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期刊投稿、审稿过程以及常用术语2010-03-15 23:08国外期刊投稿、审稿过程以及常用术语1. Author 作者如何在线投稿?在线投稿大致步骤:Step 1: Log In 登陆The login page gives you three options: 1. Log in with your known User ID and Password 用户名和密码2. Check to see if you have an existing account 确认是否已经注册过3. Create a new account 没有就注册一个Step 2: Enter your Author Center 进入作者中心To begin a new submission, check a previous submission, continue a submission begun earlier, or submit a revised manuscript, choose Author Center. 确认是新投,还是投修改稿Step 3: Inside Your Author Center 在个人的作者中心里面Existing manuscripts are found in one of three areas: 包括三个区域(这个每个杂志可能有区别的)Manuscripts to be Revised 需修改稿Partially Submitted Manuscripts 部分上传稿Submitted Manuscripts 已上传稿To start a NEW manuscript submission, choose “Submit First Draft of New Manuscript” link. 开始上传新稿Step 4: Entering Data 输入资料The following screens ask you to enter each piece of data associated with your manuscript. Most of this data will also be included in the text of your manuscript, but needs to be entered in this format in order to make the system searchable by these fields. It is used for screen display and e-mail notifications only. You cannot enter text into the Manuscript Data Summary table scroll down each screen to enter the required information. 按照提示一步一步输入Press “Save and Continue” at the bottom of each screen in order to save all of your work. If you press the Back or Forward button on your browser your work will not be saved. 继续时选择保存和继续,如果点击 back或者 forward,原来输入的内容会消失。Step 5: Upload Your Manuscript 上传文稿The File Manager is the area where you upload your files. Click on the Save and Continue button to get to the upload page. Click on the Browse button in step #1. Locate your file and click on the name of the file to place it in the box. Select a file designation that corresponds with the file name in step 浏览选定你电脑中要上传的稿件 #2. Select file is for review or not 选择审稿或不审稿,默认审稿- The file in the first position must be made “yes” available for review in step #3. Click the blue upload button in step #4 点击上传. Please refer to the “Author Instructions” for each specific journal to determine the Journal preferences of format and Always view your proof carefully prior to submitting. You will not be able to change it once its submitted. 一定要看请稿约里的要求,一旦上传后就无法修改。Your original file will be stored and will be located under “Original Files / Files not for review” on the right side of the screen. ManuscriptCentral will create files and place them under “Files for review.” You can make changes in step #5 before going to the next page. You can not make changes to your uploaded files. Click on Save and Continue. 如果没有选择审稿,将不会被编辑看到。Step 5: Submit Your Manuscript 上传Click on “View uploaded files” - always view your proof carefully prior to submitting. You will not be able to change it once its submitted. Then close the file, close the View uploaded files window and click on “Submit your manuscript”. After you choose to submit, you will see a confirmation screen. You will also receive an e-mail confirmation that you can save for future reference. 点击上传后,会出现确认框,最后成功后,系统会自动发 mail到你的邮箱。获知第一篇英文论文被接受已经有几天了,心情慢慢平静下来,一直也想写写自己的经验,但是看了几篇精华贴后越发感觉小木虫上面牛人太多,暗下决心以后要坚持上来看看。写这篇帖子的目的主要为两点:一是记录下自己的投稿经历,毕竟对我来说能中这篇文章还是有些敝帚自珍的味道,二是潜水这么久了,献上一篇自己的原创,能搏诸看官会心一笑是最好不过了,在此抛砖引玉,草草下笔,还望大家多多指教。话休烦絮,进入主题吧。我是在 MSEA 上面投的文章,不敢对期刊作太多评论,主要讲投稿过程。开始文章的创作是在去年 7、8 月份了吧,之前刚投了一篇中文的,等待中。文章的创意主要来自我的大老板,他是单位一位德高望重的老专家。包括以后的论文修改啊,很多都要归功于老师的帮助了。大概在九月的时候完成了中文的初稿,然后把它翻译成英文(在是否需要先写中文再翻译为英文的问题上我还不大清楚) ,老板帮改了以后,我自己又改了一下就开始寻找刊物了,那时候我还没有开始接触小木虫,参考了几篇文献后,选好MSEA 后。通过 Elsevier 进入了期刊的首页,那时什么都不懂,所有的东西包括文章的格式、语言和各种处理方法都要由 Guide for Authors 上面的介绍一一看来,着实吃力:rol:。 本文来自织梦 按照上面的介绍把自己的文章大概的处理一下就投出去了,投的时候我都不知道什么叫“cover letter”,搜索然后请教课题组的师兄,然后在网上(应该是小木虫上面,我这时开始接触它了)搜索了一个模板套用一下,就于 2008 年 10 月 22 号匆匆投出去了。很必然的,在几天后的某一天,我收到了编辑部的退稿信。摘录部分如下:Dear *,Your manuscript has been checked against formal technical criteria (structure of submission, adherence to the Guide for Authors and English language usage). I regret to inform you that we will not send your manuscript to the journal editor, as the English language usage has not met the desired standard.Before submitting future manuscripts, we strongly advise that you either seek the assistance of a native English-speaking colleague, or consult urlhttp./url.我心里当然不好受啦,但是回头去看看稿件,我甚至都没有好好的核对系统返给我的PDF 版本,到处是错误,图表格式不对并且一股脑都放文档里面了,现在想想都有点脸热啊:dnd:。 本文来自织梦其后认认真真的看 Guide for Authors,然后请教图片的处理方式外加一些语言的修改。在两个月以后将修改后的稿子再次投了过去。其后过了十来天发现 Elsevier 上面的作者的“Main menu”显示需要修改,但是我的通讯老板并没有告知我有邮件,我对该投稿系统也不熟,因此就发了一封信过去问,很快的期刊经理就给了回信,并附上了审稿意见。初看意见不知道从哪里下手,应该指出的是,在投稿时要指定审稿人,我也不知道怎么指定,就在主页上复制粘贴了几个大牛上去,审稿意见充分体现了该审稿人的学术修养和水平。没有说明是大修还是小修,指出了好些问题,比如语言还需要修改、误差棒和误差限的标定,模型和数据的相关问题,结论写的太长,有一处直接引用的数据格式还被骂了(虽然有点委屈还是虚心的接受了,这就是科研的态度啊).反复查看了审稿意见后,我还是不知道如何入手,提出的大部分问题对我都是问题,周围的人不知道,网上问也没有满意的结果。那时快过年了,先过年,回来已是二月份了,很多问题还是没有解决,我开始有点着急了,因为编辑给的最后期限是四月 15 号,于是整天泡在网上,进展甚微,有一天晚上睡觉我脑海中突然灵光闪现,让我想起了一篇文献中的方法,第二天去试了,但是.仍然无用:o 。 织梦内容管理系统 有个师兄建议我去问参考文献里面的作者,我写了一封邮件去问,对方很礼貌的回答了我的问题,但是并不是我需要的,但后来点醒了
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