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Advanced English I. For Class 2008 Lectured by Weili Zhao M.Ed. 11. Raising children today is like competing in a triathlon with no finish line in sight. (p.11) 当今养育孩子就像参加 三项全能运动 ,却看不到终点线.2.Their lives have become a daily frantic rush in the minivan fromto.(p.11) 家长们的生活变得天天要急急忙忙地开迷你面包车从.赶到. 3. They are trapped: (p.11) 他们陷在困境中。4. Middle-class parents are under continuous pressure to plan, enrich and do this important job the one, precisely right way. (p. 12) 中层阶层的家长们继续承受压力 , 为孩子们定计划, 丰富和做好这项重要的工作, 唯一的严格的正确方法. 5. Rapid technological change has contributed to that sense of instability. (p. 12) 科技迅猛的发展导致了这种不稳定性的感觉.6. They get overly involved in the minutiae of their kids lives, stage-managing success and robbing kids of the opportunity to learn from their failures.(p. 13) 家长们过多地参与孩子们的琐碎小事, 暗中严格控制达到成功之路的一切, 从而剥夺了孩子们学习失败的机会.Results: 1. There are also been an increase in eating Advanced English I. For Class 2008 Lectured by Weili Zhao M.Ed. 2disorders, alcohol abuse and other stress-related problems among teenagers.(p.14) 饮食混乱, 酗酒和压力相关等的问题在少年中也剧增.2. For many parents, activities that used to be just for fun now seem to have longlife consequence. Sports are particularly fraught, no one wants to raise a loser.(p.14) 对许多家长来说, 过去的活动仅仅为了乐趣, 而今却显得是终身之事. 运动特别使人忧心忡忡, 谁也不愿意培育出一个失败者来.3. Champions are made , not born. That intensity is fueled by stories about champions like Venus and Serena Williams or Tiger Woods, whose very involved parents were key to their success.(p. 14) 出类拔萃的人是造就出来的而不是天生的。 这种强烈感 是受到网球冠军大小威廉姆斯或高尔夫冠军伍德的报道激起的, 他们极为投入的父母亲是他们成功的关键.4. That pattern of intervention can continue long past grade school, robbing teenagers of the opportunity to develop maturity and independence.(p. 19) 介入的方式可持续到小学结束,结果剥夺了孩子们发展成熟和独立自主的机会。5. Students whove never learned to make their choices can feel lost and confused once they get to college. (p.20)Advanced English I. For Class 2008 Lectured by Weili Zhao M.Ed. 3 那些还没有学会作出自己选择的学生,一旦上大学,就会迷茫和困惑。 Parents think they cant let up, every minute of the day has to have a purpose.( p.14) 父母们认为孩子们不能 怠慢, 每时每刻都得有个目标。 While parents believe they need to be constantly on top of things at home, the corporate culture is demanding that they put in longer hours at the office as well. (p.15) 家长们认为他们需要在家里一直控制局面, 而 企业文化 也要求员工在办公室投入更长的时间. What families risk losing in this insane frenzy is the soul of childhood and the joy of family life.( p. 16-17) 许多家庭在这不理智的疯狂行为中失去的是童年之魂和天伦之乐。1. The state of marriage was natural to man婚姻对人类来说是一种自然状态。2. We find all the motives which they have for marriage in that connection, and the restraints which civilized society imposes to prevent separation, are hardly sufficient to keep them together.我们发现一切维持婚姻的动机,和文明社会对分离的强制性限制,Advanced English I. For Class 2008 Lectured by Weili Zhao M.Ed. 4几乎都无法足以维系双方在一起。3. The basis of the family is special kind of affection towards other children.3.家庭的基础是父母对孩子特别的爱,有别于对别人孩子的爱。4. This emotion is one that we inherit from our animal ancestors.4.这种情感是我们从我们的动物祖先那里继承下来的5. In this respect, Freud seems to me not sufficiently biological in his outlook, for anyone who will observe an animal mother with her young can see that her behavior towards them follows an entirely different pattern from her behavior towards the males with whom she has sex relations.5.在这方面,我觉得弗洛伊德几乎不是太从生物的观点来看,因为任何只要观察动物妈妈和她的小宝宝在一起的人,会发现她对小宝宝的行为是完全遵循着与之有性关系的雄性动物的不同行为模式。6. thought in a modified and less definite form6. 虽然形式上有了点变化和不太明确7. As things are, , provided their instincts are not atrophied, to their children.7. 照目前的情况, 。 。 。 , 如果父母的本能没有减退的话, 。 。 。8. The only argument is over the means of achieving the goalAdvanced English I. For Class 2008 Lectured by Weili Zhao M.Ed. 58. 唯一的争论是围绕着达到目的的手段。9. The two-child family is not large enough to generate the interactions that develop a good personality;this is why the single children are often monsters.9. 两个孩子的家庭不足以达到培养良好个性的互动氛围,这就是为什么独生孩子是独霸的原因。1. The family is among the few universal institution of mankind. 家庭只是人类一般机构中的少数单位。2. institutionalized promiscuity: (习惯等)被确立的,被接受的乱交3. Major social functions in family reproduction:生殖;繁育 maintenance:抚养;生活费;赡养费 socialization:社会化 4. matrilocal: (a nonce word); patrilocal: (a nonce word); neolocal: (a nonce word) (婚后)居住在女方家的; (婚后)居住在男方家的;(婚后)不居住在男方家的或女方家的J.H.Plumb (19112001) The Dying Family p.314. Both parents, well into middle age, had just embarked, one Advanced English I. For Class 2008 Lectured by Weili Zhao M.Ed. 6on his fourth, the other on her third marriage. 父母双方已人到中年,刚一结合,男的就已经是第四次,而女的也是第三次步入婚姻了。5. Indeed to them perhaps the odd family was the one which Western culture has held up as a model for two thousand years or more -the lifelong union of man and wife. 当然对他们来说奇特的家庭也许是西方文化作为一种模式而保持了两千年或更长的时间-夫妻终生结合的模式。6. We know even less, however, of the detailed sexual practices that marriage covered. 然而,我们甚至对婚姻涉及到的性行为的细节也知之甚少。7. We realize that the family has changed far more profoundly than the bus load of Californians
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