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1. Whats bothering you?2. whats bugging you? 什么事使你忧戚不宁?3. whats on your mind? 到底有什么心事?4. whats the matter? You seem trouble.怎么啦?好像你被什么困扰。5. whats eating him? 什么事使他坐立不安?6. Nothings the matter? 没什么要紧的事吧?7. whats the matter? 怎么啦?9. Problem got you down? 难题使你沮丧吗?(got you down = depressing you.) (Dont let it bring you down. 不要为它丧失斗志。)10. Problems at work? 工作上出麻烦了?(problem = distress 苦恼, 不安宁 unease ; Business worries? 为生意而烦恼吗?Business troubles? 生意出了纰漏了?Business difficulties? 事业遇到了难题?)11. why so sad? 为何如此悲哀?(why so gloomy? 何以愁容满面? Why are you so down? 干嘛如此沮丧?down=feeling grief, sorrow)12. why are you so bumped out? 你要死不活地,是怎么搞的?(bummed out = 无精打彩lethargic, 郁郁寡欢 in a stupor; = withdrawal )13. why the long face? 干嘛拉长着脸呢?14. why are you so pouting? 赌什么气呢?(干嘛噘着个嘴? why are you puckering up? )15. How do you feel? 好点了吗?(feel = the status of your illness)16. I waited on her hand and foot. 我无微不至地照顾她。 (waited on =served; waited on her hand and foot 四肢葡伏在地, looking after her painstakingly )17. I only did it for you. 纯粹是为你我才做的.18. Im doing it for your own good. 我这样做,都是为你好。19. If it concerns you, it concerns me. 凡跟你有关的,就与我有关。(concerns me = involves me)20. your business is my business. 你的事就是我的事。21. were on the same team.22. were in the same boat.23. Ive got your welfare in mind. 我一直都把你的利益摆在心上。 (welfare = health, comfort, happiness)24. you are lousy at looking after yourself. 你很不懂照顾自己。(impling: basic necessities; eating properly )25. we were worried sick. 我们担心得快弄出病来了。 (worried sick = felt extremly anxious 极度担忧)26. shes my sole concern. 我唯一关心的就是她。27. how can I just stand by and do nothing. 我怎能坐视不救呢?28. I cant be that indifferent. 我怎能如此漠不关心?29. Im aware of your concern. 我晓得你关怀我。 (a. 多用于不耐烦别人一在叮咛。Cant stand anothers incessant nagging. b. 没说的歇后语是:But, please get off my case 但请你少烦我。30. Thank you for your concern. 31. Thats very thoughtful of you. 你太体贴了。32. Ill be okay. I can take care of myself. 没事,我照顾得了自己。 (经济上我能自给自足。 I can support myself financial. 处理得了自己的事。 I can handle my own affairs. 不用替心。No need to worry about me. )33. Ive seen to all the details. 所有的细节我都注意到。(Ive got all the bases covered. 我已全盘考虑了。)34. He worries himself over nothing. 他杞人忧天。 (over nothing = needlessly despairs 无事烦恼)35. Dont worry. Well pull through it. 不用担心,我们会逃过这场灾难。 (pull through it = survive a disaster, tragedy and difficulty. Whatever will be will be. 是福不是祸,是祸躲不过。 )36. Shes got her head screwed on right. 她精得很。(她的头装在正确的位置上。她不笨。Not dumb. 她能做成熟(周密)的决定。 Shes capable of making mature decisions. 知道如何趋吉避凶。She knows how to avoid trouble.)37. Theyll be okay. They are adults. 他们都是成人,照说不会有事。(theyre no longer children. They know how to care dor themselves.)38. Theyll make do. Theyre smart. 他们很聪明,晓得如何随机应变。39. The nursing staff has been very attentive. 这儿的护理人员都很亲切。(attentive = considerate; thoughtful)40. Shes a very considerate and caring person. 她是一个很懂得体贴和关心的人。41. Carry each others burdens. 你们要彼此担负重轭。(Help each other out in times of need. 要患难互助。Empathize others. 人饥已饥,人溺已溺。)Thoughtfulness1. Go easy on her. 要对她和颜悦色些。(Be gentle with her. 待她温和点儿。Be nice to her. 善待她。)2. Dont be so narrow-minded. 不要太小心眼儿。3. Give him a chance. 再给他一个机会。4. Open your mind. 敞开你的心扉。5. Its very thoughtful of you to bring me back a souvenir. 你带纪念品给我,真是太周到了。6. Put yourself in my shoes. 你替我设身处地想一想。(put yourself in my shoes = Think about it from my standpoint. 站在我的立场上来考虑。Put yourself in my place. 你换成我的立场来设想。)7. Live and let live. (live and let live = tolerate others lifestyles 容忍别人的生活方式。)8. I know how you feel. 我懂的你的心情。 (feel = 心境 state of mind, emotion 感受)9. I know what youve been through. 我知道你经历过什么苦楚。(been through = suffered. 我感同身受。 I can relate. 我同情你的遭遇。I sympathize with you.)10. I got you. 我懂得你的意思了。11. I dig. 我明白。12. It happened to me on a smaller scale. 同样的事也发生在我身上,只是没那么严重。 (小规模 a smaller scale.)13. I know what it feels like to hit bottom. 我可以体会跌如深谷的感觉。 (hit bottom = 沮丧到极点 bottom out; fall to the lowest level, economically, socially or emotionally speaking )14. Thanks for being so understanding. 谢谢你如此体谅人。 (understanding = compassionate; caring)15. we are sympathetic. 我们很同情你的处境。 (深表同情。 )Consolation 1. I want to lend my moral support. 我想去做一下精神支持。2. we all like to know somebody cares for us. 谁都喜欢有人关怀自己。 (cares for us = loves us; needs us. Everybody wants to be loved. 谁都希望被爱。 )3. we all need some someone to wipe away our tears. 我们都需要别人来安抚伤痛。a. we all need somebody to dry our tears. 我们都需要别人来擦干眼泪。b. we all need a shouder to cry on. 我们c. 都需要有倾诉的对象。 (可以依偎着哭泣的肩膀)4. we all need someone to lean on. 我们都需要有人来支撑脆弱的心。(lean on = rely on )5. How reassuring. 我听了以后,安心多了。6. How encouraging. 多么鼓舞人。7. Justice is on your side. 公理会站在你这一边。(法律会维护你。Law will favor you. 你是受害人。Youre the victim. 你没犯错。Youre in the right.)8. Good will triumph over evil. 邪不胜正。 (triumph = conquer; overcome)9. Into each life a little rain must fall. 一生中,难免遭到少许挫折。(a little rain = setback; failures)10. Its just a drop in the bucket. 这是鸡毛蒜皮的事琐事。(a minor issue)11. Dont be so down. 别那样
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