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History of English LiteratureHistorical periodLiteraryPeriodRepresentativewritersRepresentative works SignificanceOld English (410-1066)Anglo-Saxon(poetry)Beowulf The national epic of the English people.Geoffrey ChaucerCanterbury Tales (masterpiece), The House of Fame, Troilus and Criseyde, The parliament of fowls.The founder / father of English poetry, and the earliest forerunner of realism.The Arthurian legends:Sir Gawain and the Green KnightMedieval England(1066-1400)(The Wars of Roses, Founding of the Tudor Dynasty)Medieval / Middle English(poetry, romance and ballad)Robin Hood Ballads:Lytell Geste of Robin Hood罗宾汉英雄事迹小唱Thomas More Utopia The forerunner of modern socialist thought.Edmund SpenserThe Faerie Queene (Spenserian stanza)He has great influences on all the later poets.Christopher MarloweTamburlaine 铁木耳转Dr. Faustus浮士德悲剧The Jew of Malta 马尔他岛的犹太人The greatest pioneer of English drama. He reformed the English drama by adopting blank verse as the principal form.William Shakespeare(see table 1) The four Great Tragedies: H , M , O , K L .(The summit of his plays: H .)One of the founders of realism in world literature; the summit of the English Renaissance; fist-rank writer the world over.The Pre-Elizabethan and Elizabethan Ages (1400-1603) (The Reformation and the Enclosure Movement )Renaissance (Humanism)(Poetry and drama)Francis Bacon Essays The first English Essayist; founder of modern science in England (materialist philosophy).Revolution and Restoration(the 17th century) (English Bourgeois Revolution, the Restoration, and the “Glorious Revolution and Restoration(two literary camps)(Poetry: Puritan, Cavalier, Metaphysi-John Milton Pro Populo Anglicano Defense; Pro Populo Anglicano Defense Secunda; Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained; Samson Agonistes.He wrote the greatest epic in literature - .He was the first to use blank verse in non-dramatic works.He ranks with Shakespeare as two patterns of English verse.John Bunyan Pilgrims Progress;The Life and Death of Mr. Badman.John Donne “The Sun Rising” “Death, Be Not Proud”“Song”“The Flea” Representative of the “metaphysical poets.”Revolution”) cal.)John Dryden(Restoration)“An Essay of Dramatic Poesy”Forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the 18th century.Alexander Pope The Rape of the Lock The most important representative of the English classical poetry.Jonathan Swift A Modest Proposal; Guillivers Travels.Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe The Father of English Novel.Henry Fielding Tom Jones The Founder of the English Realist Novel.Tobias Smollett Humphry Clinker; Rodrick Random.Laurence Sterne(sentimentalist)Tristram Shandy (the most original work in English literature)Richard Brinsley SheridanThe School for Scandal(the best English comedy since Shakespeare)Oliver Goldsmith(poet, novelist, dramatist and essayist combined in one person)The Vicar of WakefieldThomas Gray Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (a model of sentimentalist poetry)William Blake Songs of Innocence and Experience; “The Tyger” “The Lamb” “Lodon” “The Chimney Sweeper”.18th Century(The Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment)Enlightenment(Classicism, Realism, Pre-roman-ticism and Sentimen-talism) (Novel, prose and poetry) (see the table of 18th century literature)Robert Burns Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect; “A Red, Red Rose”.Forerunners of the Romantic poetry of the 19th century.(R. B: The national poet of Scotland; a poet of the peasants.)William WordsworthLyrical Ballads; “Lucy Poems”; The Prelude.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLyrical Ballads; “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”; “Kubla Khan”.Representatives of the “Lake poets” / elder generation of / escapist romanticists, and their joint work marked the beginning of the Romantic period.George Gordon ByronChilde Harolds Pilgrimage; Don JuanPercy Bysshe ShelleyPrometheus Unbound; “Ode to the West Wind/a Skylark”; A Defence of Poetry.John Keats “Ode on a Grecian Urn”; “Ode to a Nightingale”; “To Autumn”.They are the best representatives of Romantic literature all around the world, and the well-known brilliant trio of active / revolutionary romanticists in England. The influences of their work on world literature are immense.Charles Lamb Tales from Shakespeare The best representative of the “familiar essay”.Late 18th to mid-19th century (the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution)The Romantic Period(1798 publication of L B -1832 death of W S )(Romanticism)(Poetry)Walter Scott Waverley; Rob Roy The founder and great master of English historical novel.Charles Dickens The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club; Oliver Twist; David Copperfield; A Tale of Two Cities; Great ExpectationThe greatest English critical realist of the time.William Makepeace ThackerayVanity FairJane Austen Pride and Prejudice; Sense and Sensibility; Emma; Mansfield Park; Persuasion; Northanger AbbeyCharlotte/Emily BronteJane Eyre /Wuthering HeightGeorge Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)Adam Be
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