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题目类型: Do you agree or disagree ?Topic 1:Some people think that advertisements should be restricted . Do you agree or disagree?Sample:Everywhere, and almost at any time, we find ourselves surrounded by all kinds of advertisements. Some people suggest that the government should impose restrictions in advertisements. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate that advertisements should not be restricted. It is quite easy to find reasons for attacking advertising. First, it is extremely costly to put up an advertisement. TV advertising , for instance, costs more than 100,000 yuan RMB per minute during prime time and this cost must eventually be paid by the consumers. Second, advertisements are misleading and cheating . It is because advertisements have power influence that the profiteer often tricks the public by them. In addition , surplus advertisements have interfered in peoples normal life. Every ten minutes a television program will be interrupted by commercials for a couple of minutes, which ruins good movies and exciting television shows. However, other people also argue in defense of advertising. In the first place, it has a valuable informative function, helping potential customers know about the characteristics and prices of products or where they can buy a particular product cheaply. In the second place, we would have to pay a great deal more if advertising did not create mass markets for products. It is precisely because of the heavy advertising that consumers goods are so cheap. Finally, advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines , radios and TV stations. Many kinds of media could not survive without advertisements. In my opinion, advertisements should not be restricted. They provide us with much useful information . They reduce the price of commodity. What is more, they play a crucial role in the development of media. Topic 2:Some people hold that we should not use animals in medical experiments. Do you agree or disagree?Sample:Since human beings existed in the world, animals have always been accompanying us. They are of great help to humans in many aspects. For example , they help a lot in medical experiments. Many people argue that animals should not be used for testing medical techniques and drugs. Others, on the other hand , claim that without animal testing, some patients would suffer or even die from their diseases. Before rendering my opinion , I think it is more important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides. Those people who strongly believe that we should use animals in experiments have cogent reasons for it. For one thing , animal testing allows scientists to test and create new drugs. It would be cruel that some people die of a disease because there is not enough information about it. For another, at present there are no other better methods to replace animal tests. Therefore, animal tests are still regarded as the only reliable and feasible method. More importantly , animals such as monkeys or rabbits which are used in experiments are easily bred. Furthermore, most countries set standards for animals treatment in tests , and laboratories have regulations to prevent cruelty. However, further analysis would make it clear that animal testing should be halted. First and foremost, animal tests violate animals rights. Nothing seems more brutal than taking away a life, no matter it belongs to a man or an animal. Moreover, not all the experiments are reliable . The treatment and drugs which are effective to animals sometimes are useless and even have negative effects on humans. Thirdly, not all the experiments are necessary. With the development of technology, computer simulation can achieve similar results From the above comparison and contrast , anyone can obviously conclude that animals should not be used for testing medical techniques and drugs. As creatures , animals enjoy the same rights as humans. Information from animals does not apply to humans. What is more, other better methods have been discovered to replace animal tests. Topic 3:Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?Sample: As is known to all, the big contradiction between the limitation of land and the rapidly increasing demand for it escalates an alarming headache of human beings. To improve the situation , some people suggest we instantly give up protecting wild animals, the reason for which , according to them, is simply that they believe there will be no spare places for the wild animals as their shelters or habitats in the 21st century, and thus it is nothing but a waste of resources to carry out the protection. As far as I am concerned, the so-called “ suggestion” is extremely ridiculous and has no point at all. On one hand, wild animals are part of nature around us and to be exact a most necessary part. They are destined to become extinct without our
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