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Site HSSE Practice of Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目现场 HSSE 规定S-10 BasicASIC ElectricalLECTRICAL Safety 基本电气安全 AFETY 基本电气安全 Page 1 of 10BP YPC Acetyls Company (Nanjing) Limited南京扬子石化碧辟乙酰有限责任公司Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目SITE HSSE PRACTICE现场 HSSE 规定Document No. & Title文件编号及名称S-10 BASIC ELECTRICAL SAFETY基本电气安全Rev 0 For approval Green Gu 15/08/06 Mr. Sun Mr. Meng John HehnIssue RevIssue or Revision Description Origin by Date Checked by DateApprovedby DateFinalApproval DateThis Document is Owned by本文件持有人IPMT AuthorityIPMT 授权批准Site HSSE Practice of Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目现场 HSSE 规定S-10 BasicASIC ElectricalLECTRICAL Safety 基本电气安全 AFETY 基本电气安全 Page 2 of 10TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录1 PURPOSE 目的 .22 SCOPE 范围 .23 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL 合格人员 .24 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 一般要求 .25 EXTENSION CORDS 延长线 .26 GROUNDING 接地 .27 PLUGS AND RECEPTACLES 插头和插座 .28 OFFICE ELECTRICAL SAFETY 办公室电气安全 .21.0 PURPOSE 目的 .32.0 SCOPE 范围 .34.0 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL 合格人员 .35.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 一般要求 .36.0 EXTENSION CORDS 延长线 .77.0 GROUNDING 接地 .88.0 PLUGS AND RECEPTACLES 插头和插座 .99.0 OFFICE ELECTRICAL SAFETY 办公室电气安全 .9Site HSSE Practice of Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目现场 HSSE 规定S-10 BasicASIC ElectricalLECTRICAL Safety 基本电气安全 AFETY 基本电气安全 Page 3 of 101 1.0 PURPOSE 目的To provide interpretive guidelines to ensure uniform enforcement of the State standard for Electrical Related Work Practices. 为电气作业安全提供详细指导,确保符合国家标准要求。 Ensure all people work in BYACO site knowing the electrical safety well to protect themselves and equipments. 确保所有在 BYACO 现场工作的人员熟悉电气安全知识,以保护自身及设备安全。2 2.0 SCOPEcope 范围These guidelines detail the necessary precautions that should be taken by all personnel to minimize their exposure to electrical sources of energy. Aimed at workers that perform electrical as well as non-electrical maintenance tasks, they emphasize conditions that should be avoided in the workplace. 指明了必要的防范措施。强调了电气作业人员在工作中应该避免的情形,以减少电气危害。3 3.0 Revision Summary 修订 Site HSSE Practice of Acetic Acid Project醋酸项目现场 HSSE 规定S-10 BasicASIC ElectricalLECTRICAL Safety 基本电气安全 AFETY 基本电气安全 Page 4 of 103 4.0 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL 合格人员Electrical repair work or diagnostic work on electrical equipment shall only be performed by personnel that are qualified to perform this task. Qualified personnel must be documented by the Safety Department. 电气作业只能由合格人员来从事。合格人员档案须在安全部门备案。44 5.0 EFFECTS OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY ON THE BODY 电对人体的影响4 An electrical circuit is composed of voltage (e.g., 220 volts), resistance (e.g., 1000 ohms), and current (e.g., 0.12 amperes). Of the three, current is what causes electrical burns, shock, and death. 电路由电压(如 220 伏),电阻(如 1000 欧姆)和电流(如 0.12 安培)组成。电流会造成电气灼伤、电击,甚至死亡。 4 For a given voltage, the resistance of the electrical circuit determines the value of current flow in the circuit. The smaller the current resistance, the more current will flow. Increasing the circuit voltage increases current flow also. More current will flow through a circuit of low resistance than a circuit of high resistance. 电路中如果给定电压,那么电阻就将决定电流的值。电阻越小,流经的电流就越大。电压增加,电流同时也增加。电阻低的电路比电阻高的电路电流大。 4 During electrical equipment failures or circuit failures, electrical current
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