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Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力). Listening Comprehension(听力理解)( 共 30 分)AListen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6 分)BListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(10 分)( )7AThe school days BThe plan for the coming holidayC Their favorite sports DThe trip to Hong Kong( )8A3 years ago BFor 2 daysC For 3 years. D. 2 days ago( )9. AMaths BChineseCEnglishDPhysics( )10A At twenty to seven BAt half past sevenC At twenty past eight. DAt twenty to eight( )11A The boy was ill BThe boy had a headacheC. The boy slept well DThe boy was very happy( )12A Mr. Wangs father BMrs. Wangs fatherC Toms father DTom( )13A 3 times B8 times C6 times D5 times( )14AShe is waiting for her patient BShe is having a physical examinationC She is sleeping DShe is performing an operation( )15. A210 pages B120 pages C240 pages. D4 pages( )16A You dont say so BDetective storiesC Science fiction DPlease think it overC Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(7 分)( )17Everyone can speak English( )18There are about 5000 languages in the world( )19Most of the languages in the world are very important( )20English is the most important language( )21The best topic of this passage is English( )22Many people use English,not only in England and America but also in other parts of the world( )23Many millions of school boys and school girls are trying to learn EnglishDListen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(7 分)24Tomorrow,Beijing will be_.25In Beijing the low will be_5 and the high,plus 72 6 Shanghai will be_with strong winds27The temperature in Shanghai will go from_ to 1028_will be cloudy29Temperatures will_between 14 and 2330Xian will be_with a low of minus 1 and a high of plus 10Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分词汇和语法)IIChoose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)( 共 20 分)( )31This machine from Germany is very modernWhat can you do_it?Aby Bof Cwith Dat( )32Its a good time_ skiingA. to go Bgoes Cgoing Dto go to( )33Where_ John_?To the libraryHe _there for an hourAhas; been; has gone Bhas; gone; has beenC did;go ;went Ddid ;be ;went( )34He looked_ at the beautiful picture on the wallAhappy B. sadly Csad D. happily( )35The little boy isnt tall enough to_ the apple on the desk。Aget to Barrive Creach Dtake( )36We visited_many places of historical interest in Beijing_our first visit to ChinaAto;during Bto ;on C;during D;on( )37_the weather_ in Beijing?Its sunnyAWhats; BHows;like CWhats;like DHow; like( )38Have you finished_picture,Alice?Adrawn B. to draw Cdraw Ddrawing( )39I have to tell youWould you have a drink with me?Aanything important Bsomething importantC important something Dimportant anything( )40Listen! Someone_singing in the next roomAare Bwas Cis Dwill be( )41May I_ these dictionaries for a week?Alend Bkeep Cborrow Dget( )42Its very kind_youThank you_telling me about itAfor;by B. of;for Cof;to Dto;for( )43Since you are overweight,youd better_ less junk foodAto eat Beating Ceat Date( )44The best way to learn a foreign language well is to keep_Apractising Bto practise Cfor practise Dpractise( )45You are not good at EnglishLet me help you_your English.Awith Bto Con D. in( )46Miss Zhang teaches_Chinese this termAus Bwe Cour Dours( )47Shanghai looks_than beforeAmuch beautiful Bfar more beautiful Cfar beautiful Dvery beautiful( )48Julia left Shanghai_ the morning of October 1Ain Bat Cfor Don( )49Jack is among the top students in the schoolThe underlined part meansAbest Bworst Chigh Dtall( )50Can you teach me how to use the computer?_.AWith pleasure BMy pleasure C. Its a pleasure DFor pleasureComplete the following passage with the words or phrases in the boxEach can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 8 分)A. cooking B. table C. game D. laying E. haveF. ready G. kitchen H. watch I. look intoOne day Mr. Brown_51_his daughters room and saw his son and daughter playing a_ 52_His daughter had got a toy_53_with a fire,pots,and
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