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1.何为 CheckCheck 有很多名称,比如 Check,Name Check,背景调查,procedure,行政审查(221(g) Additional Administrative Process) 。但是这都不是他的官方名称,所以有人在被签证官 Check 之后,直接问签证官我是不是被 Check 了,签证官会回答 No。在美国的官方文档里,这个称为 Visas Mantis。可以参看http:/travel.state.gov/visa/rec . 0Folder/C/China.htm 中的简短说明: Visas Mantis is strongly recommended for applicants with a background or purpose of trip that is listed in the TAL. Please see 9 FAM Appendix G 502.1-7.1其中 TAL 便是大家常说的敏感专业列表,Technology Alert List。2.Check 的时间这个东西真的是因人而异吧,不要看到别人比你晚签但是早 clear 就认为自己被拒了,你们的情况可能根本不一样.这也是我个人的认识,我认为被 Check 了要分几种情况,但是无论哪一种,只要是被 Check 了,你的所有资料都会被送到华盛顿的 VISA 总部,也就是DOS。当然,材料不是寄过去的,具体不知道是怎样的过程,但是很快。有人说是传真到总部,但是我在官方网站中看到了 Cable 一词,也有可能是特殊通道过去。反正,被 Check 了,你的所有资料会在当天就进入华盛顿总部的数据库。第一种情况:你很幸运,是最快的过程。也许虽然你被 Check 了,但是总部认为没有必要将你移交到安全部门进入安全审查程序。那么,一般在 3 个星期之内,你的状态就会 clear。也有另外一种解释,你的材料很幸运的很快排除了安全因素,没有进入人工审查流程第二种情况:不太走运,你被送到了安全部门,就是他们说的被移交到了USCIS,或者 DHS(以前的 INS 部门) 。USCIS(U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services), DHS(U.S. Department of Homeland Security)。进行的内容,现在知道的有 Name Check(背景调查)和 Fingerprint Check(指纹比对)。实际上,背景调查每个被送到 DOS 的人人应该都做了。根据FBI(http:/www.newsmth.net/bbscon.php?bid=326&id=331041,http:/www.fbi.gov/hq/nationalnamecheck.htm)的名字调查系统,一般人的名字调查会在 3 天内得到结果。http:/www.fbi.gov/congress/congress03/hardy102303.htm% Approximately 85% of name checks are electronically returned as having No Record within 72 hours. A No Record indicates that the FBIs Central Records System contains no identifiable information regarding this individual. By agreement with the Department of State, partially due to our concern about the time factors in approving most visa requests, a No Record equates to a No Objection to the issuance of a visa.! 但是,并不是所有人的名字调查都没有问题。如果出现在数据库当中,名字和生日都吻合,那么就出现命中。出现命中,你的材料可能被送到 FBI 的相关部门经行人工审查。http:/www.fbi.gov/congress/congress03/hardy102303.htmIf the investigative division determines there is no objection to the visa request, the request is returned to the name check dissemination desk for forwarding to the Department of State. If there is an FBI objection to the visa request, the investigative division will prepare a written Security Advisory Opinion (SAO) and forward it to the Department of State. In reviewing these visa requests, the FBI has identified individuals attempting to enter the United States who are of serious concern to the FBI., 这样的过程,FBI 最终会给出一个称之为 SAO 的意见给 Department of State,这样的过程因为人工程序的加入,就变长了。根据 http:/travel.state.gov/visa/laws/telegrams/telegrams_1425.html,没有出现吻合,使馆部门(posts )可以在 10 天之内同意 VISA 申请。Ref A established a clearance procedure known at the time as Visas Eagle Mantis for applicants of any nationality, coming to the U.S. at the invitation of a USG entity to engage in activity involving any of the sensitive technologies on the Technology Alert List. Posts were able to issue visas in those cases after a 10-working day suspense period unless otherwise directed by the Department. That provision was terminated by Ref B, which requires posts to receive an affirmative response from the Department before a visa can be issued.然而,进入了人工程序,它的时间 http:/www.fbi.gov/congress/congress03/hardy102303.htmThe FBIs goal is to have all Mantis and Condor vetting requests completed within 120 days.Attachment A illustrates the current status of Visa Condor names checks, and Attachment B illustrates the same for Visa Mantis name checks. This status was taken on October 1, 2003. For example, for Visas Condor, the FBI received 7,986 requests during the month of September 2003. By October 1, 2003, the FBI had resolved all but 521 of these requests, for a 93% resolution rate. (See Attachment A) In the month of August 2003, the FBI received 7,381 Visas Condor requests and by October 1, 2003, had resolved all but 257 of these requests for a 97% resolution rate. For Visas Mantis, the FBI received 1029 requests in the month of September 2003 and by October 1, 2003, had resolved 832, or 80% of them (See Attachment B). In the month of August 2003, the FBI received 1,122 Visa Mantis requests and by October 1, 2003, had resolved all but 116 of these requests for a 90% resolution rate. The percentages continue to rise over time, 97% of Visas Condor and 95% of Visas Mantis were resolved within 90 days. Visas Mantis are particularly difficult to resolve due to the predominance of requests from China and the commonality of Asian names.就是说,FBI 只是争取在 120 天内完成调查,并且这个时间在经两年都难以保证。当然,美国政府正在加快这个审查过程。一般来说,进入这样程序的 check 就绝不可能在 21 天内清除状态。一般的时间好像在 45 天以上。但是,一般在 2 个月到 3 个月之内,FBI 的调查过程会结束。第三种情况:三个月都没有结束。http:/www.fbi.gov/congress/congress03/hardy102303.htm9 Nevertheless, as I stated earlier, the FBIs resolves 98% of all types of visa requests within 120 days.这样的话,很不幸,属于这里的 2%。FBI 的调查肯定涉及到了某些困难的东西,在这样的情况下,多少时间的检查都有可能了。只能说太不幸了。如果我将是这种情况,我将怀疑这辈子是否还能进入美国了。希望没人这样3.有何办法等待 20 天一般的人,我这里说的是刚刚等了不到 20 天的,行行好,您就安心等着,在家陪父母,陪 LP(LG),不要往 DOS 打电话了,浪费钱,我们这些长期被 Check的人还老是拨不进去。唯一要做的事情,就是如果你被要求补充材料了,往使馆发个传真,留个电话,他们会回电确认你的材料已收到,没有缺失。我是北京的,北京的使馆 FAX 86-10)6532-3178,态度真的很好20 天 等待 60 天每个星期向 DO
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