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1. Earthquake n.地震.大动荡短语Earthquake prediction 地震 地震预测; 地震 地震预报; 地震 地震预告;地震 地震猜测Earthquake light 地震 地震光; 地震 地光An Earthquake 地震;一个地震earthquake disaster 地震灾害strong earthquaken. 强震earthquake prediction 地震预报major earthquake 大地震,主震earthquake resistance 抗震性句子And obviously they, too, last year had a significant earthquake and tsunami, about 13 months ago. 2 .detect .vt. 察觉;发现;探测句子To be clear, the best approach for solving memory leaks is to detect and resolve them in test3.withstand.vt. 抵挡;禁得起;反抗 vi. 反抗Withstand Wind 反抗;抗风;反对;经得起Withstand pressure 顶住压力;耐压dry withstand 干耐受能力ncannot withstand 顶不住Withstand Voltaga 耐压Withstand load 承受负荷time withstand 额定短时耐受电流试验句子Obama promised he would strengthen the levees so that they can withstand strong hurricanes if he is elected president4.Joint.n. 关节;接缝;接合处,接合点;(牛,羊等的腿)大块肉adj. 共同的;连接的;联合的,合办的vt. 连接,贴合;接合;使有接头vi. 贴合;生节joint venture 合资企业;联合经营knee joint 膝关节;弯头结合welded joint 焊缝;焊接节点joint stock 合股welding joint 焊接接头;焊接接合butt joint 对接;对接接头joint effort 共同努力句子Walking is something you can do with others, in the sense that it can be a joint activity,a joint undertaking.5 enclosevt. 围绕;装入;放入封套enclose with 附上 ; 将装入enclose it 附上他embed enclose 植入句子Though not evident in the figure, this content might have glossary or index termsidentified, and you can create elements to enclose those words. 尽管在图中并没有明显表示,但是,这些内容还可以识别词汇表或索引词汇,而且您可以创建元素来封装这些词汇。6 fastenvt. 使固定;集中于;扎牢;强加于vi. 扣紧;抓住;集中注意力句子Make sure you fasten your safety belts.一定要系好安全带。7 .regionn. 地区;范围;部位同义词.area , extent , boundary , zone , spectrum , territoryin the region of adv. 在的附近central region 中心区句子And reservations, formal protest against this article are the most numerous from countries, from every region of the world.而对这项条款的保留意见和正式抗议,是最多的,并且来自世界各地8.Batteryn. 电 电池,蓄电池dry battery 干电池 ; 干电池组 ; 电池Battery life 电池寿命 ; 连续使用时间 ; 电池使用寿命 ; 电池使用时间battery of 一组;一套 storage battery 蓄电池;蓄电池组lithium battery 锂电池;锂蓄电池battery charger 电池充电器句子The only thing that stands between us and that is a suitable battery.而之间唯一的困难则是,合适耐用的电池。9.Handyadj. 便利的;手边的,就近的;容易取得的;敏捷的come in handy 迟早有用,派得上用场句子Followed with the fast development of cable TV, the requirement of handy field strength meter become more and more.随着有线电视网络的发展,手持式场强仪的需求量也越来越大.10.Portableadj. 手提的,便携式的;轻便的n. 手提式打字机portable computer 便携式计算机portable equipment 便携设备,手提设备;移动式设备portable type 便携式portable water 饮料水;便携式水portable system 可移植系统portable radio 便携式收音机;便携式无线收音机同根词.n.portability 计 可移植性;轻便;可携带性句子There was a little portable television switched on behind the bar.吧台后有一台便携式小电视机开着11.Chaos.n. 混沌,混乱in chaos 混乱;纷乱chaos theory 混沌理论chaos and confusion 混乱与浑沌同近义词n. 物混沌,混乱disorder , confusion , involvement , mix , turmoil句子The local government was taking emergency measures to rectify the state of chaos.地方政府正在采取紧急措施整顿这种混乱局面.12.sensible adj. 明智的;明显的;意识到的;通晓事理的n. 可感觉到的东西;敏感的人词根.Sensesensitive 敏感的;仪 灵敏的;感光的; 易受伤害的senseless 愚蠢的;无知觉的;无意识的sensing 敏感的sensate 可感觉的;知觉的adv.sensibly 明显地;容易感知地;聪明地sensitively 敏感地;易感知地senselessly 毫无知觉地;无意识地;不省人事地n.sense 感觉,官能;观念;道理;理智sensation 感觉;轰动;感动sensitivity 敏感;敏感性;过敏sensibility 情感;敏感性;感觉;识别力sensing 传感;感觉;测知sensationalist 感觉论者v.sensing 感觉,了解(sense 的现在分词)vi.sensitise 变得敏感(等于sensitize)vt.sense 感觉到;检测sensibilize 使感觉敏锐sensitise 使敏感13.predictn. 预报;预言词根: predictadj.predictable 可预言的predictive 预言性的;成为前兆的adv.predictably 可预言地n.predictor 气象 预报器;预言者predictability 可预测性;可预言vi.predict 作出预言;作预料,作预报vt.predict 预报,预言;预知句子Without experience, you have no basis for any prediction. 由于经验的缺乏,你的预言就缺乏根基。14.Precautionn. 预防,警惕;预防措施vt. 警惕;预先警告同近义词. n. 预防,警惕;预防措施prevention , prophylaxisvt. 警惕;预先警告keep ones eye on the ball , keep ones eyes peeled词组take precautions against vt. 采取措施预防precaution against 提防,防范;耐心safety precaution 安全预防措施句子The fact woke them up to the need for the safety precaution. 事实使他们认识到安全防范的必要性。15.resistantadj. 抵抗的,反抗的;顽固的n. 抵抗者词根: resistadj.resistive 有抵抗力的resistible 可抵抗的resistless 无抵抗力的;无法抗拒的n.resistance 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗;抵抗力resist 助剂 抗蚀剂;防染剂resistivity 电 电阻率;抵抗力;电阻系数resister 抵抗者;反抗者;电阻器vi.resist 抵抗,抗拒;忍耐vt.resist 抵抗;忍耐,忍住词组corrosion resistant 抗腐蚀heat resistant adj. 耐热的,抗热的wear resistant 耐磨的;耐磨性water resistant 抗水的fire resistant adj. 耐火的,耐高温的;抗火物句子Almost half of patients with the multi-drug resistant form of the disease die. 几乎一半的病人有多种药物的耐药现象发生并导致死亡。16.relatedadj. 有关系的,有关联的;讲述的,叙述的v. 叙述(relate 过去式)词根: relateAdj. relative 相对的;有关系的;成比例的relational 相关的;亲属的n. relative 亲戚;相关物;语 关系词;亲缘植物relationship 关系;关联relation 关系;叙述;故事;亲属关系relativity 相对论;相关性;相对性relatedness 关联性;关系;亲缘vi.relate 涉及;认同;符合;与有某种联系vt.relate 叙述;使有联系related data 相关数据;相关资料to be related 有关系;有联系positively related 正相关的related party 关联方be related with 与有关系related words 相关词汇句子He related what he had seen in the theatre. 他把在剧场中所看到的情况叙述了一遍。17.Accordancen. 一致;和谐in accordance 按照;与一致in accordance with 依照;与一致词根: accordadj.accordant 一致的;调和的n.accord 符合;一致;协议;自愿vi.accord 符合;一致vt.accord 使一致;给予句子A device or program that separates data, signals or material in accordance with specified criteria. 一种将数据、信号或资料按规定的标准进行
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