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2016 形容词中考题(2016河北) 31. You bought the last ticket for the concert. How _ you are!A. sweet B. lucky C. strange D. funny(2016湖北武汉)35. Are you alone? I just want a _ word with you.A. single B. new C. private D. certain(2016湖北孝感)27. Are you clear about the job of a policeman, Ben?Yes, to keep people _ and the society in good order.A. busy B. safe C. lucky D. healthy 。(2016湖北襄阳) 28. I cant stand swimming in cold rivers in winter.But its _ for your health. You know I often swim in rivers in different seasons.A. helpful B. harmful C. painful D. careful(2016山西) 17. Confucius (孔子) is also very famous in many Western countries because he taught people to be to others first.A. similar B. kind C. important(2016浙江温州 )2.I cant believe it. Tony has invented a tree-planting machine.Really? He is so _.A. shy B. rude C. creative D. friendly(2016江苏扬州)7. Dad, I got hired as a bus driver.Congratulations! Make yourself _ so that the company wont want to lose you.A. fashionable B. valuable C. changeable D. possible(2016江苏泰州)3. Simon used to be _, but now he takes part in different activities and has made many new friends.A. honest B. lively C. active D. quiet(2016江苏南京)8. My sister is still very _ with me because I broke her new pencil box yesterday. A. popular B. satisfied C. honest D. angry(2016江苏南京)13. In the words unhappy and unusual, the un means _. A. very B. most C. not D. less(2016江西) 34. He won in the story competition and his parents were very _.A. smart B. proud C. sorry D. upset(2016江苏无锡)5. Sam is _ about his speech because he thinks he is well prepared.A. honest B. confident C. modest D. curious(2016四川自贡)26. When you feel helpless and_, just remember you are not_ in the world because your friends are around you.A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; alone(2016安徽)35. Mr. Blacks memory is getting _. As a result, he often leaves his keys at home.A. older B. poorer C. greater D. better(2016安徽)39. Dont hurry him. You will just have to be _ and wait until he finishes the work.A. active B. careful C. patient D. famous(2016江苏连云港)10. Are you a fan of the science TV show Super Brain?Yes, Im always _ by these peoples great brainpower.A. tired B. amazed C. bored D. satisfied(2016山东青岛)4. I like hiking in the forest because the air is pretty .A. free B. dirty C. polluted D. fresh27. Are you free tonight? Sorry, but Im not _, Ive got so much homework to do. A. busy B. comfortable C. available(2016四川宜宾)23. Look out ! The food on the plate smells _. You cant eat it.A. badly B. bad C. good (2016湖南衡阳)25. Bob is a smart boss!Yes, so he is. He knows how to cut the cost of the project. And he always does the work with _ money and _ people.A. less; less B. fewer; less C. less; fewer(2016湖北黄冈)31. Your father never shops online. Whys that?He says theyre much _but the products are not really good.A. nicer B.cheap C.nice D.cheaper(2016湖南株洲) 28. As our children get bigger, our house seems to get _.A. the smaller B. smaller C. smallest(2015江苏苏州 )11. Playing video games is a waste of time. I cant agree more. There are meaningful things to do.A. the most B. the least C. more D. less(2016天津) 28. A journey by train is _ than by coach. A. more relaxing B. relaxing C. most relaxing D. the most relaxing (2016四川泸州) 3. As we know, the Yangtze River is one of _ rivers in the world.A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest(2016湖南湘西 )26. Is Jane _ than Jenny?Yes, she is.A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing(2016河北) 37. I cant tell the exact time. My watch goes a few minutes _.A. sooner B. faster C. later D. longer(2016江苏宿迁 ) 11. What do you think of the movie Zootopia? It is one Ive ever seen.A. more excited B. more exciting C. the most excited D. the most exciting (2016山东东营)32. Why didnt you cry for help when you were robbed (被抢劫)? If I opened my mouth, they might find my four gold teeth. That would be !A. bad B. much worse C. worst D. the worst(2016湖北襄阳) 39. Lily has two sisters, doesnt she?Yes. Shes taller and older than her two sisters, but shes not _ one of the three.A. the tallest B. youngest C. shortest D. the cleverest(2016江西) 31. I didnt do very well in this exam. Unluckily, he did it _.A. worse B. badly C. better D. worst(2016广东) 32. Among the four seas off the coast of china, East China Sea is the second _.A. deep B. deeper C. deepest D. the deepest(2016四川绵阳) 10. My father caught a big
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