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牛津英语 3A Goodbye 教案单元知识要点:本单元 A Learn to say 主要是围绕四个祈使句进行教学的,要求学生在生活中灵活、自觉地运用“Get up , Go to school ,Go home,Go to bed ”; B Look and learn 主要是教学八个家具类单词 “a bookcase ,a fridge ,a desk ,a chair ,a bed ,a sofa ,a table , a telephone ”;C Look and say 主要是用“This is a /an .” 介绍物品,并了解该句型与介绍人物句型 :“This is ” 的区别; D Fun house 对本单元所学句型、词汇进行系统地复习检测,会用句型“Herea .”, 会唱: “Goodbye !”.单元教学目标祈使语句:听得懂、会说、会读 Get up. Go to school. Go home. Go to bed.告别用语:听得懂、会说、会读 Goodbye. See you. Good night.词汇:听得懂、会说、会读 a desk,a chair,a bed,a sofa, a table, a fridge, a telephone, a bookcase.句型:听得懂、会说、会读 This is a/ an和 Heres a 歌曲:会唱 Goodbye!The first period课时教学目标听得懂、会说、会读 a desk,a chair,a bed,a sofa, a table, a fridge, a telephone, a bookcase.听得懂、会说、能用 Look,this is / thats介绍所学服装。课时教学重难点重点:this 和 that 用法上的正确区分。难点:和读音上的正确区分。课前准备:单词图片,多媒体幻灯片,实物投影。教学过程A.Greetings.1. T: Hi, Im Miss Deng. Whats your name?S1: ImT: Hello, S1: Hello, 2. T: Can you introduce your deskmate to me?(指向该生同桌)S1: Miss Deng, this is T: Nice to meet you, S2: Nice to meet you, too.B.Revision.1. (出示单个水果的图片)T: Whats this?S: This is a/an (apple, pear, banana, watermelon)2. (实物投影 P23 的图)T: I can see a /some What can you see?S1: I can see a pineapple.S2: I can see some mangoes.C.Presentation and practice.1T: I can see a table. Can you see the table?S: Yes.Drill: table. (做吃饭动作表示) 齐读,小组开火车,鼓励打星。2(示多媒体幻灯片)T: Let me see. Wheres the table?Is this a table?(指别的物品 )S: No.T: This is a table.(指餐桌)S: Yes.T: Look!This is a table,too.(指书桌)S: Yes./ No.T: Oh no, this is a desk. Drill: desk. (做写作业动作表示) 齐读,小组开火车。T: Whats near the desk?(指椅子)Its a chair.(做坐姿表示 )Drill: chair. 齐读,小组开火车。T: This is a chair. And is this a chair?S: No.T: This isnt a chair. This is a sofa.(做靠姿表示)Drill: sofa. 齐读,小组开火车。3Have a rest.Listen and act. 听单词,做动作。Listen and stand up. 各小组代表一件物品,听单词迅速起立。Look and say.在熟悉单词发音的基础上,看老师动作,迅速说单词。4(看幻灯图片)T: Look, whats this? This is a bed.(做睡觉动作表示)Drill: bed.并由幻灯图片中的直观物品导出 fridge, bookcase, telephone. 用 This is 的句型D.Consolidation.1. Listen and act. Look and say.2. 各小组轻声传词。3. 看房间图片,用句型对话。T: Whats this ? S: This is a Work in pairs.同桌之间练习问答。两分钟后反馈。教学板书Unit 4 GoodbyeWhats this? This is table beddeskfridgechairbookcase sofatelephone作业设计Listen to the tape.Read the eight things.Find other things in the room.Recite the words.教学反思The second period课时教学目标1.The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance :“Get up ,Go to school ,Go home,Go to bed ,Goodbye , See you, Good night.”2.To encourage the Ss to talk in English .课时教学重难点重点:四种指令的正确运用。难点:Good night 的发音。课前准备Tape, recorder, masks (David ,Nancy , Mrs Black , Mr Black ,Miss Li )教学过程A. Warm-up :1.Sing two songs :“Hello !Hi,Nancy!” 边唱边交际表演。2.Greetings: Hello!Hi!Good morning /afternoon /Nice to meet you.3.Free talk :a.T: Hi /Hello ,I m Miss Deng,What s your name?S: Hi/Hello,Miss Deng,Im T: Good morning/Good afternoon ,This is S1: Nice to meet you ,.S2: Nice to meet you ,too .b. S1:Good morning /Good afternoon ,This is .S2: Nice to meet you ,S3:Nice to meet you , too .c.S1:Hi, Im Nancy,This is my father /mother /brother/sister .S2: Nice to meet you S3: Nict to meet you ,too .B. Presentation and practice .1. Learn to say :“Get up ,”,“All right ”a.利用课件:一面钟:指针指向 six;太阳慢慢升起,背景为野外的花香鸟语声。T: Oh, Its six . The sun rises .“Get up ,Li Li ”S1:“All right .”( say “All right ” ,do “Get up ”)b. Read after the T.“Get up ”“All right ”.利用情境,学生进行组组、男女生的练习。c. Sing “Get up ,Get up ” “All right,All right ”d. Practice :TS,SS , Group work .Work in pairs .e. Check.2. Learn to say :“Go to school now ,”.“Ok ,Goodbye ”a. T: LiLi,Look at the clock ,Its seven ,Put up your schoolbag ,Go to school now ,LiLi.(帮助学生背好书包,并作出手势,让学生意会该去上学了)S1:Ok,Miss Deng ,Goodbye.b. Read after the T. “Go to school ,now ”“Ok ”c.Practice .(开火车练习:S1:Go to school, .S2: Ok,Go to school,. S3:Ok. )此时播放合适的音乐,渲染气氛。d. Check.3. Boys and girls,Im tired ,Lets have a rest .Play a game :Listen and do .(one student say “Get up ”, the others act it )4. Learn :“Go home,now ,All right,See you ,”a. T: LiLi ,Its five oclock,school is over ,Go home,now,LiLi.S1:All right.See you,Miss Deng.边说边背书包出教室,准备回家)b. Read after the T “Go home .” “See you ”c. Practice 要(练习时,把 see you 和 Goodbye 交换使用。)d. Check. Play a game :Guess: (Teacher act “Get up。 What am I doing ?” student guess .)5. Learn :“Go to bed now ,Ok ,Good night,”a.出示夜晚图片,月亮挂在树梢,星星在眨眼。T :“,Its nine,The moon rises ,Go to bed ,now .”引导学生说:“Ok, Good night.”(边说边打着哈欠)b.Read after the T:Good night.c. Practice and check.(同桌之间自由练说,再进行评比。)C. Consolidation.1. Listen to the tape and repeat .(first only listen ,the second time repeat ).2. Act the part A.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中 )3. Read in pairs.板书设计Unit 4 Goodbyenow All right.Get up. = OK.Go to school.Goodbye.Go home. = See you.Go to bed.Good night.作业设计Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A three times .Sing“Goodbye !”教学反思The third period课时教学目标1. To understand whats the difference between “Th
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