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摘要摘要射频识别(RFID)技术是近几年随着无线电技术和大规模集成电路的普及应用而出现的一项先进的自动识别和数据采集技术。它的最大优势就是非接触性。可以无需人工干预完成识别工作。本文研究了电感耦合 RFID 系统工作原理,讨论了射频识别系统的组成及各个部分包括天线、阅读器和电子标签的作用。设计了射频识别系统的总体方案和各个部分的硬件电路。进行了射频识别系统的电路调试,进行了系统识别距离的测量和系统识别正确率的测量。结果表明,本文设计的基于电感耦合的 RFID 系统可以正确工作。该论文对今后进行射频识别系统开发的工作有一定的参考意义。关键词:自动识别 射频识别 电子标签 阅读器摘要ABSTRACTRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is an advanced automatic identification and data collection technology, appeared with the radio technology and the popularization of the large scale integrated circuit in recent years. The biggest advantage of this technology is that the property of non-contact. The identification work can be done without human intervention.The principle of the inductively coupled RFID systems were studied in this article, and the roles of the components of the RFID systems, including the antennas, readers and electronic tags were discussed. The overall program of the RFID system and the various parts of the hardware were designed. The circuit of the RF identification system was debugged, the distance and accuracy of the identification system were measured. The results show that the design of inductive coupling in RFID-based system can work properly. This study has some reference value on the development work of the radio frequency identification systems in the future. Keywords: automatic identification RFID electronic tag reader unit目录 i目录第一章 绪论 .11.1 常见的自动识别技术 .11.2 射频识别技术的概述 .31.3 研究内容 .5第二章 射频识别技术工作原理 .72.1 电感耦合 RFID 系统工作原理 .72.2 射频识别系统的组成 .92.2.1 天线 .102.2.2 阅读器 .102.2.3 电子标签 .12第三章 射频识别系统总体设计 .153.1 总体方案选择 .153.2 调制方案选择 .163.3 系统工作频率 .163.4 天线选择 .173.5 系统的整体结构 .17第四章 系统实现 .194.1 主要芯片介绍 .194.2 耦合线圈谐振计算 .214.3 电子标签设计 .224.3.1 电源模块 .224.3.2 编码电路 .244.3.3 调制电路 .254.4 阅读器的设计 .264.4.1 发射模块的设计 .264.4.2 解调电路 .294.4.3 解码电路的设计 .31ii 目录第五章 射频识别系统的调试和测试 .355.1 线圈耦合调试 .355.2 系统识别距离的测量 .355.3 系统识别正确率的测量 .35第六章 总结 .37致谢 .
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