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107 级 2007 2008 年度第一学期基础英语词汇测试题I. Please write down the opposite of the following words (15%):1. useless _2. frequently _3. advantage _4. paradise _5. patient _6. carefully_7. to deposit _8. peace_9. absence_10. to vanish _11. to refuse_12. reluctantly_13. satisfaction_14. failure_15. popular _IIPlease write down a word or an expression that has a meaning similar to each of the following words(15%):1. to clutch _2. opportunity_3. jail _4. to strike _5. exhausted_6. to occur _7. weird _8. to harvest _9. to eliminate _10. adequate _11. to plead_12. disease _13. sensible _14. eventually _15. enduring _2III. Please match the definition of the following words or phrases(20%):1. convince 2. glance 3. be in a daze 4. startled5. perseverance6. be caught up in sth.7. chatter 8. to condemn 9. to insult 10. to bully 11. alternative 12. interfere 13. ridiculous14. impartial 15. deserve 16. desperate 17. optimistic 18. survive 19. nourish 20. promote A. To express strong disapproval B. Surprised and often slightly frightenedC. To say or do sth. that is rude to sb.D. Be worthy of sth. E. Determination to keep trying to do sth.F. To talk quickly G. To continue to live H. To persuadeI. Hopeful about the future J. To help sth to grow K. Become interested in or be involved in sth.L. To help sth. or sb. to develop and be successful M. Take a quick look at sth.N. To threaten to hurt sb. who is smaller or weaker O. Showing a willingness to take risks because you are in a bad situation that you want to change P. Silly Q. Be in a state of being unable to think clearly. R. A choice S. Fair in giving judgments T. Take part or get involved in sth. without invitationIV. Please write down the explanation of the following prefixes and suffixes and give two examples. (15%)1. mis _ e.g. _ _2. ette _ e.g. _ _3. ous _ e.g. _ _4. ish _ e.g. _ _5. de _ e.g. _ _V. Choose proper expressions listed below to complete the sentences. (15%)A. around the corner B. there is no pointC. read intoD. at heartE. Fed up withF. come back to earthG. straighten outH. put your heart intoI. Come to terms with J. dashed offK. make senseL. took advantage of3M. conscious ofN. tied down withO. In principle1. It took Larry a long time to _ the fact that he couldnt be able to use his legs again. 2. They knew by that time that the final victory was just _. The enemys days were numbered. 3. If you know how to prepare the dessert, _in buying it in the supermarket. 4. He lives in a kind of dream world now. But dont worry, one day, hell learn to_. 5. You have to _ it if you want to do your work well. 6. The sentence is simple and the meaning is clear. I dont think you should _too much _ it. 7. He looks rough, but he is _ very gentle and kind. 8. First, they pollute the rivers and lakes. Then they spend billions trying to control the pollution. This doesnt _. It is absolutely stupid. 9. The day the bridge broke right in the middle, traffic was particularly heavy. Nobody was _ the danger. 10. There are still many things to _ before we can build this factory. First, there is the problem of money. Second, we need to import some of the key equipment. Third, we must set up a strong team to run the factory.11. _city life, the young couple moved out to live in the suburbs a month ago. 12. _, men and women will have equal opportunities in our country. 13. Just before we got on the train, my wife _ a note to our son. 14. I am afraid I cant help you this week now because I am _ my term paper. 15. When he was in England, he _ every opportunity to improve spoken English. VI. Multiple choice(20%):1. It is not easy to _ his handwriting.A. make of B. make up for C. make from D. make out 2. By the time I had _ my book report, it was already mid-night.A. got on with B. got to C. got through with D. got into 3. She intended to make her speech short, but once she started, she was _.A. carried away B. carry on C. carried out D. carried over 4. There must be something wrong
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