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Unit 12: Transportation Section A Word PretestFor each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.1. They toiled all day digging the trench.A. a long winding streetB. a long narrow channelC. a long water pipe2. The castle rises in solitary splendor on the fringe of the desert.A. heartB. edgeC. strip3. She lost her way in the grimy sprawl of backstreets.A. ungainly postureB. uncontrolled growthC. irregular extension4. The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydneys offer of a subsidy.A. reductionB. scholarshipC. grant5. The new airline is chartered by the government.A. hiredB. certifiedC. banned6. The government spokesman gave a quick briefing to the reporters.A. introductionB. meetingC. instruction7. The onus is on government departments to tell why information cannot be disclosed.A. blameB. concernC. responsibility8. The vase fell and fragmented into small pieces.A. cutB. brokeC. disappearedsubmitCopyright 2014 SFLEP. All Rights Reserved. 上海外语教育出版社 版权所有Unit 13: Time Section A Word PretestYou are expected to read this section in class. Dont preview.For each italicized word, choose the best meaning below.1. They made a crude attempt to kill the King.A. cruelB. successfulC. unskillfulKey: C2. The Nile is one of the principal rivers of Africa.A. principleB. longestC. mainKey: C3. The temple was filled with golden idols.A. people who are foolishB. images worshipped as godC. people liked by the publicKey: B4. John didnt say when hed return, but I presume hed be back for dinner.A. acceptB. supposeC. wishKey: B5. These plans must be modified if theyre to be used successfully.A. changed greatlyB. changed slightlyC. changed completelyKey: B6. A lunar month is the period between two new moons.A. of the sunB. of the moonC. of the starsKey: B7. The baseball match is being sponsored by a cigarette company.A. opposedB. supportedC. spoiledKey: B8. The King decreed the use of army.A. wished stronglyB. believed firmlyC. ordered officiallyKey: CThis page was submitted on 6/7/2015.Copyright 2014 SFLEP. All Rights Reserved. 上海外语教育出版社 版权所有
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