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1Unit 9 Everything is made in China!语言知识目标:学生能够理解并运用本单元所学的表示物品材料的常用名词,掌握询问物品信息的表达方式。学生能够在给定的语境下使用一般现在时被动语态。语言技能目标:听-能够听懂有关物品构成材料、产地以及其他信息的对话。说-能够用被动语态对物品进行简单介绍。读-能够读懂某人的购物经历及有关商品信息的介绍。写-能够用被动语态对物品进行描述。单元任务:学生能够运用所学语言竞选出最佳推销员。Period 1(Activities 1-2)一、课前预习:翻译下列单词及短语1object_ 2material_ 3glass_ 4cotton_5plastic_ 6wood_ 7stone_ 8wool_9silk_ 10steel_ 11leather_ 12sweater_13be made of_ 14raincoat_ 15size_二、复习表示颜色的常用词汇英语中有 red(红), white(白),black(黑),green(绿),yellow(黄),blue(蓝), purple(紫), gray 或 grey(灰),brown(棕),pink (粉),cream(奶黄),orange(橙),pale blue 或 light blue(浅蓝),dark blue(深蓝)三、学习语言点:be made of/be made from/be made in/be made into/be made up of 的区别 1. be made of 表示由制成, 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。This tablecloth is made of paper. _This salad is made of apples and strawberries_椅子是由木材制成的_2. be made from 也表示由制成 ,但一般指看不出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。 Bread is made from corn. _The lifeboat is made from some special material. _纸是由木材制成的_3. be made in 指的是产地,意思为于制造。 The caps are made in Russia. _My mother likes to buy things which are made in China. _4. be made into 的意思为 被制成为。This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. _The paper has been made into clothes for the doll. _5. be made up of 由构成、一般是多种构成。 Water was made up of oxygen and hydrogen. _我们班由 28 个男生和 20 个女生构成_四、完成教材 P143 Activities1-2Period2-3(Activities 3-8)一、课前预习:翻译下列单词和短语1assistant_ 2customer_ 3take place_ 4design_5production_ 6medium_ 7frankly speaking_8 小号_ 9 中号 _ 10 大号 _- 11the dressing 2room_12try on_ 13scarf_ 14 上周末_15 油画刷_ 16 画图_ 17 书架_18 放置课本_ 19 桌布_ 20 覆盖桌子_21 被用于_二、完成教材 P144Activities3-5三、再听录音并填空。S: _, Madam?K: Well, Im_.S: What _ do you like?K: My _ is grey.S: We have a very beautiful grey skirt here. _.K: What is it _?S: Its made of _.K: Well, I dont like wool. Do you have a grey one _?S: Yes we do. Its _.K: Oh, its pretty. Made in_?S: Yes, its great. _ it _.K: OK, but this is size _. Do you have a smaller size?S: Yes, we do. Here is a _ one and here is a small. _ is to your left.4、阅读对话,回答问题。1. What does the man want to buy?2. Whats his favorite color?3. What material does the man like, silk or cotton?5、语言点学习1. Look for 本意为“寻找” , 用在购物时译为“买” 。Im looking for my glasses. Did you see them?_老师正在找你呢。你去哪了? 2. be made of 意为 它们是由最好的材料制成的。 3. 是 size 意为 ”尺码,号“The jacket was the wrong size._ -你要什么尺码的? -大号。 large 意为大号的 ,medium 意为 中号的,small 意为小号的 ,其缩写形式分别为 The hats are made in three sizes: small, medium and large._ 六、完成教材 P144-145 Activities6-8七、默写 Everyday English 1. 我能为你做些什么?2. 你喜欢什么颜色?3. 我想要一个大、中、小号。4. 它是什么材质的?5. 他是哪里生产的?3Period 4-5(Activities 9-14)1、课前预习1. sort_ 2. suddenly_ 3. notice_ 4. candle_5. mall_ 6. screen_ 7. label_ 8. fashionable_9. refrigerator_ 10. gift_ 11.dinnertime_ 12.doorbell_13. drove_ 14. rang_ 15. band_ 16.起居室 17. 自言自语 18. 环顾四周 19. 来自_ 20 生日蛋糕_ 21. 一双新鞋子_2、阅读课文,回答问题1. What did Mrs. Lawson do after breakfast a week after Christmas?2. Were almost all the gifts made in China in her sons room?3. What did she buy in a shopping center?4. Where did she find the label made in China in the living room?5. Was the new CD made in China?3、完成教材 P147-149 Activities 9-124、学习语言知识点1. take place 意为“发生,举行”事故发生在昨天晚上_The concert will take place next Friday_2. be made in 意为_这种手表是瑞士 Switzerland 生产的_3. sort 意为“分类,整理”The boy is sorting the foreign stamps he has collected_Sort these cards according to their colors._
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