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1模拟试题:1._, he is always modest.A. With all his profound knowledge B. Because of all his profound knowledgeC. With his all profound knowledge D. For his profound knowledge2. His honesty is _ ; nobody can doubt it.A. in question B. out of question C. beside the question D. without question3. When cooking a delicious dish, this kind of spice _ into account.A. must be taken B. was taken C. had been taken D. would have been taken4. It was not until he took up fishing that he _ to relax.A. had been beginning B. began C. had begun D. beginning5. Not only you but also I _ mistaken on this point.A. are B. were C. have D. am6. Twenty pounds _ enough for such a poor family spend for a month.A. were B. being C. have been D. was7. The president of the college, together with the deans, _ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a series of regulations.A. were B. are C. is D. will8. Many a person _ at the gate of the department store.A. is standing B. are standing C. have been standing D. have stood29. “I got to my office on time.”“What if your car_”?A. would broken down B. broke down C. breaks down D. had broken down10. If the weather had been more favorable, the crops _ still better.A. will be growing B. are growing C. would have been growing D. would be growing11. Before the invention of refrigeration, the _ of fish and meat was a thorny problem.A. keeping B. maintaining C. protection D. preservation12. A sudden movement caught the ponys attention and he instantly became _ and alert.A. doubtful B. suspicious C. suspecting D. hesitating13. During their first teacher training year, the students often visited local schools for the _ of lessons.A. investigation B. observation C. inspection D. observance14. Ill be very glad that you agree to_ this matter.A. look up B. look for C. look over D. look into15. As there was a power cut in the hospital, the surgeon had to _ the operation.A. call for B. call off C. call on D. call out16. From ancient times, the valley of the Nile has been made _ by the river floods.A. famous B. deserted C. attractive D. fertile317. The manager made a far seeing decision _ what she had said.A. in the light of B. in the course of C. in favor of D. in the face of18. Each household _ five pounds of meat every month.A. availed B. allocated C. was endowed with D. was entitled to19. All the information we have collected in relation to that case _ very little.A. comes up to B. makes up for C. stands up for D. adds up to20. The manager was pleased with increased _ from the factory.A. outcome B. output C. outset D. outlet21. The curtains were put up only months ago, but they have _ badly.A. shaded B. faded C. fainted D. withered22. If you find that chair too hard, Ill bring you a _ .A. pillow B. mat C. comforter D. cushion23. Only the headwaiter has some professional hotel _ so the service is rather slow and inefficient.A. learning B. training C. teaching D. instructing24. Fred doesnt like white coffee, nor does he like to put cream on his strawberries, because he prefers them _.A. plain B. simple C. natural D. ordinary425. The economists are not quite optimistic about the economic _ for Europe.A. outlook B. insight C. opinion D. attitude答案详解:1 A)【句意】他尽管学识渊博,但始终很谦逊。【难点】句型“for all +ones+名词或从句”以及“with all (ones+名词或从句)” 为习惯性用语,常用来表示让步状语, for all 或 with all 相当于 in spite of all,意为“ 尽管,虽然”。2 D)【句意】 他的诚实是无可怀疑的,没有人能怀疑这一点。【难点】without question 意为“无可怀疑的”。in question 意为“在考虑中的,在议论中的” 。out of question 意为“不成问题”。beside the question 无此搭配。3 A)【句意】烹饪一道好菜时,必须考虑使用这种调料。【难点】由时间状语中的 a delicious dish 可以看出,此句意在说明一个普遍的事实,而不是特指烹饪某一道菜,所以无须使用过去时,而只需使用表示普遍情况的一般时。4 B)【句意】 直到他开始以钓鱼为乐,他才开始得到了轻松的休息。【难点】此句为强调句,所强调的时间状语从句部分的动作几乎和主句的动作同时发生,时间状语从句的谓语动词为过去时,因而主句的谓语动词采用过去时便可。5 D)【句意】 不仅你,我也在这点上犯了错误。【难点】按照英语语法,由 not onlybut also 构成的主语,其谓语动词应按照就近关系,因此此句只能选择 D)。6 D)【句意】 二十镑足够这样一个贫困的家庭花一个月了。【难点】表示时间度量等复数名词作主语时,常常作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数。7 C)【句意】校长与系主任正打算召开一次会议,以制定一系列规章制度。【难点】由“together with (as well as, but, including) +名词” 构成的介词短语来修饰主语的句子,其谓语动词必须与主语保持一致,而无须考虑以上介词的宾语的单复数形式。8A)【句意】许多人站在百货大楼的门前。【难点】many a +可数名词的单数形式意为 “许多”,后面的谓语动词必须使用单数形式。9 D)【句意】 “我按时到了办公室。”“ 假如你的车坏了会怎么样?”【难点】what if 意为“倘使 将会怎样”,由其构成的虚拟条件句通常用过去时表示将来,用过去完成时表示过去时,本句意在表达与过去事实相反,所以条件句子中谓语动词必须采用 D)。10 D)【句意】如果那时天气更好一点的话,现在庄稼长得会更好。【难点】此句为一错综时间条件句。本句中的从句表达与过去事实相反的一个假设,按照常规虚拟语气句的要求,主句中的谓语动词应为 would have grown,表达与过去事实相反;但主句实际要表达的是与现在事实相反,所以谓语动词应为 would be growing。511 D)【句意】在冷冻法发明前,鱼和肉的保存是个棘手的问题。【难点】preservation 意为“保存,防腐”;keeping 意为“保存;保留” ,maintaining 意为“ 维持;保持;使继续;”protection 意为“保护,防护”。12 B)【句意】有东西突然一动,引起了小马的注意,他立刻警觉起来,变得多疑。【难点】suspicious 意为“猜疑的,多疑的”,后接 of, about ;doubtful 意为“ 不确知的;怀疑的” ,常与 about 和 of 连用; suspecting 和 hesitating 是现在分词,不合本句句意。13 B)【句意】学生实习当老师的第一年,常常参观当地学校,观察课是怎么上的。【难点】observation 意为“观察;监视”;investigation 意为“调查,调查研究” ;inspection 意为“ 检阅,检查”;observance 意为“观察,注意” ,不常用。14 D)【句意】我很高兴你同意调查这件事。look into 意为 “调查”;look up 意为“(在词典,参考书中)查找” ; look for 意为“寻找” ;look ove
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