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目 录摘 要 .3ABSTRACT.4第一章 绪 论 .51.1 选题背景及意义 .61.2 塑料模具的种类和应用 .71.2.1 塑料模具的种类 .71.2.2 塑料模具的应用 .71.3 本次设计塑料注射模具的主要工作内容 .8第二章 塑料注射模具的设计步骤和结构组成 .92.1 塑料注射模具的设计要求 .92.2 塑料注射模具的设计步骤及内容 .92.3 塑料注射模具的结构组成和作用 .102.3.1 单分型面注射模的结构组成 .102.3.2 注射模的组成和作用 .10第三章 钟表后座塑料件 .123.1 塑料成型制品的分析 .123.1.1 制品的设计要求 .123.1.2 塑件的基本尺寸和基本数据: .123.2 注射机的选用: .143.3.模具结构设计 .163.3.1 型腔数目 n 的确定 .163.3.2 确定型腔和型芯的结构形式 .173.4 浇注系统设计 .183.5 推出机构的设计 .203.6 注射模标准模架的设计 .223.7 注射模导向机构的设计 .243.8 注射模冷却系统的设计 .243.9 注射模排气系统的设计 .25洛阳理工学院论文23.10 注射模的设计结果参数 .25第四章 结论 .26致 谢 .27参考文献 .28洛阳理工学院论文3摘 要这此我设计的主要内容是钟表后座,它的作用是支撑使物品平衡。经常用于生活物品中,如相架,镜子等。它的要求精度不高,形状并不复杂,零件基本对称。本次设计的零件主要参考文献是塑料模具设计与制造。通过对设计零件的测量画出相应的零件图,然后选择注射材料和注塑机。根据一些公式算出相应的强度,压力,注射量,型腔数目等值。浇注系统,推出机构,模架,冷却系统,排气系统都是通过参考课本与其他一些资料做的 。通过毕业设计,我也学到了有关模具方面比较深层次的知识,在科技发达的当今社会,有知识才会拥有一切,我们作为新世纪的大学生,应该用更多、更高的知识来武装自己,使自己在社会发展的潮流中立于不败之地,学会一技之长,为社会发展和国家进步作出应有的贡献。关键词:钟表后座,塑料,模具,分型面,注射机洛阳理工学院论文4AbstractThis I design the primary coverage is the clock and watch back seat, its function is the support causes the goods to be balanced. Uses in living frequently in the goods, like puts up, mirror and so on. Its required accuracy is not high, the shape is not complex, components basic symmetrical. This designs components main reference is Plastic Mold Design And Manufacture. Through to designs the components the survey to draw the corresponding detail drawing, then choice injection material and injection molding machine. Figures out the corresponding intensity according to some formulas, the pressure, the injection quantity, the die space number equivalent. The gating system, the ejecting mechanism, the pould frame, the cooling system, the exchaust gas system does through the reference textbook with other material. Through the graduation project, I have also learned the related mold aspect quite deep level knowledge, in the technical developed now society, will have the knowledge only then to have all, we will take the new century the university student, should use to be more, a higher knowledge to arm itself, will cause itself to be in an impregnable position in the social development tidal current, learns the professional skill, will make the proper contribution for the social development and the national pro
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