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-1-作文名词1. Blockbuster (轰动,重磅炸弹)2. Sustainable development 3. People from all walks of life /people from all classes and parts of society 4. Undertaking 5. Economic prosperity 6. Superiority 7. quality time 8. supporter /opponent 9. a tempting choice10.remarkable /all-round development 11.industry (industrious )12.heartfelt apology/sympathy/thanks/appreciation 13.mutual comprehension 14.everlasting gratefulness (永久的感谢)15.self-esteem (自尊,自大,自负)16.setbacks /obstacles/hurdles/adversity(uc) (挫折/障碍/障碍/逆境(不可数)17.maturity (成熟) 18.perseverance/endurance /persistence/diligence (坚持不懈/忍耐/坚持/勤奋)19.stepping-stone 20.selfless dedication (无私奉献)21.favorable condition(有利条件)22.straight-A student23.down-to-earth advice (实际的建议)24.fitness facilities (健身设施)25.moral sense (道德感)26.passive/active learning (被动/主动学习)27.enquiry learning(探究性学习)28.enthusiast (fitness enthusiast (健身爱好者) .的爱好者29.A reasonable/inviting/tempting choice/price (合理/诱人的选择/价格)30.Like-minded friends (志同道合的朋友)31.The general public (公众,群众)32.Idleness(懒惰)33.运动类:skipping/jogging/outdoor aerobics (跳绳/慢跑/有氧运动)34.The tip of the iceberg (冰山一角)35.Double-edged sword (双刃剑)36.tension /anxiety37.urbanization /modernization 38.working opportunities 39.Spending spree (疯狂购物、挥霍)-2-40.pros and cons(利弊)/ merits and drawbacks 41.fast-paced way of life 42.solid economic foundation 43.Large-scale (entertainment facilities)(大型,大规模的(娱乐设施)44.The ABC of . 45.Occurrence (事情;发生)46.Low-carbon lifestyle 形容词/副词1. Tremendous 2. Indispensable (不可或缺的)3. Significant (be of significance)/essential /crucial/vital 4. Principal (主要的,最重要的)5. Inevitable 6. Breathtaking(震撼的,令人窒息的(美) 7. Picturesque (风景如画的)8. Gorgeous (绚丽的,光彩夺目的)9. A sympathetic person /a person full of sympathy 10. ever-evolving society (不断发展的社会)11.Definitely (明确地,肯定地;清楚地,当然)12.Tempting 13.Exceedingly 14.Moderately (适度地,有节制地)15.Mutual (相互的,彼此的)16.Ideal 17.Favorable (有利的)18.Numerous (许多的)19.Yet another (另一个,又一个)20.Hearty(丰盛的,精神饱满的)21.Heart-to-heart (communication )(坦诚的,率直的)22.Congested(拥挤的)(the city is congested.)23.Sufficient(足够的,充分的)/sufficiently(足够地,充分地)24.Temporary /permanent (暂时的/永久的)25.A Shortcut to do sth (做.的捷径) 26.Enormous 27.Advisable (可取的,明智的)28 cost-conscious 注重成本的替换词1. on a daily basis every day 2. currently nowadays 3. significant (be of significance)/essential /vital /crucial important4. might as well do had better do 5. undertaking thing 6. enhance improve 7. merely only 8. prominent outstanding -3-9. impel sb to do sth force (激励,促使某人做某事)10.virtually actually /in fact 11.hence therefore 12.desirable satisfying 13.esteem honor /respect (尊敬,尊重)14.entail need 15.wellness health 16.set ones mind on doing decide to do 17.impact influence /effect 18.astonishing surprising 19.go from bad to worse worse20.every now and then often21.down to-earth advice effective advice 22.be conditioned to do get used to do.23.numerous lots of /many 24.yet another another25.pour out the problems to sb tell sb the problems (倾诉)26.lend a ear to sb listen to ones trouble (倾听)27.with the passage of time with time going by 28.Like-minded friends good friends (志同道合的朋友)29.The general public people (公众,群众)30.Lean on sb rely on sb(依靠)31.Hearties friends(朋友,伙伴)32.Sth flash into ones mind sth occur to sb 33.Sufficient food, sufficiently good enough food, good enough34.Pose a risk for/threat to(构成危险/威胁) be bad for35.A full/wide range of various36.Obtain get37.Establish set up 38.Have an appetite for like 39.Be of great benefit to sth/do sth be good for 40.Yearn for (向往) look forward to doing短语1. Have a tremendous influence on /have a profound impact on (产生重大/深远的影响)2. Iron the obstacle to doing sth3. be capable of doing sth 4. have a bent for 5. do ones utmost /make ones endeavour to do sth 6. have no alternative but to do sth 7. cultivate ones character -4-8. capture ones attention 9. weather the storm 10. interpret .as 11. might as well do 12. bite the bullet13.take the share of responsibility 14.shoulder the responsibility of doing sth 15.failure in doing sth/fail to do sth16. Be confronted with sth 17.Strengthen/enhance ones academic performance 18.A considerable/modest /increasing number of people / a growing army of people19.Make a concession to sb /sth 20.Compensate for ones deficiency 21.Command the respect of others 22.Settle the matters 23.Extinguish ones enthusiasm for sth 24.Fulfil (fulfilled ;fulfilling) ones duty/task as a student 25.Stand for the principle 26.Enhance our daily life standard 27.Sth is the primary reason/consequence of (sth是.的主要原因/后果)28.Do sth without any hesitation 29.Sb might well relate to/resonate with others quite strongly (产生强烈的共鸣)30.Boost the economy prosperity (促进经济繁荣)31.Sth bring out its superiority in .32.Make the most /best of sth (competence ,condition etc. ) to do sth 33.Advocate sth 34.Contrib
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