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1通过分析电影 An Inspector Calls 学习如何写记叙文教学课题:通过分析电影 An Inspector Calls 学习如何写好记叙文。教学目标:通过分析电影,更加直接地认识记叙文,学习怎样写记叙文。教学内容:1. Plot2. Theme3. Major characters4. Point of view5. Scene6. Structure 7. SummaryIntroduction about the filmAn Inspector Calls is a suspenseful film adapted from English dramatist J. B. Priestleys 1945 play of the same name, but the film is set in 1912. It is one of Priestleys best known works for the stage, and is considered to be one of the classics of mid-20th century English theatre. It was directed by Aisling Walsh. The film tells that a mysterious inspector interrogates a wealthy English family about their responsibility for the death of a young working class factory girl.About the authorJohn Boynton Priestley (18941984), was an England writer, commenter and dramatist. He was an “allround writer”, which means he wrote all different sorts of literature.BackgroundThe background of An Inspector Calls is set in 1912. And there were strong distinctions between the upper and lower classes in England. Women were subservient to men. All that a welloff women could do was get married while a poor woman was seen as cheap labour. The ruling classes think there is no need to change the status quo.1. Plot2Clue: Evas death以伊娃的死为线索。BeginningIn 1912 industrialist Arthur Birling, his wife Sybil and young son Eric are celebrating the engagement of daughter Sheila to Gerald Croft when they are visited by the unexpected arrival of “Inspector Goole”. He tells them of the death of a young woman named Eva Smith.DevelopmentThrough the investigation of Inspector Goole, they each have secrets linking them to the Evas death. And then the Inspector leaves.Climax+EndingThe family rings the hospital and there is no record of a girl dying from drinking disinfectant. Suddenly the phone rings, the phone call reveals that a young woman has just died and the police are on their way to question them about it.2. ThemeSocial responsibilityIn the film, each member of the family share the responsibility of Evas death,the inspector: “Each of you helped to kill her.” They do or dont take responsibility for their behavior, and the inspectors lesson.这部电影主要讲述的是探长调查一个工人阶级的年轻女孩的死亡,发现这个富有的英国家庭应对这个女孩的死负责任。e.g. The Inspector: One Eva Smith has gone but there are millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us, with their lives, their hopes and fears, their suffering and chance of happiness, all intertwined with our lives, and what we think and say and do.分析:这位探长说一个伊娃史密斯死了,还有成千上万个伊娃史密斯或约翰史密斯活在这个世界上,他们的生活都与我们交织在一起;我们必须对自己的一言一行所负责。在电影中指的是柏林一家人必须为伊娃的死负责任。3Class conflictClass issues are dealt with by having a middleclass family involved in the death of a working-class girl. And there was inequality between the classes still existed and that the upper-classes looked down upon the working-class in 1912 of England柏灵一家是当时整个资产阶级的缩影,而伊娃是当时工人阶级的缩影。柏灵一家对伊娃的伤害,最终致使她的死亡。这表现出资产阶级对工人阶级的压迫与剥削,还有阶级之间的不平等。e.g. Eva: He started giving me money, but then I realized he was stealing it. I told him not to any more. I dont want him to get into troubleMrs. Birling: Thats enough. Given your present state, I find it hard to believe in your extraordinary scruples. Eva: Theyre not extraordinary. I meanI was raised to do my best by peopleMrs. Birling: that the two of young marryEva: We cant marry. Hewe are not of the sameclass. It wouldnt work分析:伊娃不接受艾瑞克偷来的钱。这让柏灵夫人感到匪夷所思,认为像伊娃这种工人阶级的女孩是不可能这样做的。这属于一种阶级偏见。并且接下来伊娃被问到她可以和艾瑞克结婚时,伊娃的回答是:我们两个属于不同的阶级,是不能在一起的。由此我们可以看出阶级之间是非常不平等的,并且阶级意识已经深入人心。3. Major charactersInspector Goole(Goole=God) isnt a “real” person. He knows everything. The Birlings question whether he is actually a real inspector, and a phone call made by Gerald to the local police station reveals that there is no Inspector Goole in the local police force.4分析:在剧情反转的时候,警察局告知亚瑟没有古尔这个探长。并且在电影中有几个镜头说明了古尔是不存在的。第一古尔德离开比尔林家后来到一个巷道,抬头望向伊娃居住的地方的窗口,然而伊娃写完日记,站起身,拿着日记走向窗口往下看,巷道上没有人。第二伊娃死前的那一刻,她看到了护士背后的古尔探长,然而周围的医生并没有看到探长。Arthur BirlingHes a prosperous factory owner (businessman), and he is extremely selfish and greed. His first priority is to make money and get power! He strongly believes that “a man has to make his own way”. e.g. Mr. Birling: the way these cranks talk now, youd think everybody has to look after everybody else, and were all mixed up together, like bees in a hive. “Community”! If I hear that the word one more time a man must look after his own affairs, and then everything else just分析:从亚瑟的言谈之中,我们可以看出他是一个极度自私的人。他认为“团体”是胡说八道;我们都生活在一起,像蜂窝里的蜜蜂这种说法更是奇怪;并且,在他看来一个人只要做好自己的事情就好。e.g. “.we can look forward to a time when Birling and company and Crofts Limited are no longer competing, but working as onelower costs and higher prices.”分析: 很明显亚瑟是一个唯利是图的人,并且他是一个资本家。事实上他认为他女儿的订婚会为他带来更多的利益,从这我们可以看出他是一个多么贪婪的人。同时,他不考虑价格上涨可能给穷人带来的影响,他只想得到更多的钱。Sybil BirlingMrs. Birling is Arthur Birlings wife. She wants to stick to the rules, concerned about manners (tells what the others shall do or not). Shes very selfish, coldhea
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