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I摘 要沥青路面是在柔性基层、半刚性基层上,铺筑一定厚度的沥青混合料作面层的路面结构。沥青路面与砂石路面相比,其强度和稳定性都大大提高;与水泥混凝土路面相比,路面平整无接缝,行车振动小,噪声低,建设工期短,养护简便,具有良好的力学韧性、延展性、耐久性,而被广泛采用,是我国重要的路面结构形式。但是随着我国经济快速、办调发展,交通量不断增长,加之沥青路面受外界条件影响及因设计、施工和养护等诸多种原因,很多沥青路面公路出现一定的早期破坏,如裂缝、麻面、松散、坑槽、车辙、拥抱、波浪和沉陷等破损问题比较突出,直接影响了公路的顺利运行,并且这些病害的出现加大了养护管理资金的投入,严重影响了行车的舒适与安全,缩短了沥青路面的使用寿命。如何采取有效的防治措施,是摆在我们面前的一个重要课题。关键词:沥青路面 病害 预防措施 处治方法IIAbstractThe asphalt pavement is flexible in the basic unit, semi-rigid base, paving a certain thickness of asphalt mixture of boundary layer for pavement structure. The asphalt pavement and sand road than its strength and stability are greatly enhanced; Compared with the cement concrete pavement, the road is flat juncture, driving little vibration, low noise, short construction period, easy maintenance, have good mechanical toughness, ductility, durability, and to be used extensively, is Chinas important pavement structure form. But along with the rapid economic development, do the, the traffic is constantly increasing, together with the asphalt pavement by external condition the influence and for design, construction and maintenance and so on many kinds of reasons, many highway asphalt pavement appeared certain early destruction, such as crack, pits and loose, pit slot, rutting, hug, waves and subsidence and breakage is more serious, a direct impact on the smooth running of the highway, and the emergence of these diseases increased maintenance management funds, serious impact on the driving of comfort and security, and shortened the service life of the asphalt pavement. How to take effective measures of prevention, is we have before us an important subjectKey words: Asphalt pavement disease Prevention measures Treatment methodIII目录摘 要 .IAbstract .II引言 .11.病害的类型 .12.国内外路面病害的现状 .23.沥青路面病害成因 .33.1 裂缝类病害 .33.1.1 龟裂 .33.1.2 纵向裂缝 .33.1.3 横向裂缝 .43.2 松散类病害 .43.2.1 麻面 .43.2.2 松散 .53.2.3 坑槽 .53.3 变形类病害 .53.3.1 车辙 .53.3.2 沉陷、拥包 .54.沥青路面病害预防措施 .64.1 完善标准,推进设计规范化 .64.2 严格工艺,推进施工专业化 .64.2.1 严格控制沥青混合料的拌和质量 .64.2.2 保证基层顶面粗糙度 .64.2.3 合理洒布透层油、粘层油 .64.2.4 提高面层摊铺质量 .64.3 及时养护,推进保养制度化 .65.沥青路面病害处理方法 .
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