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1湖北省枝江市董市镇初级中学 2015 届九年级英语 12 月月考试题第一部分 听力测试(25 分)1、听句子选择图片。共 5 小题,计 5 分。A B CD E F1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 2、听对话回答问题。共 10 小题,计 10 分。请听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。( )6、What was John doing when his mother came home yesterday?A、playing the guitar B、Washing the dishC 、Doing his homework 请听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。( )7、What does the man need to repair?A、His computer. B、His clock.C 、His cell phone. 请听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。( )8、What did the boy receive from the girl for his birthday?A、A birthday card. B、Some flowers.C 、A scarf. 请听第四段对话,回答第 9 至 10 小题。( )9、What is Bruce doing?A、Doing his homework. B、Writing an e-mail.C 、Reading a storybook. ( )10、What will Frank go to college?A、Next week. B、Next month.C 、Next year. 请听第五段对话,回答第 11 至 12 小题。( )11、Who is the man?A、Amys brother. B、Amys father.C 、Amys classmate. ( )12、How old will Amys mother be tomorrow?A、45 years old. B、50 years old.C 、55 years old 请听第六段对话,回答第 13 至 15 小题。( )13、What is the woman?A、An assistant. B、A teacher.2C 、A doctor. ( )14、Where did the man read the information about the trip to New York?A、In a poster. B、In a travel magazine .C 、In the newspaper.( )15、How long will the trip take from Beijing to New York by plane?A、About 10 hours. B、About 12 hours. .C 、About 14 hours. 3、听短文选择答案。共 5 小题,计 5 分。( )16、When did the story happen?A、On Saturday morning. B、On Sunday morning. C 、On Sunday afternoon. ( )17、How was the weather that day?A、It was cloudy. B、It was windy.C 、It was rainy. ( )18、What did the woman go out to do?A、Send a letter. B、Go shopping.C 、Go working. ( )19、What is the man?A、A worker. B、A student .C 、A policeman. ( )20、How many the woman feel after listening to the mans answer?A、Proud. B、Embarrassed .C 、Excited. 4、听短文填写表格。共 5 小题,计 5 分。Favorite Music Favorite ColorThe school boyRock music .Because it makes him(21) .Blue and white .He thinks the two colors can make people (22) .His mother(23) .Because it makes her very happy.Blue and yellow.His fatherAll kinds of music and he is good at (24) .(25) 第 二部分 语言知识及运用(30 分)5、单项选择。共 15 小题,计 15 分。( )26、-I dont think teenagers should be allowed to smoke. - .A、Not at all B、Never mindC、Its a pleasure D、I agree( )27、-Why dont you read this book?-Its not necessary to read this book .There isnt useful in it .A、anything B、nothingC、something D、everything3( )28、-They are making too much here. I cant do anything.-I will tell them to keep quiet .A、sound B、noiseC、voice D、power( )29、-There are people in the s hopping mall.-Yes .It is so crowded.A、thousands B、thousandC、thousands of D、thousand of( )30、-Why did the teacher the boy?-Because he helped an old man.A、punish B、praiseC、perform D、reflect( )31、-Were Tom and Jack at home?- of them was at home. They were both in the park.A、Both B、Not only C、Either D、Neither( )32、-Must I go there right now?-No ,you .They may go there later.A、shouldnt B、cant C、neednt D、mustnt( )33、-What do you think of this film?-Great.It is the best film I have ever seen.A、who B、whom C、which D、that( )34、-Would you like to have apple?-No, thanks. I am full.A、another B、the other C、other D、others( )35、-It is snowing outside. Lets build a snowman ?-Good idea.A、shouldnt we B、wont youC、will you D、shall we( )36、- she is only 10,she has set up her own website.-Unbelievable!A、If B、SoC、Because D、Although( )37、-I want to see a scary movie, Mum.-You should not do that. They will give you dreams.A、nice B、cleverC、sweet D、awful( )38、-Whatever he does ,he will tell his mother.- honest boy he is!A、How an B、How a C、What an D、What a( )39、-When you to play the piano?- Three years ago.A、have ;started B、will ;startC、do; start D、did; start4( )40、-You should not to old people .It is not polite.- OK.I wont do that again.A、stand up B、look upC、talk back D、look back6、完形填空。共 15 小题,计 15 分。Many of us have been troubled by junk mail or phone calls from salespeople. We are especially 41 that our personal information has been leaked(泄露)。Here comes some good news. On Dec. 28,Chinas top law-making body made rules to 42 personal information onlin
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