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TEST41. When a statement is negated, its presupposition is _.当一个语句的否定,其前提是 A. still true B. false C. also negated D. neither true nor false (正确答案: A ) 2. Pragmatic failure may occur _.语用失误可能发生A. among learners of a foreign language only B. in cross-cultural communication only C. in both cross-cultural and intra-cultural communication D. among speakers of the same language only (正确答案: C )在跨文化和文化交流中3. Which of the following is a pair of relational antonyms? 关系反义词A. dead/alive B. large/small C. male/female D. husband/wife (正确答案: D )4. The sentence “John bought a Ford” _ “John bought a car.”A. presupposes B. entails C. is synonymous with D. is consistent with (正确答案: B )需要5. The inference of conventional implicature depends on _.常规含意的推导 A. the context of communication B. the hearers knowledge of the language C. the shared knowledge of the speaker and the hearer D. the hearers knowledge of the CP. (正确答案: B )6. The relation between the words “animal” and “monkey” is that of _.A. synonymy B. polysemy C. antonymy D. hyponymy (正确答案: D )上下义关系7. According to Searles classification of speech acts, the act of “advising” belongs to the category of _.A. directives B. commissives C. expressives D. assertives (正确答案: A )指令8. Which of the following utterances can serve as an example of the type of speech acts called “declarations”?A. Im awfully sorry for stepping on your toes. B. You are fired! C. Will you sit down please? D. The earth is a globe. (正确答案: B ) 9. The exchange below can be used as an illustration of _. A: Your new skirt is really nice!B: No, no. It is very cheap.A. a grammatical mistake B. flouting of the maxim of manne C. a pragmatic failure D. the violation of CP (正确答案: C )语用失误10. In the exchange below the second speaker has flouting the maxim 违反准则 of _. A: The movie we saw last night was fantastic, dont you think?B: The sound effect was good.A. quality B. relation C. quantity D. manner (正确答案: C )11.The relation between “Christopher realized that Winnie was gone” and “Winnie was gone” is _.A. synonymy B. entailment C. presupposition D. inconsistency (正确答案: C )预设12. “careful” in the phrase “a very careful girl” is _.A. specifier B. modifier C. head D. complement (正确答案: B )修饰语13. The sentence “ C ?” _ “ C .”A. entails B. contradicts C. presupposes D. inlcudes (正确答案: C )预设14. Predication analysis 预测分析 is a way proposed by the structural semanticists结构语义学 to analyze the meaning of a _.A. morpheme B. word C. phrase D. sentence (正确答案: D )15. The function of the utterance “ Nice weather, isnt it?” is _.A. referential B. directive C. phatic D. descriptive (正确答案: C )16. Transformational rules do not change the basic _ of sentences.A. form B. structure C. meaning D. sound pattern (正确答案: C )17. “Lift” and “elevator” are used respectively in British English and American English, but they refer to the same thing. The words are _ synonyms.A. collocational B. dialectal C. complete D. stylistic (正确答案: B )方言18. According to Searle, those illocutionary acts 言外行为 whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called_.A. commissives B. directives C. expressives D. declaratives (正确答案: A )承诺19. In the phrase structure rule “S NP VP”, the arrow can be read as _.A. is equal to B. consists of C. has D. generates (正确答案: B ) 20. Transformational rules do not change the basic _ of sentences.A. form B. structure C. meaning D. sound pattern (正确答案: C )1. Utterance meaning 话语意义 is richer than sentence meaning; it is identical with the purpose for which the speaker utters the sentence. 2. A locutionary is the act of saying something in the full sense of “say”. 3. Specific acts that fall into each type share the same illocutionary 言外 point, but differ in their strength. 4.Every act of ostensive communication 明示交际 communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance. 最佳 关联性5. Reference 参照 is what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience. 6.An argument is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the nominal elements in a sentence. 三、True or False (每小题 2.0 分,总共 20.0 分)1.The same semantic feature occurs in one part of speech only. For example, female occurs only in nouns such as mother, woman girl tigress and so on but not in other parts of speech.(正确答案:错误) 2.According to Searles classification of illocutionary acts, inviting, ordering, advising, promising and apologiz
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