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50. Creating versus Copying 创造与抄袭1 Words and Phrases单词和词组competitor竞争对手 beat the other guy打击对手modify 修改 play by the rules遵守规则进行espionage间谍 dog eat dog残酷无情的unethical不道德的 give no quarter毫不留情scruple顾虑,顾忌 carve up the opposition瓜分对手integrity诚信 screw the opposition伤害对手compromise妥协 get wind of the idea听到风声patented专利的 a long,drawn out procedure漫长拖沓的过程infringing侵犯 at ones own risk由自己负责recognise承认 get awful messy非常棘手2 Sentences重点句型1. I call it industrial espionage. 我把它叫做工业间谍活动。2. Were not copying their product. 我们不是照搬他们的产品。3. It happens all the time in business. 在业内这样的事已经是司空见惯的了。4. No,thats not what competition is about. 不,这不是竞争的含义。5,Im not really that familiar with the process. 我还真不太了解这个过程。6. Whats integrity or ethics got to do with anything?诚信和道德又有什么用 ?7. But, that doesnt stop them copying it if they want to?但是如果他们想要抄袭,那也不能阻止他们是吗?8. I have certain standard and Im not prepared to compromise. 我有一定的原则不打算妥协。9. Im not too sure I want to work under those sorts of conditions. 我不太确定愿意在这样的情况下工作。10. And,I suppose,getting something patented isnt a cheap process?还有,我猜,申请专利也不便宜吧?11. Competition is about playing by the rules and not cheating just to win. 竞争是遵守游戏规则的比赛,而不是为了胜利采取欺骗手段。12. Thats what competition is all about,beating the other guy at h s own game. 这就是竞争的含义: 以彼之矛,攻彼之盾。13. If we modify it that will be the same as creating a new product and a better one. 如果我们把他们的产品修改一下,就和创造一个全新的、更好的产品没什么两样。14. Were in business to make a profit and, if that means screwing the opposition then, so be it. 我们经商是为了赚钱,如果这意味着伤害对手,那就伤害呗。15. If youre not prepared to do what we want then,you better start looking for another job. 如果不愿意做要求的工作,那你最好另谋高就。3 Dialogue 1A Research Engineer argues with the General Manager when asked to modify another companys product. A: This isnt right, its like stealing from our competitors if we copy their products. B: Thats rubbish. Were not copying their product. If we modify it that will be the same as creating a new product and a better one. A: I call it industrial espionage. Its unethical as well as being totally unprofessional. B: Look, this is business. Were here to serve the customer and, if we can produce a better and more efficient product, we have an obligation to do so. A: Yes, we have but, by creating something original and not stealing other peoples ideas. B: It happens all the time in business. Thats what competition is all about, beating the other guy at his own game. A: No, thats not what competition is about. Competition is about playing by the rules and not cheating just to win. B: Boy, are you old fashioned. This game is dog eat dog and give no quarter as you carve up the opposition. A: If thats your idea of business ethics then, youve got no scruples or integrity, as far as Im concerned. B: Whats integrity or ethics got to do with anything? Were in business to make a profit and, if that means screwing the opposition then, so be it. A: Im not too sure I want to work under those sorts of conditions. I have certain standards and Im not prepared to compromise. B: If thats a threat or an ultimatum, you can only do it once. If youre not prepared to do what we want then, you better start looking for another job. 对话1 总经理要求一名研发工程师修改其他公司产品,引发争辩。A: 这样做不对。如果我们照搬竞争对手的产品就等于是剽窃。B: 胡说。我们又不是照搬。如果把他们的产品修改一下就和创造一个崭新的、更好的产品没有两样。A: 我把这种行为叫做工业间谍活动。这不道德,也根本不专业。B: 看,这就是经商。我们在这儿是为了服务顾客需要的,所以如果能制造更好更高效的产品,我们就有义务这么做。A: 是啊,我们是有义务。但是方法是创造全新的产品而不是剽窃别人的创意。B: 这样的事情在业内已经是司空见惯了。这就是竞争的含义: 以彼之矛,攻彼之盾。A: 不对,这不是竞争的含义。竞争是遵守游戏规则的比赛,而不是为了胜利采取欺骗手段。B: 天,你实在太老土了。竞争就是残酷无情的游戏,瓜分对手的时候要毫不留情。A: 如果那是你的商业道德观,那在我看来你就没有丝毫顾忌和诚信。B: 诚信和道德又有什么用? 我们经商是为了赚钱,如果这意味着伤害对手,那就伤害呗。A: 我不太确定愿意在这样的情况下工作。我有一定的原则不打算妥协。B: 如果这是一个威胁或是最后通牒,那这是最后一次。如果不愿意做要求的工作,那你最好另谋高就吧。4 Dialogue 2A Manager talks to a lawyer about patenting a newly designed product. A: Weve developed this new product and I want to get it patented before the opposition gets wind of the idea. B: You realise the patenting process is a long, drawn out, procedure involving research to ensure youre not infringing on other patented ideas. A: Well, sort of. Im not really that familiar with the process. I thought it was just a matter of registering an application. B: Thats only the start. Most products and processes are covered by International Patent rights and thats what takes time in researching. A: But cant we get some sort of interim protection to cover us when we are ready to market the product?B: There is an intermediate stage where you can label the product as Patent Pending but, that is, more or less, a warning to others that they copy it at their own risk. A: But, it doesnt stop them copying it if they want to?B: Thats right. If and when you get the patent, you are then able to sue them for copyright infringement. A: And whats involved in that? It could get awful messy if the copying is done overseas in a third world country, couldnt it?B: Yes, very messy, especially if it involves a country
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