旋转率的变化而不能回转运动转变为直线运动。( T )12、Krichhoffs current law states that the sum of the current entering and existing a node must be zero.( T )13、Integrated circuit is built on a semiconductor substrate, usually one of multi-crystal silicon.( T )14、The first integrated circuits were created in the late 1950s in response to a demand from military for miniaturized electronics to be used in missile control systems.第一个集成电路是在 50 年代末创建的,以响应微型电子在军事导弹控制系统中使用的需求。( F )15、Electrons and protons are said to have the same positive charges.电子和质子具有相反的电荷。( F )16、An OFF-delay timer is enabled when its rung is true.一个断电延时定时器响应时,其梯级为假。( T )17、 A robot may act under the direct control of a human or autonomously under the control of a programmed computer.一个机器人可以在人类直接控制下的或计算机的程序控制下活动。( T )18、The advance of water as a pressure medium took a double hits near the turn of 20th century: one is the electric power control and the other is the oil hydraulic control system.( T )19、Velocity is defined as the rate of change of displacement.速度的定义是位移的变化率。( T )20、In many cases, the signal of interest is in the form of analog electrical voltage or current, produce for example by a microphone or some other type of transducer.在许多情况下,,例如麦克风或其他类型的传感器,其信号喜欢以模拟电电压或电流的形式产生。二、Translation(1) Translate the following words into English1、 斜面和杠杆 inclined place and lever2、 轮和轴 wheel and axle3、 齿轮和凸轮 Gear and cam4、 导体、半导体、绝缘体 Conductor, semiconductor, insulator5、 集成电路 Integrated circuit6、 印制电路板 Printed circuit board7、 保持定时器 retentive timer8、 家庭机器人 domestics Robots 9、 专用集成电路 Application specific integrated circuit10、 止回阀 Check valve11、 组合滑轮 Combined pulley12、 螺丝 Screw13、 电感和电容 Inductance and capacitance14、 金属氧化物半导体 Metal oxide semiconductor15、 逻辑梯形图 Logic ladder diagram16、 操控式机器人 Handling robot17、 可编程控制器 Programmable controller18、 位移,速度和加速度 The displacement, velocity and acceleration19、 混合集成电路 Hybrid integrated circuit 20、 光刻术 Lithography(2) Translate the following words into Chinese1、 wedge 楔2、 anti-backlash gears 消隙齿轮3、 voltage, current and resistance 电压,电流和电阻4、 bipolar junction transistor 双极结型晶体管5、 ON-delay timer 延迟定时器6、 mobile robot 移动机器人7、 analog to digital converter 模拟数字转换器 8、 unloader and safety relief valve 减荷器和安全泄压阀 9、 simple harmonic motion 简谐运动10、 degree of freedom 自由度11、rack and pinion 齿条与齿轮; 12、gear reduction 齿轮减速13、series circuit and parallel circuit 串联电路和并联电路14、electron,proton and neutron 电子,质子和中子15、photoresist 光阻材料16、OFF-delay timer 延时断开定时器17、self reconfigurable robot 自重机器人18、valve manifold 阀歧管19、return line filter 回油过滤器20、peak amplitude 振幅峰值三、Translate the following texts into English1、与采用刚性物体来传递作用力的装置相比,滑轮装置的缺点是滑轮与绳索之间的打滑和绳索的伸长。 Compared with rigid body device and to transmit force, pulley device defect is between the pulley and the rope slipping and rope elongat
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