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Unit 9 Wheels基础知识梳理词汇梳理1. _ adv. 因此;所以2. _ n. 驾驶汽车的人3. _ n. 行人4. _ adv. 实际地;真实地5. _ n. 便利,7. _ n. 停车场8. _ adj. 有希望的_ adj. 无希望的9. _ n. 街坊;临近地区10. _ conj. 无论在何处;无论在哪里11. _ n. 贼;小偷12. _ vt. 插入;嵌入13. _ n. 后果;结果14. _ vt. 逮捕;拘留,15. _ vi. 争辩;争吵_ n. 争论;争辩16. _ n. 行李17. _ n. 大使18. _ adj. 敏感的;能够理解的19. _ adj. 灰白的;灰色的20. _ adj. 和善的;温和的21. _ adj. 残忍的;凶猛的22. _ n. 词汇;词汇量,23. _ n. 译员;口译者24. _ adj. 禁止吸烟的25. _ n. 重音;口音26. _ n. 时间表;进度表27. _ n. 负责;责任;职责28. _ adj. 愚蠢的29. _ n. 女主人_ n. 男主人,30. _ n. 手提箱31. _ n. 内容32. _ n. 印象;感觉33. _ adj. 可靠的34. _ n. 操作人员;接线员35. _ vt. 欣赏;鉴赏_ n. 欣赏;感激36. _ n. 建筑;建筑业_ v. 建设;建筑,37. _ n. 数量38. _ adj. 身体的;物质的39. _ n. 数字;数目40. _ vt. 承认;供认41. _ adj. 沉溺于的_ v. 沉溺于中;上瘾42. _ vt. 居住;占有43. _ adv. 以某种方式44. _ pron. 无论哪个,45. _ vt. 加上47. _ adj. 时常发生的48. _ vt. 适合49. _ n. 摄氏度,自我校对1. therefore 2. motorist 3. pedestrian 4. indeed 5. benefit; beneficial 6. convenient; convenience 7. parking 8. hopeful; hopeless 9. neighbourhood 10. wherever 11. thief 12. insert 13. consequence 14. arrest 15. argue; argument 16. baggage 17. ambassador 18. sensitive 19. grey 20. gentle 21. fierce 22. vocabulary 23. interpreter 24. non-smoking 25. accent 26. schedule,27. responsibility 28. foolish 29. hostess; host 30. suitcase 31. content 32. impression 33. reliable 34. operator 35. appreciate; appreciation 36. construction; construct 37. amount 38. physical 39. figure 40. admit 41. addicted; addict 42. occupy 43. somehow 44. whichever 45. damage 46. plus 47. frequent 48. suit 49. centigrade,短语梳理1. _ 交通阻塞;塞车2. _ 不愉快的;厌烦的3. _ 锻炼身体;做运动4. _ 依赖;依靠5. _ (车辆)停止;停车6. _ (火车)驶离车站;出站7. _ 迄今为止8. _ 发生9. _ 上升10. _ 通常;平均,自我校对traffic jam 2. fed up 3. work out 4. rely on 5. pull up 6. pull out 7. so far 8. take place 9. go up 10. on average,重点知识探究重点单词1. benefit vi. 得益;受益 vt. 使受益 n. 益处;好处The bank suffers while its officers benefit.银行遭受损失,而它的高级职员们却得到好处。This dictionary will be of great benefit to me.这部字典将对我有很大裨益。Exercise benefits our health.运动有益于我们的健康。We benefit by (from) daily exercises.每天做操对我们有益。,知识梳理(1)benefit sb. / sth. 有益于某人或某物benefit from / by sth. 受益于;从中受益(2)for the benefit of sb. 为了的利益for ones benefit 为了某人的利益be of benefit to . 对有益to ones benefit 对有益beneficial adj. 有益的;受益的;得利的be beneficial to sb. / sth. 对某人/某物有益,探究练习Your advice is _ to me and I believe I can succeed this time with it.A. of great benefit B. benefitC. of beneficial D. benefitful,【解析】 A be of benefit 相当于be beneficial表示“对有益处”之意;而B项和C项均不符合语法要求;D项是错误选项, benefit的形容词是beneficial。,2. convenient adj. 方便的;便利的convenience n. 方便;便利;便利的设施The house is very convenient for several schools.这座房子离几所学校都很近。I am not going to organize my day entirely for your convenience.我不打算完全为了你的方便而安排我的时间。The house has all the modern conveniences.这栋房屋有各种现代化的设施。When would it be convenient for you to go?你什么时候去方便?,知识梳理as a matter of convenience 为了方便at ones (own) convenience 在某人方便时for convenience (sake) 为了方便起见for the convenience of 为方便起见make a convenience of sb. 任意利用某人be convenient for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是方便的,点津提示(1)convenient 多用于“物”作主语的语境中。(2)convenience用作名词,表示“方便;便利”之意是不可数名词,而表示“便利的设施”之意是可数名词。,探究练习I want to know if it will be _ for you to pick up some fruits from the market for me when you go there.A. kind B. handyC. convenient D. inconvenient,【解析】 C 句意:我想知道当你去市场的时候,如果你顺便给我买些水果对你来说是否方便。考查了convenient表示“方便的”之意的用法,符合语境;而kind是“好的;友善的”,后面多接介词of,再接人;表示“某人很好”; handy是“近在手边的”; inconvenient是“不方便的”。,3. therefore adv. 所以;因此They therefore can do nothing good of themselves.所以他们靠自己是什么好事也做不成的。I think, therefore I am. 我思故我在。He was ill, and therefore could not come.他病了,所以未能来。,点津提示(1)therefore是正式用语,多用于数学、逻辑和其他精细的推论中,特用以表示严密的推理;so用于简洁的会话和日常的文体中,推理不必很严密。(2)therefore虽然表示因果关系,但是是副词,相当于consequently或as a result,使用时注意标点符号的使用。,探究练习Interviewers typically ask many of the same standard questions. _, by understanding which question to expect, you can better prepare your answers.A. Therefore B. NeverthelessC. Otherwise D. Moreover,【解析】 A 考查副词词义。therefore意为“因此;于是”; nevertheless“然而”; otherwise“否则”; moreover“而且”。由句意可知,A项最合逻辑。,4. consequence n. 后果;结果Nobody can tell what the consequences may be.没有人能说出可能的后果。In consequence of the fire, many people became homeless.由于这次大火,许多人都无家可归。He was badly injured as a consequence of his careless driving.因为粗心驾驶,他受了伤。,知识梳理answer for the consequences 对后果负责as a consequence 因而;结果face the consequences of ones action 自食其果in consequence 因此;结果in consequence of 的结果;因为的缘故;由于,
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