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长城是中国古代规模浩大的军事防御工程。修筑长城最初是为了抵御北方游牧民族的入禁。长城东西绵延 8800 千米,跨越 17 个省份,主要由城墙、关隘、烽火台组成。今天我们看到的长城多数可追溯到明朝。保存最完好,最为壮观的部分是北京的八达岭。长城已有两千多年的历史,某些部分现已毁坏或消失。然而它仍是世界上最吸引人的景观之一。长城是最耗时最长、付出生命代价最高的建筑工程。它列世界新七大奇观,当之无愧。Great Wall of China was an ancient gigantic 巨大的 defensive project.Its built originally 最初 to resist invasions 入侵 of northern nomadic groups.The wall stretches 延绵 for 8,800km and spans 跨越 17 provinces from east to west.The Great Wall mainly comprises 包含walls,passes and watchtowers 烽火台.The Great Wall we see today mostly dates back to 回溯到 the Ming Dynasty.The best-preserved and most imposing section 截面 is at Badaling 八达岭 in Beijing.With a history of more than 2000 years,some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared.However,it is still one of the most appealing attractions吸引 all around the world.The Great Wall is the building project with the longest duration 持续 and greatest cost in human lives.It deserves its pace among “The New Seven Wonders of the World.”中国航天工程神舟号宇宙飞船以其十次成功发射给全世界留下了印象。1992 年,中国载人航天工程正式获得批准。1999 年 11 月 20 日,中国首只无人操作飞船”神舟一号“成功发射,这标志着中国在太空探索取得首个巨大突破。在接下来的三年,无人操作的飞船的几次试验飞行相继执行。第五次发射的”神舟五号“在 2003 年 10 月15 日第一次将中国首位宇航员送入太空。自此,中国成为继尔罗斯和美国之后第三个具备自主载人航天能力的国家。Shenzhou spacecraft 宇宙飞船,航天器 of Chinas space program has already made a worldwide 全世界的 impression with 10 successful blastoffs 发射.Chinas Manned Space Program was formally approved 批准 in 1992.On November 20,1999,Chinas first unmanned spacecraft,Shenzhou 1.was successful launched,which marked 标志Chinas first great breakthrough 突破 in space exploration 探索.In the following three years 接下来的三年,several test flights of unmanned spacecrafts were successively carried out 执行.The fifth launch,Shenzhou 5,was the first to carry first Chinese astronaut 航天员 into space on 15 October 2003.Since then ,China have became the third country in the world to have independent manned space flight capability after Russia and the United States.在中国,元宵节在农历元月十五这一天庆祝,标志着新年庆祝活动的结束。关于元宵节的由来,说法不一。有一个传说是这样讲的:一些村民射杀了一只来自天庭的仙鹤,这激怒了天庭玉帝。于是,他命令天兵在农历十五这一天火烧村庄。他的女儿把这个计划告知了村民。一位智者建议每家每户都在房子周围挂上红灯笼,在街上燃放鞭炮,制造村里着火的景象。在这一天,玉帝看到村子已经是一片火海,决定不去烧毁村庄了。从那天开始,人们悬挂灯笼、放鞭炮和焰火来庆祝这个节日。The Lantern Festival 元宵节 in China is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar 农历,making the last day of the New Year celebration.There are different beliefs about its origin 起源.One legend 传奇 tells that a crane from heaven 天堂 was shot dead by some villagers,which angered the Jade Emperor in heaven.So,he ordered his troops 天兵 to set fire to the village on the fifteenth lunar day.His daughter warned the villagers of her fathers plan.A wise man suggested that every family should hang red lanterns 灯笼 around their houses and explode 爆炸 firecrackers 鞭炮 in streets to give the village the appearance of being on fire.On the very day.the Jade Emperor saw that the village was already ablaze and decided not to burn it down.From that day on,people celebrate the festival by hanging lanterns and exploding firecrackers and firework.能源是人类社会懒以生存和发展的重要物质基础,人类文明跨出重要的每一步都伴随着能源的革新和更替。能源的开发利用极大地推进了世界经济和人类社会的发展。中国是目前世界上第二长,为世界能源市场创造了广阔的发展空间。作为世界能源市场不可替代的重要组成部分,中国在维护全球能源安全上,正在发挥着越来越重要的积极作用。Energy is an essential 必要的;本质的;精华的 material basis for human survival 存活 and development.Every significant 重大 step in the progress of human civilization has been accompanied by energy innovations 创新(innovation 的复数) ;改革 and substitutions.n. 数 替换(substitution的复数) ;代替;代用 The development and utilization 利用,使用 of energy has enormously . 巨大地,庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上 boosted提高 the development of the world economy and human society.China is now the worlds second-largest 第二长 producer and consumer.The sustained 持续的 growth of energy supply 供给 has provided an important support for the countrys economic growth and social progress,while the rapid expansion 发展 扩充 扩展接口 of energy consumption 消费量 has created a vast 巨大的 scope 范围 for the global energy market.As an irreplaceable 不可替代的 component 成分 of the world energy market,China plays an increasingly important role in maintaining global energy security.茶对中国文化有着深远的影响。在中国社会,年轻一辈常常向老一辈敬茶以表示对他们的尊敬。中国人在家庭聚会时也会喝茶。子女们很少有时间回来探望父母,父母也很少见到他们的孙子。因此,去餐馆和喝茶成了家庭聚会的一项重要活动。此外,在中国文化里,人们会以倒茶的方式,向别人表示深重的歉意。向老一辈敬茶以表示谢意同样是婚礼上的重要礼仪。在中国传统婚礼上,新郎新娘都要跪在方面面前,向他们敬茶。Tea has a profound 深刻的 influence on Chinese culture.In Chinese society,the younger generation 晚辈 always shows their respect to the older generation by offering a cup of tea.Chinese also drink tea at a family gathering 聚集;集会;收款.Sons and daughters have few times to visit their parents,and parents may seldom meet their grandchildren as well.Therefore,going to restaurants and drinking tea becomes an important activity for family gatherings.Besides,in Chinese culture,people make serious apologies to others by pouring tea for them.Serving tea to express thanks to your elders is also an important etiquette on oness wedding day.In the traditional Chinese marriage ceremony,both the bride and groom kneel in front of their parents and serve them
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