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11academic adjective1)connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities: The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.2)involving a lot of reading and studying rather than practical or technical skills: academic subjects相关词汇 academically adverb: You have to do well academically to get into medical school.2enthusiastic adjective (about sb/sth) (about doing sth) 热衷于feeling or showing a lot of excitement and interest about sb/sth:an enthusiastic supporter / crowd an enthusiastic welcome You dont sound very enthusiastic about the idea. She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain.相关词汇 enthusiastically adverb3amazing adjectivevery surprising, especially in a way that makes you feel pleasure or admiration:an amazing achievement / discovery / success / performanceIts amazing how quickly people adapt.amazing 的意思是“令人吃惊的,令人惊讶的 ”。如: Its amazing to visit such a beautiful village!相关词汇 amazingly adverb; amazed adj ; amaze verb If something amazes you, it surprises you very much.I was amazed to learn she was still writing her stories.amazed adjective (at / by sb/sth) (how / that .) (to see, find, learn, etc.)very surprised: We were amazed to find that no one was hurt.4information noun U (on / about sb/sth) facts or details about sb/sth:He refused to comment before he had seen all the information.Pat refused to give her any information about Sarah.相关词汇 Inform verb inform sb of sthIf you inform someone of something, you tell them about it.5brilliant adjectiveextremely clever or impressive: What a brilliant idea!very successful: The play was a brilliant success.very intelligent or skilful: She has one of the most brilliant minds in the country.(of light or colours) very bright: brilliant sunshine(BrE, spoken) very good; excellent: How was it? Brilliant!相关词汇 : brilliance noun brilliantly adverb26comprehension noun U, CU (especially written) the ability to understand: His behavior was completely beyond comprehension (= impossible to understand).an exercise that trains students to understand a language: listening comprehension a reading comprehension7instruction noun, (instructions) pl. detailed information on how to do or use sthFollow the instructions on the packet carefully.C, usually pl. (to do sth) something that sb tells you to doIm under instructions to keep my speech short.an instruction book 相关词汇 instruct verb If you instruct someone to do something, you formally tell them to do it.8. method nounC (of sth / of doing sth) (for sth / for doing sth) a particular way of doing sth: a new method of solving the problem9bored adjective (with sb/sth) (with doing sth) feeling tired and impatient because you have lost interest in sb/sth or because you have nothing to do: The children quickly got bored with staying indoors. There was a bored expression on her face.相关词汇 bore verb boredom nounIf someone or something bores you, you find them dull and uninteresting.boring Student life is never boring, is it? .boring television programmes.10embarrassed adjective (about / at sth) (to do sth) (of a person or their behaviour) shy, awkward or ashamed, especially in a social situation: Shes embarrassed about her height.相关词汇 embarrass verb If something or someone embarrasses you, they make you feel shy or ashamed.embarrassing That was an embarrassing situation for me.11attitude nounC (to / towards sb/sth) the way that you think and feel about sb/sth; the way that you behave towards sb/sth that shows how you think and feel: Youth is simply an attitude of mind.12behaviour nounU the way that sb behaves, especially towards other people: His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.3U, C the way a person, an animal, a plant, a chemical, etc. behaves or functions in a particular situation: the behaviour of insects / dolphins / chromosomes studying human and animal behaviour 相关词汇:behave verb Hed behaved badly. If you behave or behave yourself, you act in the way that people think is correct and proper.13previous adjective happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about: She is his daughter from a previous marriage.immediately before the time you are talking aboutI couldnt believe it when I heard the news. Id only seen him the previous day.相关词汇 previously adverb14description nounC, U (of sb/sth) a piece of writing or speech that says what sb/sth is like; the act of writing or saying in words what sb/sth is like: Police have issued a description of the gunman.相关词汇 describe verb Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.descriptive adj The report was so descriptive, I felt as if I were there.15embarrassing adjective(1)-ing 形式的形容词通常用来描述使人产生某种看法的人或事,表示主动的意思。(2)-ed 形式的形容词通常用来描述人或事处于某种状态,表示被动的意思。试比较:The old lady asked lots of embarrassing q
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