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CET6 模拟测试 2012-标准版-002College English Test Band-6 Report百分制总分:64% 听力部分: 注意:听力部分的分值占 35%,即在百分制下最高分值为 35 分,包括短对话、长对话、短文理解及复合式听写,分值比例分配如下:短对话、长对话及短文理解共 25 题,每题占 1%,共占 25%。复合式听写共 11 题,其中单词听写 8 题,每题占 0.5%,共占 4%;句子听写共 3 题,每题占 2%,共占 6%。计算公式:710 分制下的得分=得分率1035%本部分百分制得分:24% 阅读部分: 注意:阅读部分的分值占 35%,包括快速阅读、篇章词汇或短句问答及篇章阅读:快速阅读共 10 题,每题占 1%,共占 10%;篇章词汇共 10 空,每 2 个空占 1%;短句问答共5 题或 8 题,每题占 1%或 0.625%,共占 5%;篇章阅读共 10 题,每题占2%,共占 20%。计算公式:710 分制下的得分=得分率1035%本部分百分制得分:20% 综合测试部分:注意:综合测试的分值占 15%,包括完形或改错、翻译。完形共 20 题,每 2 题占 1%,共占 10%;改错共 10 题,每题占 1%,共占 10%;翻译共 5 题,每题占 1%,共占 5%。计算公式:710 分制下的得分=得分率1015%本部分百分制得分:8% 作文部分: 注意:得分率指的是由百分制向 710 分制转换的标准,最高分 71 分,最低分 29 分。写作部分的分值占 15%,分 14 分、12 分、8 分、6 分、2 分和 0 分共 6 个档次。计算公式:710 分制下的得分=得分率1015%本部分百分制得分:12% Part I Writing (30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic 1网络丰富和便利了人们的生活 2很多人开始对网络形成依赖 3我对此的看法 .you should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in chinese: On Internet Addict1网络丰富和便利了人们的生活 2很多人开始对网络形成依赖 3我对此的看法There is no denying the fact that Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life.We can no deny the convenience which Internet bring to us.Thanks to Internet,we are able to shopping on net without going out.Besides,it does change the ways of communications all over the world,we now can communicate with everyone everywhere of the world freely on the net.In addition,it enriches peoples lives greatly in many ways,we can listen to music,do reading,and see movies on the net.Internet possesses the richest resource of information. However,we can not ignore some serious problems which Internet brings to us when we enjoy the benefit and convenience of it.Nowadays a increasing number of people are addicted to Internet.Like alcohol and tobacco,Internet has become an addiction to many people.Some people are immersed in playing computer games and wasted work and study.Additionally,some people are dependent on online communication which do harm to communication in real life. From my perspective,Internet is a double-edged sword,depending on how to use it.We are encouraged to use the net to search for information,help us work and study better,and relax in our free time.However,Internet should not take up too much time,for it would spoil the will of a man.Only when we deal with the relationship with Internet can we really use Internet to make our lives better and better.写作部分得分百分制:12%注意:得分率指的是由百分制向 710 分制转换的标准,最高分 71 分,最低分 29 分。写作部分的分值占 15%, 计算公式:710 分制下的得分=得分率1015% 作文评改说明:得分率指的是由百分制向 710 分制转换的标准,最高分 71 分,最低分 29 分。 写作部分的分值占 15%, 【思路】第一段:指出网络给人们带来了便利和多彩的生活;第二段:说明很多人依赖网络,引用数据加以说明,说明网瘾者的一些表现;第三段:给出自己的看法:应理智对待网络。写作范文 1 范文 1 点评 On Internet Addict (1) If asked whether the Internet is the greatest discovery of the 20th century, my answer would be yes. (2) It has drawn the world closer together, realized countless in-credible dreams, and provided modern people with a great many conveniences and a brilliant life. Common folks like us rely on the cyber world in various ways, for com-munication, entertainment, banking and shopping. (3) For its convenience, the Internet has attracted people like magnets and some even get addicted to it. (4) Some studies estimate as many as 10 percent of Chinas young web users are addicted 一 mostly to online multiplayer games. (5) Some individuals showed physical signs of addiction when kept away from their computers, very similar to substance-dependent addicts; others ignore food, drink and sleep for the sake of gaming. (6) In my view, the Internet does make our lives easier but we shouldnt hence get obsessed with it. Its necessary that we understand the role of the Internet 一 it adds color, but should not serve as the only color in our life. (7) So, use the Internet but nev-er abuse it; otherwise, life huddled in front of a computer screen will harm us physically, psychologically and socially.【点评】 (1)用 If 引导的条件句引出 “网络” 话题 (2)概述网络带来的便利和多彩的生活 (3)指出许多人对网络的迷恋 (4)引用数据加以说明 (5)说明网瘾者的一些表现 (6)给出自己Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15minutes)Directions:In this part,you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the qusestion on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7 , choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and D.For question 8-10,complete the sentences whit the information given in the passage.快速阅读部分得分百分制:7%注意:快速阅读共 10 题,每题占 1%,共占10%;计算公式:710分制下的得分=得分率1035% 7 Things You Cant Say in CanadaAttacking our sacred cows (things or people that cannot be criticized) may turn you into one looked down upon by all others 一 but it can also be a lot of fun. Every culture has its unacknowledged taboos 一 the things you are forbidden to say or do in polite company, the accepted truths you are not allowed to doubt. You might think that a liberal, open-minded country like Canada would be free of such taboos, but youd be wrong. In spite of our belief in our own enlightened tolerance, some things are
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