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Environmental issue and solutionsIllya In recent years, environment issues become more serious as speed development of region economic. It is an important measure of social development that protects the environment and maintains ecological balance. It is also the duty of every citizen.In the environmental science, it is stated that environment is the room around human and all kinds of natural factors that affects human life and development directly. In the millions of years of human history, environment played a big role in starting and developing the civilization of human being. Climate, water source, land and grasslands are material bases that make it possible for human to survive. Also, resources of forest and mineral provide human material to develop constantly. These environmental resources create the human civilization on the earth. However, when human being is making use of the material resources, our living environment has a series of environmental problems. “The publication of such literature as Our Common Future,” Zhu Zhongyuan wrote in his thesis in 2005 “Care for the Earth, and 21st Century Agenda indicates that mans awareness of water and natural ecological system has changed.”In the Wikipedia, “Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years.” Greenhouse effect is a big problem which is facing humanity. Modern industrial society use excess fuel like coal, oil and nature gas so that vast carbon dioxide into atmosphere as burning fuel does. Carbon dioxide increase and become a bodiless glass cover that restraint heat into the space which the sun radiated to the earth. The result is earth surface warming. If the content of Carbon dioxide doubles, global temperature will rise 3 to 5 degrees C and the temperature of Polar Regions maybe rise 10 degrees C. Climate warming will be obvious. When the temperature is warming, it will cause rainfall increases in some regions and drought in some other regions. Besides, typhoon will appear frequently and strongly, natural disasters are intensified.The bigger worry is Glaciers are shrinking because of the Greenhouse effect. Sea level rises will imperil coastal cities, islands or low-lying areas, even flood these places. Carter Red Island people still keeps traditional living pattern, but they will face the fate of being flooded because of the Greenhouse effect which caused by people who damage the environment. “They are straight attacked by oceanic and continuous floods; original areas have been changed and damaged, almost all areas flooded already.” Environmentalist of Carter Red Island said.Global glaciers are thawing with the maximum speed of all time in more and more regions due to Greenhouse effect. By 1990s, as global glaciers tend to thaw quickly, it means that millions of people will face the threats from flood, drought and water depletion. Not only Polar Regions but also Himalayas glaciers are shrinking. One recent report by The United Nations intergovernmental panel on climate change, according to the current trend of global warming, 80% area of Himalayas glaciers will thawing out in less than 30 years. It is worse to China in serious water resource depletion problem. Moreover, extreme climate like snowstorm, rainstorm, flood, drought, hailstone and typhoon will pound the earth abnormal frequently in recent years. these are related to Climate change.Another disaster of Climate change is reduction in grain yield. Global warming cause reduction in grain yield, because global warming bring drought, water depletion, sea level rises, flooding, heat stress and temperature change so that grain production is damaged in all of the world. The study from the International Rice Research Institute showed that crops of rice will reduce 10% if evening minimum temperature rises each degree C. Alarmed is that rice is the staple food of more than half the population global so that a slight change of global warming will have fearful influence. From 1980, global yield of wheat fall 5.5% and corn fall 4%. It is increased hunger population and rising prices. Global warming also enlarges pests happening and extends harmful period in agriculture. The injured degrees of grain aggravate and increase the use of pesticides consequently.What mostly causes Climate change is burning fuel. Many years ago, burning fuel provides human warm, lighting and cooked food. It is a great process for human development. According to the speed of burning fossil fuels around the world, the service time of using fossil fuel is brief. Coal will be run out of in 200 years; natural gas can use 50 to 60 years and oil may only last another 45 years. Fossil fuel is the major part of primary energy at present. The quantity of exploiting and burning is large. Problems are coming. The process of exploiting coal is the most typical case of environmental impact that includes damage of land
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